Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

@Sub.Zero what is the B version ?.

This is the B version


Very interesting. I seem to be reacting much more and much better to this B core.

Why might that be?

Does this mean that I’m less suited to the alpha scripting?

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Or you’re at a point where it isn’t necessary


from my understanding there is still alpha scripting in there , the new core is added on top of what already exists

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I call thief, I called it BLU-E :sob:

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Hey! Which Ultima has the new core?

Btw. Your insights to my situations are always phenomenal.
And please don’t take my no replies otherwise. Your insights are always so deep, I do not know how to reply to match your level. But despite my embarrassment, it always helps me tremendously. Thank you!


As far as I know Paragon, Love Bomb , and R.I.C.H


Thanks for the clarification!!

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Want to see the crazy ultimas that will come from having this as a core

That’s the new core for Ultimas which was applied to Love Bomb and now to R.I.C.H. They’re planning on releasing the B version for every Ultima:

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Interesting events has just occured while listening to RICH for 2 days. customers with pending payables start paying up hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha




Make another one for F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real!

A Fear Module, if we can get rid of Fear and instill within us Hope and Faith we are set to manifest any of our deepest Burning Desires. In fact, Hope is an intermediary leading to Faith and Faith transcends Belief, moving into the knowingness of the way life works.


This module is named Hope, but not sure if it’s the same idea you have in mind.

I know about this module and I love the concept, however, I’d like to have all those components into one Module constructed as results enhancers rather than an Aura module. Chosen of Venus, Virtue Series: Hope, etc all have Aura embedded in the scripting and it concerns me because inevitably you’re going to have a bunch of Aura’s in your Customs which might cause trouble.

Nonetheless, I thank you for referencing this module @Malkuth.

It’s called Dragon Reborn. :smile:


Unlocking the small business game by W. James Dennis


Currently running a loop of R.I.C.H, instantly noticed increased clarity and a flow state while searching for a special edition of a specific personal development book I’ve been searching for. Also observed the following thoughts constantly surfacing in my Mind – “if I want something, there’s nothing standing in my way to get it, and I do not care what it takes.”

Interesting, usually the scripting really starts to kick-in once the Ultima loop has finished. In this case, I instantaneously felt a shift in my psyche – which also happens when I’ve been away from subliminal’s for a while, and considering the fact that it is a Friday, I’m sure my subconscious is piled up with scripting from during the week.

I’m sure many additional observations will arise once the loop has ended, I’m currently noticing an increase drive and motivation to go ahead and get money, in whatever way necessary, without excuses nor limitations.

Lol, interesting synchronicity when I went to check how long I’ve listened to it and saw 44:44! Guess, I’m going to be building some financial stability and foundations with this Ultima.

“Most people change their standard of living to the income they’re earning, instead of changing the income they’re earning to their desired standard of living!” – I guess it is time for some dramatic change regarding my financial affairs.

I’ll see ya’ll in money land… catching, catching, catching. :money_mouth_face:

Adding to that, I’d like mention that this Core is just much lighter, softer and crispier – suddenly Ultima is not as taxing anymore! Looking forward to experimenting with Executive Limitless on the new Ultima Core to see if the effects remain similar.


So I started using R.I.C.H on Wednesday evening whilst I slept… I had major recon as I feel like I definitely struggled with money and have always worried about making it (yesterday I was in the biggest mood ever…) but…

Two things happened.

A company member who owed me money paid their fee the following morning - they told me they’d be able to pay me on the 21st anyway but I hadn’t prompted them since we last spoke about it.

I met up with my boyfriend’s sister today and she wants me to make a tie-dye business with her and has everything I need in regards rlresources to set it up. I loved making tie-dye stuff for my company so I’m excited about this.