Mogul ZP or AscMogul ZP???
“Hell yes” - Neo
Mogul ZP or AscMogul ZP???
“Hell yes” - Neo
All the negativity pouring out of me , and all self sabotage while using rich . is a result of years of brainwashing about “money is evil” . Coming from a Christian background I am witnessing to this sabotage myself . But I am deciding to change it for once .
But playing subs related to physical change like paragon ,elixer and I have results because subconsciously (being healthy is goodness not evil)
True social or daredevil (I have results because subconsouisly I equaute being high status with goodness and greatness)
Playing titles like QL with almost no recon at all ( and I have great great results because I equaute being intelligent with goodness)
If I want to enhance rich zp results and I have Mogul what might be the best listening pattern .
That was my stack during the final phase of private testing, and from my experience, it really did work (although not in a traditional way with just money).
What I mean is that when I ran both of them, places that I applied for and never heard from, started calling me, in fact i ended up with 3 interviews just because of those 2, and kept manifesting gifts (3 designer perfumes, 1k in my currency, random buyer appeared to by my old Chevy truck, etc.).
So in my opinion, doing it with Chosen will manifest wealth in terms of gifts and stuff, and could help you manifest job opportunities that fit you (I applied for HR and got recommended to the marketing/PR department).
Ah I understand, that’s good to know. I believe in the law of attraction, so that’s right up my alley.
Negative thinking has gotten me nowhere. Thanks friend
If you want my advice, whatever it is you want to get or buy, always think this way;
“I want it, I got it”
(Totally not inspired by Ariana Grande )
Oh she inspires ME
That’s exactly my resistance. The notion of money I have no problems. But I have such negative association with wealthy people that I don’t see how I could be one of them. When I think of them, the words “shallow, two faced, out of touch, throat cutters, back stabbers, hypocrites, narcissists” are what popped up. I have this belief that wealth can only be generated and kept by people with psychopathic traits.
My thing isn’t an envy thing. My hangup is more I don’t have a mental equivalent (Ernest Holmes term) of myself as being able to be wealthy. That’s where my work is needed
There’s a lady named Danette May, I heard her on the MindValley Podcast. She’s had multiple multli-million dollar companies. She wrote a book called Embrace Abundance and it gives you tools to help your money mindset. She gives 10% of her earnings to good causes, charities, etc. She’s given millions and millions of dollars by now.
She’s currently doing a fundraiser for Native Americans in California for winter coats and/or toys right now for Christmas. She doesn’t even like to talk about money she likes to talk about the more esoteric the spiritual but people want the money secrets so that could be a good resource.
We aren’t going to help the world by all becoming poor. Those wealthy that people complain about that’s actually their programming into the zeitgeist so that they keep their control and power. If we overcome ourselves and become wealthy too we really do change the world and we can be decision makers. That’s the future, we are it. It’s up to us.
And your subconscious is never going to allow you to become what you hate, since it equates that with death. Hence why it’s so hard for many to obtain wealth. You have to disconnect from these negative beliefs at all costs, even if that means cutting out social media and television, or using them as tools of growth.
For example, I only follow positive, wealthy, successful people on social media. I only watch shows like Shark Tank or The Profit, etc. Things that will help my mindset rather than hurt it.
Money itself is not evil. What we do with it can become evil.
Limitless, but I’m going to have to stop for now. The recon has cost me days of productivity. It’s quite annoying. I can run any other title and be fine. Acting dealing with cognitive enhancement? Recon hell. I do get results, but the cost is a bit too great. This is why I say I envy you all, I have to stop so I can finish working on ZP.
Mogul ZP would be amazing. Better yet Emperor ZP
What is best eay to shatter the glass ceiling of wealth? Seriously ? You didn’t always have the wealth pathways you do now. What changed your mindset and beliefs? Can we replicate that or others with the subs? If so which ones?
I don’t care what anyone says. There is nothing dignified about being broke .
In addition to subs, just starting random online businesses and surrounding myself with successful businesspeople. One of my favorite stories – which I told before – occurred at the beginning of my journey, where a mentor would call me every morning and have me say “My job is to separate people from their hard earned money.”
Of course, this freaked me out and sounded really negative. I hated doing it, and I almost decided against the entrepreneurial route. Finally, about two weeks later, he had me say the line, and then asked how I felt about it.
I went off on a rant about how evil this all felt, how much I hated marketing, etc. Then, he simply said: “Your job is to separate people from their hard earned money… because you’re selling them something they want.”
It was like a light switch flipped in my head. The idea that commerce and marketing, etc. is “evil” is absurd – he was right, if someone is buying a product from me, it’s because they WANT the product. Marketing isn’t “brainwashing,” it’s connecting people to the things they want to purchase / experience.
This is why you see me get so annoyed at people complaining about “hype” and marketing here. It’s a manifestation of a scarcity mindset that those individuals want to spread to you. People become so obsessed with things that don’t matter, like “seeing through a company’s marketing,” but how does that actually help YOU become a better entrepreneur?
When does blind skepticism become an excuse to fail at all of your goals and dreams? Once I began to ask myself these questions, my life began to change.
For example, and I’mma call you out @James, because you’re still one of our earliest customers (#10, I believe). You were also the first to unsubscribe from our newsletter back then, rofl (don’t think I didn’t notice). I’m going to tell a secret strategy I employ that I probably shouldn’t. A lot of people ask how I learned how to market well, or present a product so effectively. Outside of years of experience, here’s a secret: I have an email address where I sign up for the mailing list for any company I’m remotely interested in. Then, each week, I spend a few hours just reading the emails and noting what I like and what I don’t like, putting the former in a slush file for me to remember later, where I’ll incorporate those lessons into my active campaigns.
You see, to succeed at what you want to do, you have to do the opposite of what you are currently. If you hate reading promotional material, you will never become a proficient marketer. You have been conditioned to hate marketing in all forms – which stems from the core emanation of “money and commerce is evil,” and as a result, you feel lost when thinking about starting a business.
If you want to make money, break wealth ceilings, etc., you have to study the science of making money. The first step is admitting that your life has been co-opted by parties who actually don’t want you to make money (because our society, as it is, does not function without the haves and have nots), then watch what they do, not what they say.
EOG would be even more amazing with stage 3 manifestation and RICH.
Since I’m getting great results from RZP all by itself already, I wanted to avoid using EOG but guess I have no choice if I wanna see its full potential.
Looks like that effect happens with many ZP programs so far
If you’re already getting good results, don’t change anything right now. This was really for those who are having issues with RICH, and to address what the individual was saying earlier.
I would say that am getting fair results but most of it is from limitless.