Main Disc. Thread - Project Solace Public Test

With exception for technical reasons, i am of the opinion that the regular mask should not be completely replaced.

For me, the new mask sounds soothing, but leaves alot of empty spaces for intrusive feelings of anxiety, which never happened on the regular.

Moreover, right fro the beginning of my subclub experience, I could always handle multiple loops at once. Reconciliation afterwards is a different issue, but I could comfortably listen to multiple loops at once.
But last night, due to the intrusive anxiety that I was feeling while listening, I didn’t even finish one loop of RM enhanced.


Quantum Focus is the third stage of Quantum Limitless. I’m currently working with that stage.


What have you gained cognitively from running Quantum Limitless?

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Hmm. This makes me nervous about testing these subs. Might not do it.

My Executive Solace enabled is 2 hours long…

Which player are you using?I get that for ultimas too if i use vlc.Shows up on foobar2000 ok as 1 hour.

iTunes on my Mac

I’ve all the other ulitmas and subs on iTunes and they are 1 hour long

It is morning, While I was writing my last post, I tried to listen to a loop. Couldn’t listen after 34 mins in. So I have switched to the Ultrasonic RM.

Let’s see if it’s the new format or the title itself

You’re asking us not to improve our product because you personally have anxiety when there’s silence?

You don’t want to test the new, much more versatile tracks because someone else gets anxiety when there’s silence?

I’m not trying to be rude, everyone, but there’s no way we’re going to impede our progress based off the notion of someone having anxiety when there’s silence. Put on some white noise or music in the background. That’s the beauty of Solace — you can do anything you want and the title no longer interferes. Wanna watch TV with the earbuds on? Go ahead. Want to have a conversion? Go for it. We’re open to improving Solace based off customer feedback (and we already have — I’ve started working on the issue @BLACKICE and @emperor_obewan mentioned) but we won’t be abandoning it.


Don’t get me wrong please. I have never implied impeding your progess.
Definitely, progress is a technical improvement, and that nullifies rest of my statement.

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Really curious what the B Core in ExecU manifests! :yum:


@Malkuth I was being serious with my question. I’m curious how your learning and cognitive abilities and skills have improved or changed and have you run Beyond Limitless Ultima at all?


:raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman::raising_hand_woman: o o o I wanna answer

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Stay on topic, everyone. Questions, comments and concerns regarding Project Solace.

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Listening to RICH solace version.
I must point that for me the listening is much more pleasant , so much so that i can totally see myself falling asleep to it with earbuds(unlike the previous version)

also, there is somthing very soothing about the sound of the trickling water, i can totally see it useful for healing/optimism stack where you want to actually feel lighter while listening.

edit: the birds are getting annoying after a while
best to not include them imo, have just the trickling sound


I am so glad you have changed the ultima sound it was getting annoying especially when you listen to 2-3 a day,

Listening to Executive solace
Now i will just have to remember did i turn the tap off.

Regarding ultima, do they lose effect if you dont listen to 1 hour straight, like if you get disturbed in that time should you continue or start again


I tested the 2 RM masks today and I would say : if I am in front of my computer, I use the new mask but when I was doing my jogging, the most efficient mask was the original one. When jogging I was in an insane level of concentration, incredible, stronger than with the beast unleashed. In other words, when working,the new mask is the top but when working out it is the original mask. So please @SaintSovereign do not stop any of these 2 backgrounds, they are both very useful.

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At this point in the process that is a truly profound question.

I’ve tried to respond to it here:

How about them water sounds?!

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uhh…oops. I posted that before scrolling back up and reading this. (Hmm…maybe I’ll cut that post that and link it to a post in my own journal.)

We now return you to your regularly scheduled public test of Project Solace.