Main Disc. Thread - Project Solace Public Test

That’s my current routine for my Q titles (Emperor and Alchemist) = 3 loops of Q a week in total. It’s working fine for now. :slight_smile:

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Did u notice any improvement in your meditation practice, awakening of salvation, any chakra healing process???
And i have a doubt for long. I know that alphaness,business success, career success and intelligence enhance can be improved through subliminals because these aspects needs ur mindset.
But alchemist is something spiritual. It need meditation, yoga or mindfulness, chakra healing process, chanting of A-U-M etc.
Do u know how subliminal can effect the spiritual aspects because in future i will buy when Q+ will come out. I just want to experience spirituality because this thing will remain even after the death (its controversial but its my belief so no offense pls)

Alchemist helps you still your mind, be at peace with yourself, control your emotions and mental states more easily and balance your energies much more effectively. That way it improves the quality of meditation and the general quality of life. It helps you forge your personal philosophy and deepen your spirituality.


On the far horizon I’m still looking at alchemist. It just fits my type so well.

But I’m also waiting for a single stager alchemist.

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@SaintSovereign has this “Public Test” given you guys the data you need? Seems that Solace works better for a majority of people, in not just listening experience but also results.

Yes, but we have another mask to test. More on that after I finish the support hub.


Lol,i turned up the volume and still cant hear any animals?What animal is it out of curiosity?

Birds is all I’ve heard so far

Ah,k.Birds i might not notice.Thought was something more obvious since saint said some people thought it was distracting.

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I apologize in advance if this has been answered already but is there a difference in the script between Ultima V2 and the Solace version?

@James I believe there’s only one Ultima V2 that IS Solace-available right now which is RICH.

Solace has zero script differences, which is why it’s amazing. I can’t wait to test Solace V2. Hopefully Dragon Reborn gets the solace treatment because I’d like to see just how much more I can heal with it!

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Is Solace as effective when listening over computer/iPhone speakers than it is to listen with headphones?

Executive, Renaissance Man and Wanted all have Solace versions as well

Executive Solace was based off of Ultima V1, and the other two are Qv2 based.

@SubliminalUser I forgot. My mistake

@SubliminalUser I really need to stop confusing you with @subliminalguy and the other way around


sorry what is solace again?

You could just read the first post in this very thread :wink:

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oooooooo so its just a new mask more gentle one as @Brandon said

so better mask :smiley: :sunglasses:

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hi i just bought RM, which masked version to use? are these the same thing? so just diffrent sounds ?

or the prototype is much stronger in terms of tech?

also why is there no Qv2 on it :thinking::thinking:

@SaintSovereign @RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher

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