Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 2)

I personally think you do contribute. You provide a contrast of thought.

Long term can only be quantified based on the accumulation of short term affects. Journaling even seemingly smaller results can help you to, over time, create a picture of the long term results you are receiving.

ZP is pretty cool. That being said, with all of the tech preceding it, users have noted certain factors that made a difference in their use of titles. Some being:

  1. The Time of Day of Play
  2. The Rhythm of Play
  3. The Order of Play
  4. The Cessation of Play

All of that to say…

I agree.


Everything that is written on the product’s sales copy.





Yes of course
But your answer is in a different frame than your first answer about the short term effects

Thank you


Hey guys. I’ve seen discussion of optimizing subliminal listening order. Well, I’d like your advice for ME and AsCh (Ascension Chamber).

On Wednesday after a three-day washout I’m starting a new stack that features EF ST2. It looks like I will listen to the following on that day:

  • EF ST2
  • ME
  • AsCh

My question is, what’s the most optimal listening order here? My guess is EF ST2, ME then AsCh to kickstart EF ST2 then ramp up manifestation like crazy.

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AsC should only be once a week, at the end of your stack or alone.

As for the other 2, if you would like to take my word on it, then play ME first and then EF st2.

Remember, Arnold used to visualize his goals before working on them :wink:

I last ran AsCh Last week on Monday. It just so happens that I can run it again on W.

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When you guys visualize, do you picture yourself in first person doing the task/activity that results in the goal?

Yes. Through my own eyes. But following Neville’s advice, I don’t imagine doing things that lead to the goal.

I imagine something that happens AFTER the gosh has been achieved. Something that couldn’t have occurred unless the goal were a done deal already.


My boy living in the end and beyond.


Actually, living FROM the end. :slight_smile:


Ah so I’m kind of on the right track

So just keep picturing doing different things POST goal achievement then?

In the Neville way, yeah. Like if you want a Tesla, don’t imagine getting the keys (do they have regular keys? haha) the first time. Imagine plugging it in to charge while you go into the store.

Imagine that to the point it has the same sensory qualities of your real actual memories.
Think of what you had for lunch yesterday, and at another point, imagine instead that you had something similar but different.

If you examine the sensory qualities of both, you’ll find at least one difference between real memories and imagined stuff. The key is to imagine what you want, and give it the same sensory qualities that your real memories have.

Neville called it giving the scene “the tones of reality”…SOUNDS like he was thinking auditory at that point haha.


It’s great to be with so many Neville-minded folks here! I’ve read his books and listened to his lectures so many times!


I wish I could get into his stuff but I can’t. Maybe this is a talk for the Emperors Lounge though.


I am just asking, when building the custom mp3’s, with 20 modules but all inter-related to ones specific goal, this is OK, right? I took from this statement, that you are talking about “unrelated” titles only. Such as; for example, one mp3 to quit smoking and another mp3 to quit snoring etc. Not relating to any specific goal, do I understand this correctly? Thanks, for your time for verifying If I read this the wrong way.

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Yes this is important with ZP to stay focused.

Wanting to build more leadership and picking modules such as:

Alpha of Alpha
Leader of Men

That would be an example of focus on one topic, in this example: leadership.


Saint said awhile back that you and a couple of others tend to build very focused, tightly constructed and light-on-modules customs.

If you wouldn’t mind, can you share a few tips for those of us that like to throw their entire vision into 20 modules? I wouldn’t call myself a min-maxer, but I certainly gave in to the ‘ya know… let’s add these 1-8 modules for funsies’ temptation on my first couple of customs :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance if you do!


Think about what you want for the next 90 days. Write it out.

Find the themes. Some themes might be: improved relationships, better leadership, more popularity, etc.
As you can see, themes are a bit vague. So how do you know when your theme is manifesting? Perhaps when you are more popular, your friends contact you more often. Improved relationships might mean less conflict. Better leadership might be evident with people seeking you out for advice. So make sure you ask your self: how will I know if my theme of X is manifesting, and write down what you would notice.

Next pick one theme.

Now pick out modules to support that theme.

Resist temptations to deviate from your selected theme. (The sexiness ones are often a temptation to add as you’re building a non-sexiness subliminal.)

Resist the temptation to feel a need to “fix” everything about your life at once.

Does that answer your question?


Again, thank you @RVconsultant, that’s a great tip, which makes me realise that my custom aims at three smaller things.

  • Be bolder
  • Be more discipline with work
  • Sex&Seduction = Have more sex