Main Disc. Thread - Power Can Corrupt ZP

In my experience, it’s mixed into medici. When I had medici as my custom, I wanted to be a core, and there were times when people attacked me, and I showed amazing defense and offense. In reality, I usually only defended, but online, I even made the attack strong if someone touched me.

More to the experience, I used to use custom, including pcc, which was literally fun in social relationships, excellent leadership, and invincible(pcc(invincibility) + chosen(leadership) + true social(fun))

And the elements of pcc are mixed into several cores little by little. I felt a little bit of pcc coming out when I was using the stark. (It feels a little different for each core.)

You can think of pcc in medici as a gift of political ability.


This is curious. Didn’t know Medici also had PCC in it, but I guess that makes sense.

I wonder… what would running Khan + Medici be like…? :thinking:


You cannot build a big legacy and have an empire waiting for your children without knowing the rules of the game and protecting that legacy.


It is in Stark as well.


Thanks, that one I didn’t have on my radar!


Does PCC create an aura around you which deflects or displaces negative energy ?


Lol PCC its own special beast… you have to run the main title in order to see the full power!!!


how close does commander come to PCC ? I don’t have PCC yet but I’m wondering how similar the two are.

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Medici has elements of PCC but is more ‘offensive’ and less ‘defensive’ from my extrapolations from previous posts and questions on this topic. The full PCC would limit/cont Medici’s aggressive maneuvering.

My experience on medici is I take huge leaps of faith and trust with and/ on people. Even to the point of ‘playing with fire’ with certain characters. I also have a strong sense and ability to handle whatever happens and turn it to my favor. So it’s almost as if people’s deeper intentions, manipulations, or shadow character are irrelevant if I’m ‘out playing’ them.

That said certain people still jump out as not to do business with .

Recently on Medici I’m discovering someone I have business dealings with deeper character. I’m seeing they do things I did not realize were tactical, manipulative, negotiation maneuvers. Even things like consistently taking other calls at critical moments etc. There offensive, defense with that and other things. As soon as they shift into that mode it’s like my ‘spide sense is now going off’ And I’m also seeing solutions in how to address that.


PCC helps you see through ALL social moves and behavior, allowing you to maneuver in a way that increases your status, social influence and power.

So not only do you become a natural master at increasing these things but you also resultantly become immune to any attempts made by other people to decrease them.

Increase social power limitlessly, while having an impenetrable defense - that’s PCC.

The social IQ is not normal on this subliminal. It’s extremely precise and high ROI because it’s hyper focused on the specific mechanisms of social interplay themselves.

You can look at any social dynamic or situation and understand everything on the most primal level because the 48 Laws of Power are about as fundamental (think shadow self) as you can get when it comes to understanding socially driven human behavior. PCC is the full package of understanding and you pretty much gain invincibility because all the cards are in your hand and you see EVERYTHING.

This is beyond just seeing manipulative actions and etc. I am starting to understand people on a level that almost feels intrusive. That can come with a lot of different positive effects depending on who you are, as in my case the increased perception of humanity has skyrocketed my passion and emotion for everything.

A subliminal like this is one of a kind and I don’t think PCC vision can be replicated by any other subliminal as it’s intrinsically linked to the Laws of Power.

Medici, Stark and Commander, may have some sprinkles and shit… but PCC is by far its own animal. You get direct access to the entire underlying framework on a level that is typically unheard of.

I mean, there’s a reason why The 48 Laws of Power has sold more than 1.2 million copies in the US alone and there’s a reason why it’s one of the most requested books in American prison libraries.

Now you have a ZP sub that specifically integrates it all masterfully and without limit.

You can’t really compare a subliminal like this with anything. If you want the results of a masterful sub like PCC, you’re going to have to run it. No other sub is going to give you the same results and those “partial” results are nowhere near comparable to the in-depth scope of PCC.

Those “partial” results are like basic math… PCC is abstract algebra.
There’s levels lol


If you were to go sit at an airport or mall and just “people watch,” like not interact directly, just take it all in, I wonder if you’d sense stuff about all those people too.


No other sub will replicate PCC- that’s 100% true.

Commander and Stark have minimal PCC elements- or highly tailored for their goals in my opinion and experience

Medici comes very close to the politic and social element/ power of PCC in my experience. Not as strong in the seeing through the veil, and defensive maneuvering.


Have you run Medici-and if so what elements or ‘flavors’ of PCC do you get through it.


You really sold PCC really well man. You knocked it out of the park. I been tempted to pull the trigger on PCC for quite sometime and reading what you just wrote has made me feel more impulsive now. I struggle with assertiveness, and I’m not good socially, I also stutter when I speak. I can go on. PCC seems like the perfect subliminal for various scenarios but one that really stands out to me is the workplace. I can only imagine how much PCC would shine in work environments. Lol I may have to avoid reading stuff on Pcc especially from you @Luther24 because you made PCC sound even more impressive than it can already sound from everything I’ve read on here or on the sales page.
I have to many subs I need to test out before I get PCC :disappointed:


Does PCC still count as a third sub ?


Every sub counts since ZP. At least I don’t know of any exceptions.


Damit ya’ll you all makes me want to bump upp PCC in priority. Your corrupting influence is absolute :joy:

Still, since social dynamics are central in every human interaction, and human interaction underpins any kind of enterprise - understanding and improving one’s social toolbox means only that no matter what goals, ambitions, or desires you might have, PCC will help you get there. And it will protect you not only during your ascent, but also your domain once you have it established.

And interpersonal relationships are central in every persons lives, be it opponents or rivals, colleges, friends, family, or even spouses. Knowing these things is… key to… well, most everything. I might be overestimating the importance of influence of PCC… but to be honest I don’t think so…?

Not to mention… it helps dealing with limited social understanding á la Autusm, and stuff like that. I at least feel a lot more competent in social settings after previous runs of PCC.

Hmm I wonder… if PCC expresses itself with a flair of the other subs you listen to… I wonder what it will be like on QL or Alchemist…

Yes! Like @FireDragon said as a ZP it counts as it’s own major title.

EDIT: Also, I cant help but wonder… what an Absolutley Machiavellian Custom would look like… I’m thinking maybe PCC and ME together? :thinking: :rofl:


Very tempted to run PCC alongside Quantum Limitless after reading this…


Yes do it. We need more research on the matter! :joy:


Will probably do so when I reach QLST4… that will be towards the end of the year.

However, it looks interesting how PCC could work well with QLST4…

Such as being able to detect lies, distinguishing truths from falsities generally and in information you find, even further intuition development (and recognition between intuition and normal thoughts) and manifestation of needed information and people (yes, there is manifestation in all previous stages too), acquiring, consolidating and mastering of information and skills during dreaming and sleep…


Oh my.

Would Quantum Limitless crank PCC up to 11? Is such a thing possible!? :exploding_head:

Could such power… even be matched?

Oh my, indeed.