Main Disc. Thread - Primal Seduction ZP

Have you closed more sales while on PS? Or what is changed?

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Great, thanks!

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Primal solo definitely also healed my dick. That’s for sure.



Maybe a psychosomatic issue?

What other benefits did you find running Primal solo?

I didn’t used PS for sale. Only SS+Stark or Khan.
I guess PS would do the same basically.

I had the same skills as seduction, but applied to sales. Reading bodylanguage, wittyness for the chatting and arguing, ability to spot what would make the other person interested, ability to knoe when to pull the trigger (when to close the sale).

It’s basically the same as seduction you know :wink:


Does Primal Seduction have an effect on others? I mean like Libertine or Wanted which have an aura effect, or even stark. Does PS make you appear to others more attractive?


Apparently Sex & Seduction has a mild attractant in it. I don’t know if this is also still in PS, but I would guess so since it contains both scripts fully.

Qv2 version had an irresistible aura of attraction generator.

@Theacrobat stronger then primal seduction ?

Which one would be better Khan or Primal Seduction for social/seduction?


Primal Seduction has a “social” aspect to it so you will find yourself chatting away to everyone without being in your head.


PS and S&S Qv2 had the same irresistible aura of attraction.

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Can you elaborate? What do you mean?

Lingering ED, performance pressure, or anxieties. I don’t care what she thinks of it/me. I just get on with it.


nice! so this got permanent for you due to Primal?

Does Primal Seduction has this same kind of sexual dominance effect that Khan has?

When I was running Khan Q some time ago I permanently had to think of sex and to dominate women in a Fifty Shades of Grey style. In fact, I was never interested in bondage before and Khan was actually the reason why I even watched this movie. My productivity really suffered during this time as I was only thinking about sex. :sweat_smile:


As permanent as long as I am not fucking myself up with overload on a sexual sub.

I.e. when I run too much of another sexual sub and its healing stuff, I notice some anxieties coming back. But very little. Generally it’s pretty permanent, yes.


Which of the 4 stages of Khan gave you this effect of thinking about sex all the time?

it started with Level 2