Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I went there many times after that and it always took me around the same amount of normal time. There was magic once I got to my destination through Rich, but no apparent magic traveling there. :hourglass_flowing_sand: :zap: I had different issues come up in my life that needed different attention, so I began using a different custom.

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@James can you see just how powerful SC products are ?. IRW used the legendary Kronos key like it was voodoo magic.

Now go and forth into the world and do some magic. I am not asking you make a jumbo jet vanish in thin air or cause the great wall of china to dissappear to impress a super model. Like that famous magician whose name escapes me.

Do magic and make your dreams come true you and white tiger have great powers. !!!


Y’all, that last part is what’s happening when you see a lot of people claiming they “didn’t get any results / upgrades / the subs not working for me.”

@Theacrobat was insightful enough to catch it.


Ok! There’s no denying it now. I am in the service sector and Christmas can lead to gifts / tips… running Rich zp & now with emperor zp I have never done so well in 15 years.


I’ve been running three Qv2 customs since summer but I really didn’t notice too much till zp. I think I’m a hard gainer and my customs were probably too dense for me. The zp either truly boosted them in bloom (I stopped running them for a month) or I just resonate better with zp.


Keeps happening today! Lololol $$$

I can’t even tell my close friends and family because they don’t believe in subs. I couldn’t have gotten this lucky with the least likely customers over & over…


Rebirth ZP on the way.


Will RebirthZP work on issues faster than RegenZP, as I think was the case with Q?


Yeah, I’m very curious about how rebirth Z will work alongside other ZP titles!

Rebirth has a different goal than Regeneration, always has. Rebirth’s scripting helps you reinvent yourself and be comfortable with that new identity you’ve developed. It helps eliminate imposter syndrome, thoughts that you can’t be aligned with your stack, etc. Regeneration is general, overall healing.

Rebirth is more of an enhancer (it originally started out as a “stacking module”) of a stack if you find yourself doubting that you could ever embody your goals. Regeneration can achieve that too, but it takes a much different route.


Cool. I’ll run both, then.

Very nice!

@Invictus To enchance my results with Wanted and PS I should have stacked this with rebirth :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I think I’ll run it if it’s avaliable tomorrow!


I’d like to get a ZP called just “HealingZP”
Khan4, EoG4, DR4, Rebirth, Regen
15 mins of that should do something lol

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what about mind’s eye :thinking:

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Sure, why not? :wink:

@Fire has actually completed the script. I’m just looking over it now to see if there’s anything I wanted to add.


Also, believe it or not, I didn’t really deeply read the Limitless ZP script because I intended on running it myself and I wanted to experience it as you all did. As I read it just now, I noticed that Fire included enhanced reflexes. So, all of you who experienced that and asked about it were right on the money. :wink:

Edit: @Invictus was it you who asked? If so, figures, Mr. Flow Factor



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hmmm I have a question and I would like to know what you think.
so basically, if after my interview I was told that it would take about 2 weeks to get a reply, and I use ME ZP while visualizing myself getting the call even sooner, then would it help manifest and speed it up?

also, about the reflexes thing in LZP, I think it was either @Phoermes or @friday

does this sound good?

Day one: Regen

Day two: rest

Dat three: Rebirth and Emperor

The idea is that Regen clears all general trauma/negativity etc., while Rebirth ‘clears the way’ for the new person I wan to become (Emperor)?

Didn’t plan to run any healing subs, but Covid resteictions hvad been extended here.

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It looks like you’re right. Username Phoermes, from the Limitless ZP thread.