Main Disc. Thread - R.I.C.H. (Ridiculous Income, Can't Hate) Ultima

That’s the new core for Ultimas which was applied to Love Bomb and now to R.I.C.H. They’re planning on releasing the B version for every Ultima:

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Interesting events has just occured while listening to RICH for 2 days. customers with pending payables start paying up hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha




Make another one for F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real!

A Fear Module, if we can get rid of Fear and instill within us Hope and Faith we are set to manifest any of our deepest Burning Desires. In fact, Hope is an intermediary leading to Faith and Faith transcends Belief, moving into the knowingness of the way life works.


This module is named Hope, but not sure if it’s the same idea you have in mind.

I know about this module and I love the concept, however, I’d like to have all those components into one Module constructed as results enhancers rather than an Aura module. Chosen of Venus, Virtue Series: Hope, etc all have Aura embedded in the scripting and it concerns me because inevitably you’re going to have a bunch of Aura’s in your Customs which might cause trouble.

Nonetheless, I thank you for referencing this module @Malkuth.

It’s called Dragon Reborn. :smile:


Unlocking the small business game by W. James Dennis


Currently running a loop of R.I.C.H, instantly noticed increased clarity and a flow state while searching for a special edition of a specific personal development book I’ve been searching for. Also observed the following thoughts constantly surfacing in my Mind – “if I want something, there’s nothing standing in my way to get it, and I do not care what it takes.”

Interesting, usually the scripting really starts to kick-in once the Ultima loop has finished. In this case, I instantaneously felt a shift in my psyche – which also happens when I’ve been away from subliminal’s for a while, and considering the fact that it is a Friday, I’m sure my subconscious is piled up with scripting from during the week.

I’m sure many additional observations will arise once the loop has ended, I’m currently noticing an increase drive and motivation to go ahead and get money, in whatever way necessary, without excuses nor limitations.

Lol, interesting synchronicity when I went to check how long I’ve listened to it and saw 44:44! Guess, I’m going to be building some financial stability and foundations with this Ultima.

“Most people change their standard of living to the income they’re earning, instead of changing the income they’re earning to their desired standard of living!” – I guess it is time for some dramatic change regarding my financial affairs.

I’ll see ya’ll in money land… catching, catching, catching. :money_mouth_face:

Adding to that, I’d like mention that this Core is just much lighter, softer and crispier – suddenly Ultima is not as taxing anymore! Looking forward to experimenting with Executive Limitless on the new Ultima Core to see if the effects remain similar.


So I started using R.I.C.H on Wednesday evening whilst I slept… I had major recon as I feel like I definitely struggled with money and have always worried about making it (yesterday I was in the biggest mood ever…) but…

Two things happened.

A company member who owed me money paid their fee the following morning - they told me they’d be able to pay me on the 21st anyway but I hadn’t prompted them since we last spoke about it.

I met up with my boyfriend’s sister today and she wants me to make a tie-dye business with her and has everything I need in regards rlresources to set it up. I loved making tie-dye stuff for my company so I’m excited about this.


You’re officially a hippie now


Congrats bro

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I’m always secretly hippie.

Thanks dude! Gotta take action to make it happen though and that’s where I struggle the most…

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I think I had a nonverbal equivalent of that. It was just this sensation in my mind body, but it feels resonant with what you described.

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I should be able to purchase R.I.C.H sometime this afternoon and I plan on running it as I would a major title. So two or three loops later along with Executive, Mogul, EOG Stage One, and DR Stage One. I haven’t run anything as of yet today


Really feel like getting R.I.C.H if it can get me some fast money.

But am afraid of stonewalling on it.

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I’m a bit concerned about that myself. Only one way to find out.

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Thanks dude! Gotta take action to make it happen though and that’s where I struggle the most…

RICH works better for me than the executive to do things in general, business related or not, which I find as a pleasant surprise.


Additional happening since last update:

  • RICH works better for me than the executive to do things in general, business related or not, which I find as a pleasant surprise.

  • Took a day off yesterday from doing anything business related yesterday since I did so much on the first day of RICH that I was close to burn out, still, things I would usually do to relax were hardly as gratifying as they usually are. Made me anxious to get back to the grind

  • Treating my job and all business related dealings in a state of calm flow. Some of the “emotional roller coaster” feelings I had from the other day have subsided in regards to money and business.

  • Yesterday, although I didn’t run RICH, I came up with a name, and quite honestly an entire brand to establish my newfound business idea around, already have created an email where potential viewers and subscribers and can come and ask me related questions once I start a youtube channel based around the content I plan to start putting out.

  • Ordered a 3rd custom ultima which I may just run solo for now. My priorities have changed. I had actually forgotten how shrewd and hardened I can be when I’m aimed towards a business related purpose. I’m pretty much “alpha” in every aspect by default. for this reason my custom terminus and and other ultimas will be taking a back seat for now if everything works out with this new order. Mainly until I’ve established my desired financial status. I have enough healing and sense of personal power for the time being. My new ultima (Opulence unbound) Contains the following:

R.I.C.H. Ultima Core

Auric Overdriver


Instant Business Tactician

Secrets of Wealth - Akasha

Financial Success Reality Shifter


Wasn’t even thinking about putting auric overdrive into a RICH custom ultima, if you run this would like to hear how it works out