Main Disc. Thread - Limitless ZP

Haha seriously man! I want all the stories you wrote in book form titled:

“The Chronicles of The Forum According to BlackAdder”


Bro. The answer I gave you in the other thread is correct. Anyways, I will try one more time.

It isn’t about different products but more about the goals of the product.

If you look at the goals of PS, PSIT and PSITU, they all have the same end goals. They only have differences in some scripting with regard to being “with healing”, “without healing” and “without healing + Ultima format” for PS, PSIT and PSITU respectively. Which is why the ZP update of all three of them is one product: PS ZP

Now maybe after the Public Preview Test, we could have 3 different versions of PS ZP if SaintSovereign and Fire decide that can done based on public test results and incorporsting healing and boosting ideas to PS and PSITU. But that’s something I don’t know about.

Beyond Limitless and Limitless though have different goals even though they are based on cognitive enhancement. Which is why rewriting them will be entirely 2 different ZP products.

Either way, all products will eventually have their Zero Point versions. Am guessing you have Beyond Limitless Ultima and can’t wait to try the ZP version of it. You could run BLU or wait a bit for BL ZP.


Beyond Limitless, Quantum Limitless and Limitless are three drastically different programs with differing goals. Beyond Limitless is a short term booster for use right before a test or something. The script is almost 90% different than Limitless.

This isn’t the case with the various versions of Primal Seduction. Iron Throne is literally the same script with all the healing and support taken out.


I thought that „short term booster“ thing is no longer relevant since you can put Ultimas in a Qv2 custom. So only from a objectives perspective, what is the difference between the the two?


Short term boosters are temporary so they work instantly but the effects may subside in 6 to 7 hours. However if you want long term growth use limitless ZP.

Anyone noticing better, faster and more accurate reflexes?


great question.

i was confused as well since my understanding was that ultimas where being eliminated with the release of ZP.

If beyond limitless ultima was for a short term boost and short term boosters are being phased out with ZP then my assumption was that limitless ZP would be the natural replacement for beyond limitless ultima.


Ultimas will be gone but the titles won’t be.

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I was just explaining why Limitless ZP didn’t come with BLU. Not saying that boosters are a thing now.


@Phoermes can you please elaborate ?

Are these physical.actions or mental actions ?

I was wondering the same thing. How’s Limitless ZP gonna be different from Beyond Limitless ZP?

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Looking forward to the answer to this too.

King hows limitless going for you ?

Still running WANTED ZP… . Limitless ZP is still queuing up. WANTED ZP has to hurry up before QL ZP cuts the line and throws him out of the queue.


@Phoermes has gotten his “I Know Kung Fu” moment.


yes still very confused about this.

beyond limitless ultima was a short term booster and my understanding is short term products are being phased out.

I thought beyond limitless ultima was basically a temporary version of the original limitless but seems i was mistaken.

what exactly will be the difference between Limitless ZP and Beyond Limitless ZP?

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Physical; as in objects would fall and my hand immediately grabs them on its own and accurately. Even when playing basketball or throwing things into the trash, the movement is automatic. Happened several times already. The latest one was yesterday while playing with the dumbells, when one of my ear buds fell and my hand immediately moved and grabbed it with ease and accuracy


Is Limitless only about studying or overall intelligence? Can it help with knowing psychology, body languages, will it help with Cause-And-Effect perception and etc.?

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Overall. Your upgraded brain and mind are always with you.

I’m getting results in every area, including things that wouldn’t come across your mind such as Cooking. In fact, last week I worked on my car after not finding an opening at any mechanic. Fixed all the lights, wheels and my AC, and passed the inspection. I know its not a big deal for many but I usually don’t mess around so that I don’t screw it up more but not this time.


Was imagining this