Main Disc. Thread - Quintessence: Zero Point (Experimental) (Part 1)


Terminal! Lol! Can imagine what the Terminator would say:

download (4)


with physical ZP titles in the play, I wonder how will I have to listen during that time :thinking:
that’s actually one of the reasons I like reading posts about these fasting type of diets, with ZP included, because some of these titles (SZP and WZP in particular) are too energy-hungry, I mean, I’m eating 3k-3.5k calories and the scale is constant, so it’s either I’m breaking the laws of thermodynamics or ZP is still hungry :thinking:

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OMG, I would so love doing a video review of my journal hahaha I have a mic for this!


@GoldenTiger i am thinking of perhaps i interview you and others who have used SC products. How does that sound ?


bujin rudely interrupting us with something completely different. :slight_smile:

My experience is it can lead to excessive yawning but no other outward indications. It could still be that the results are slightly less if the energy isn’t readily available at the speed the brain needs. Or that results get postponed until after food.

You could time your loops, running them shortly before your meal for example. Or right before prayer which comes right before the mail meal if I’m not mistaken.

[Left that typo in, it was funny, right before the mail…]

“Late Night with Lord Blackadder”
“The Subliminal Truth with Blackadder”
Choices, choices, choices…


@DarkPhilosopher your too funny :rofl: lets grab a coffee one day when you are in my neighbourhood.

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Haha mail :rofl:
But that’s what I thought too, and if I do that, then I’m more likely to eat much more for a proper bulk, however, the other day I was fasting (sometimes I fast Mondays and Thursdays) and at night when I was driving (I did my loops around sunset time and was driving at 1am), I noticed that there was a sudden shift in my perception, like it seemed like the roads were changing shapes in a way.

Luckily I was already in the block of my house, so I just pulled over and drank water, but hey, we have like 4 months or so to figure out the timings :thinking:, especially if the new guidelines say two loops a week per sub.

@SaintSovereign when you mentioned the 2 loops per week thing, were you referring to 2 loops per stack (the whole stack twice a week), or just 2 loops of a sub (or 1 per 2 subs) a week? :thinking:

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Always check which kind of mushrooms you put in your food before you eat them.

Good question. I remember the initial Q+ tests were about 1-2 per week as well (somebody just had a light going on with the label “ZP+??”). I think you’d end up with 1-2 loops total on one day, 1-2 loops a few days later, but no more. So you could pick 2 subs total or build a custom.

But I’m just guessing.


Hahaha I’d love to end up with those kind of mushrooms to be honest :rofl::rofl:

2 subs in total :cold_sweat:

See guys what happens when you ask for high powered subs?

For the sake of stacking, I would definitely start a petition to keep the power stabilized at what it is :sweat_smile:


Do you want some :smirk:

We should do a big zoom call with users to meet :grin:


It’s 10 years behind bars here, minimum.
I’ll stick to my spices for when I feel like it :rofl:

But I’m very curious about Sage ZP in this regard, as the Sage Ultima did feel like smoking a joint to me.

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That’s me. I don’t over loop. I stick to guidelines, and I’m a hard gainer.

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I feel like the people who started saying this, after Saint mentioned it, are actually limiting themselves.

It’s similar to what Saint told @GoldenTiger in his journal as well;

You’re kind of conditioning yourself by labeling yours as a hard gainer.

On that note, I respond pretty nicely to ZP, so am I considered an “easy gainer” :thinking: I don’t even know if I would want to be called that because it sounds lame :joy:


On men that’s crazy, here I think they just take my shrooms, and then I talk to the officer about how many sets of bench he does and all good :rofl:

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I was thinking of writing an article about this today.

A lot of the hard gainers are engaging in a bit of intellectual dishonesty in regards to results. They’ll convince themselves that small results “could’ve happened without the sub,” which pretty much amounts to a conscious, willing shutdown of what the sub is trying to help you achieve.

If something happens that hasn’t happened in awhile, and it’s related to the sub’s end goal, it was the sub.

Now watch as people now redefine what “related to the sub’s goal “ means.


Terminus square Qzp… Wouldn’t you start blinking like Mario in super Mario Bros.???

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As for the 5 minute version of ZP, even if this proof of concept worked, I don’t know if we would even release it right now. We can’t even get people to listen to the 15 minute version properly. With a 5 minute version, everyone would be yeeting themselves out of existence from overexposure.

That’s if it worked. But we’re going to find out soon.


The SubClub Annual Virtual Summit doesn’t sound like the craziest idea. Any vict… volunteers for the first Keynote speaker?

Then of course the SubClub Q&A panel when you can ask questions directly and Saint & Fire can’t stealthily avoid answering them until people forget about asking them.

Yikes. I like countries where you can buy the truffles but not the shrooms, or where you can grow shrooms but not buy or sell them. It’s like England, where they have an Olympic firearms team but aren’t allowed to train because they aren’t allowed to use firearms.

You just had to go and make me feel bad, didn’t ya?

Problem is, if I just say “I’m a gainer” I might gain all those kilos you are trying to get.

Saint is talking, I’ll shut up now.

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ZP is already based on Terminus Squared. @Malkuth got it right during testing. :wink:


Haha. More like this:
