Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

How do you scientifically / spiritually / in whatever way explain that precognition can even be possible?

I am in a sort of crisis, as I have experienced something I would describe as “precognition” multiple times myself but have no way to explain it.

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YOOOOOOO this happened with my dream :exploding_head:
I posted about it in the EmpZP thread, but basically, he was serving me some food in the dream, and then boom he called me to wake me up for my interview, but a bit earlier than usual so i could have time to have breakfast.


Woah, I should try and remember my dreams!


Lol happens all the time even before these subs. Sometimes I think me and my mom have a psychic link.


There’s a tik tok person I follow who talks about all these kinds of stories. Like someone called their friend because they were a half hour away on the interstate. So they get there and the person answers the door and is completely blown away. Because they called them like a few minutes earlier.


Who is this person?

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I will send you a message when it pops up again. I follow so many people on tik tok it would take forever to find who it is.

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Thank you for sharing. I’ve been toying with idea of using Khronos Key in a custom at some point.

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Hm interesting, just recently stumbled over a couple of clips with her.

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Anyone been running AA and SB yet?

If so anything interesting to report?

I’m spacing. What are those?

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username @Palpatine: Maybe As Above and So Below.

username @Nemesis: This post mentions them being worked on. I don’t think the ZP versions have been released.


THAT makes sense. One of the few I never bought. Didn’t even run them when I was testing out the original Lifecharger app. Was into Libertine too much. Running that is what convinced me to buy Libertine proper.

How is that possible ? a journey that takes 45 mins took 15 mins :frowning:


Super excited for AM and Stark ZP, can’t wait for news on that front.

ZP’s making me want to buy almost every sub in the store ffs.

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Obviously, not the Tiktoker.
Just stories of SpaceTime Fabric not being as consistent.



I even looked at the time in my car before I took off driving, something I don’t usually do. I couldn’t believe it when I got to my destination, but remembering that I saw the time on the clock before I left helped me to feel grounded about something so strange. That road has many sharp twists and turns and there were also always troopers on that road, so I was always careful about my speed. I wish I could say that there was something else that happened that day that would help account for what happened, but it seemed like any other regular day.


Now that I think about this some more. The unusual event happened when I drove back home. There was no traffic coming back. Earlier in the day however, when I left the house to drive to that place. On my way there, I hit traffic that delayed my trip for about half an hour. I got there and did what I needed to get done. When I left to go back home, I looked at the time in the car, this was important to me because of the delay earlier that day.

Here is a list of the programs I have in that custom in case anyone is interested.

Fortune’s Favorite
Immortal’s Blade
Sacred Words
Virtue Series: Temperance
Wealth Limit Destroyer
Intuition Enhancer
Chosen of Venus
Glory Seeker
Khronos Key
Pride Unbroken
Unrelenting Wealth motivation and Energy
Secret Source
Instant Tactician

I was running HoM Q back then along with this custom.


Saint hinted at rebirth being the next one for assimilation into zp.

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Would be interested in hearing the time taken next time you repeat the trip.