Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)

I’ll do it hahaha, I may not have a lot of sexual confidence now, but speaking to people in a presentation setting is one of my strength! :smiley:


I think you should change the terminology to something like “delayed responders”, at least that way, people wouldn’t consciously shutdown the script :thinking:

Seems like Limitless has helped you spot the patterns of complaints of these so called ‘hardgainers’

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HAHAHAHAHA England is built different :rofl:

i’m just saying, if you really were a “hard gainer” then you wouldn’t even be here in the first place :wink:

I feel like people are overdoing that hard gainer stuff. I said it multiple times on this forum. It took me close to 2 years to see the obvious effects of Emperor. Am I a hard gainer? Nope! I’m just a guy who was the complete opposite of what the sub was trying to achieve. I was the furthest thing (in my opinion) of the goals that sub could create. The sub was working but at very deep levels that I couldn’t consciously be aware of. I could have thrown my hands in the air, call myself a hard gainer and quit.
It really depends on the sub you’re using, the goals that you have and how consistent you are. Ascended Mogul had fast and deep effects on me. Rebirth had very fast and intense effects. Emperor took a long time.
Be kind to yourselves, people! Some subs will work fast, some will work slow. Just follow the instructions and stay consistent.


So you said the slight tinnitus is some kind of recon? Ok, gonna do a small washout then (I was sticking to the plan… But then everyone is different)

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I’m a hard gainer but with ZP I’m keeping an open mind and I love how things are working out well for me… it’s like I’m practicing magick. ZP lives up to its name, and I’ll be posting very soon(likely today) about how it’s performing. A few hints, it’s spiritual at the same time material. What I strongly want, goes with what it’s aligned with. And it’s like I’m not changing anything about myself that’s holding me back but based on my dreams, way too much is happening.

After I wake up, results just start pouring in. Rn, I have way too many messages to respond to.


Late bloomers.


man, the fact that you stuck with it for 2 FRICKIN’ YEARS is already a sign that you have the willpower, dedication, and mindset of an Emperor.

You MADE it work, even if it was the complete opposite of who you were, you commanded it to work, so hats off to you man :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


was going to say that but felt like it would offend some people’s “aLpHa” egos :rofl: :rofl:


Thanks for enlightening the Homer Simpson part of me

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my man, that sounds like me saying:

I’m a hard gainer in the gym
every day I notice my muscles getting bigger and my strength increasing exponentially

even just you saying it is going to impact you consciously, I mean words are like spells too you know, that’s why its called spelling the words when your asked to say each letter separately :wink:

i promise im not high


Delayed responders. Those would be the emergency personnel targeted by secondary bombs on action TV shows. Gee, thanks!

How about “atypical gainers”? That’s nice and neutral isn’t it? And it could just as easily be a faster than average progress. So calling ourselves atypical gainers wouldn’t limit us but instead give us the option of going from hard to easy.


I sometimes get stuff that I can only attribute to a sub I listened to a year back. Maybe I should take more action… :slight_smile:

It’s very very rare but has happened. A bit like what happens after you’ve been to a loud concert without ear plugs, it starts during, you hear it in the silence that comes after but not super disruptive and it’s gone soon after. But like the concert, it won’t go away if you keep pushing through. You really do need the rest.

Like I said, very rare. Nobody go looking for things that don’t exist now, please.

Isn’t that exactly what you would say if you were? :wink:


:joy:I’m well aware of how words affect us which is why I only used it in a way to try and help cause by keeping an open mind… I’m aware of all that happens then soon I’ll no longer be a hard gainer - if that makes sense.

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as long as it’s not going to consciously cause you to shut down or avoid the scripts (which will impact the ability to get that “inspired action” from ZP) then you’re good :muscle:t4: :grin:

23 days sober ma man :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:t4:
probably won’t be on the 24th when it’s my birthday :rofl:

I’m having this slight tinnitus, only when I’m in a closed space that is smallish. So I guess it wise to washout for a bit.

Ok, IMPORTANT to ad… It may have nothing to do with subclub products…I have been using other things so it may very well be from them. (I’m in repentance since 2 weeks and the mess is mine… And no, no one asked me to write this… I just think it’s important because I don’t think subclubs products have those side effects, and yes they’re the best ones, take it from someone who tried a lot of different stuff)

Also I’m understanding the irrational in my fear of washout… You don’t want to do them because you’re kind of scared you will lose the effect of the subs the next days… But if you don’t do the washout you may not lose the aura but you’re becoming so washed out inside, you’re mind trying to fight the messages as they are too forced at you that you kind of freeze, nothing works because of recon. And the fear is a lack of trust in yourself, the subs and the process.
Washout is a work on trust.

Hmm, you just mentioned something I thought of yesterday.


That @DarkPhilosopher I saw in my dream also looked like that guy in Spaceballs.

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Words are the most dangerous thing and the greatest limitation in existence. Imagine if we didn’t have words. Anything could literally be anything, whatever you want or need it to be. But as soon as we give it a word, it cannot be anything else anymore.
– DarkPhilosopher, Musings, Chapter 5

Anyways, moving on…


At least one of those things is true. :slightly_smiling_face: