Main Disc. Thread - Rebirth ZP

That’s how I am feeling. I am no more sad for the things I used to be. It’s like my mind is consciously guiding me not to follow that thought pattern but it’s automatic :smiley:. Just trust ur inner voice on rebirth guys :heart:


OK, I made that up.


For me, the question is:

“How many loops of Rebirth ZP do you need, to fully open the doorways for your MP?”

Honestly … sometimes … just ONE is enough.

Sometimes … couple more.


So, if I was to make Unofficial Guidelines for “How long to stack Rebirth?”

I’d say 1 Cycle – 21 Days … is more than enough.

Kind of like … a Mini Stage 1.


If a user has problems that require more than a 21 Day run of Rebirth …

they probably need a deeper Healing tool.



I would tend to agree with simon, I’ve had results manifested on my first loop of rebirth :+1: It’s strong!


Makes sense. Thank you.

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Rebirth ZP both times I have tried it floored me good. Straight into a nap for a couple of hours. Hard to draw conclusions that early, because my energy in general atm are bonkers because I am so sensitive to what energy is out in the world atm. What is consistent though is vivid dreams every time.


Are you what would be considered an “empath”? I’ve never been sensitive to energy in any kind or way, so this subject is interesting to me.

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It was definately something I used to suppress when I was younger, but as I’ve developed spiritually and dealt with a lot of shadow sides, I’m like very sensitive, like an elephant before an earthquake :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

What I will say is that I have always through the years identified being a feeling person, and that is true even in the art of visualization for me.

I also thought of something recently, which is that it feels like we shed a lot of karma when we sleep, mostly in dreams. And since I started subliminals, it has been non-stop dreams ever since. So in period of earth raising it’s vibration, that’s probably why I sleep so much or I’d be overwhelmed. Just a hypothesis I have.

A higher vibration trumps a lower vibration. It only takes one candle in a dark room to illuminate it, or darkness hurled at light creates no effect.


From Dr. Joe’s meditation, I have learned and experienced one thing. I used to fall asleep during his meditation, according to him sleeping while meditation or after meditation (due to meditation) clears subconscious blockages. So yes dreams might clear past karma


What does E&W mean?
Like running it for 21 days is legitimately giving full end results?


E = emperor
W= wanted

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No, no, no. He meant to say A&W; the burger place

Did someone say Rebirth is about Imposter Syndrome? Wouldn’t that be Limit Destroyer?

From username SaintSovereign in this thread:


This would explain my experience with ZP. I just mentioned about how the recon is much more tolerable than on Qv2 and before, IMHO.

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Funny thing,
I was after my 5 days washout of emperorzp and paragonzp (paragon I ran from the start)
Ran rebirthzp and SexManiaczp. went for a walk, wasn’t in a good mood so much… Mild recon, more like I feel like a dark cloud than I’m in hell and the devil has put me there and the moment I’m in right now is eternity (recon was harder in the when we had subs my boy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:)
Edit: I was obviously overplaying my custom qv2 terminus audio. Took me while to catch the gist… I’m serious, listen to the instruction nobody needs this kind of mess.

Then after an hour i walked back home and I was creating all sort of standup comedy in my head. Bear with me I usually write dark poetry… Mucho sad and stuff.

I’m not sure it’s really funny… but it entertained me inside… Was still in some kind of notion of a dark cloud… Thinner though. (Seems like rebirth has a fat thought weight loss innit.)

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Please share some more of this phenomena i always get very sleepy when i meditate where some times when my timer goes off it wakes me up because i nodded off mid session

I can give you a little depth insight.
Our subconscious carries our past life experiences with us. Bitter emotions, failure, karmic depth etc. everything is stored in our subconscious mind. So when you are in meditation we begin to release alpha and theta waves which slowly starts healing this problems stored with in the subconscious and release of this stored energy makes the user Fall asleep during meditation. The sleep phenomena is purely due to emission of theta waves. After theta,delta waves itself starts healing your brain. And healing takes up a lot of work. While meditation we emit healthy alpha as well as theta a waves and when the emission of theta waves increase we simply fall asleep. We fall asleep due to theta waves but that theta waves continue to heal our subconscious. So sleeping during meditation is a good thing ND you will notice that falling asleep after meditation is more relaxing and refreshing one than normally falling asleep its because of release of blockages


Stack Started: Rebirth + Stark

Did anyone feel like they couldn’t breath for a solid while, then everything just washed away?

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Nah, I felt good on rebirth. I didn’t had any recon, but it boosted the shit out of my other subs!!

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You aint wrong about the boosting, It does amazing

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