Main Disc. Thread - Power Can Corrupt ZP

@Athanaxos the power is yours but please do not abuse your power. Fire and Saint were reluctant to release PCC to the public. The story has it that such power in the hands of an iron hand could lead to an abomination.

@King when a man runs emperor with PCC he has the “armour of god”.


I like this @Luther24 can we please promote him to forum ambassador with immediate effect ? @RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher . He has added alot of value to this community and deserves to be given this title.


Indeed. If there is anything I loathe in this world… it is the abuse of people. My focus on “power” is merely to be able to empower others :slight_smile:

And to hunt the wicked dragons of the world :crossed_swords: :dragon: :blush:


@Athanaxos i know you are a good man and I can see that in you. The world needs good men like you.


Your kind words warm my heart but… I’m not a ‘good’ man. If anything I’m more of a… noble rogue… perhaps? :sweat_smile:

Now then, imagine PCC and AsC or ME in a name embedded terminus custom. A truly terrifying prospect. :wink:

*Flies away towards the Q-store

What would happen if one was to combine khan stage 4 with PCC i can only imagine “let their be carnage”.


This is not at all my plan once I’ve completed Khan mid 2023. Nopes, absolutely not!

A truly monstrous thing, that. :sweat_smile:


@Athanaxos imagine now if one was to combine emperor primal seduction and PCC. He would be a true prince and king.

@DarkPhilosopher i think you become more of an enigma on PCC. I say this because you are hyper intelligent and trained in the military.

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Yes. That is terrifying :sweat_smile:

PCC has so many uses and is so versatile when combining it with other titles.

Part of the 48 laws is to be enigmatic, so that does make a lot of sense. :slight_smile:

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@Athanaxos DarkPhilosopher comes across as hyper intelligent. He mentioned he did military service and did seduction training.

Imagine if he ran PCC what would happen ?.

The dark beast would be unleashed.

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Oh no, should i be scared?

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hey! I’ve been reading and suddenly the text has disappeared

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:thinking: Must be a result from Eventide.


I think PCC +QLST4 would be good for those who want to win at poker.


@Luther24 how effective do you think Power Can Corrupt would be for sales?


Aw, shucks. My hyper intelligence thanks you!

PCC was super smooth for me and a joy to run. I ran it right after it released. I’m pretty much the embodiment of that sub so the bits and pieces I hadn’t integrated yet came pretty fast. It helped that I read the book and watched the animated YouTube version while running it. I look forward to running it again some time.

This sub has been fast acting and nice for most people.

By the way, for inspiration and more books/material like it in a fun and easy to absorb way, check out the YT channel for the animated versions:

Lots of Sun Tzu, Robert Greene and the like. This is a channel that a person can get lost in over a weekend (or over dinner) and come out improved on Monday. No cute kittens here…probably.

For those on the fence about the morality of the subject matter, keep in mind the art of manipulation is neutral in nature. It’s a tool which can be used for both good and bad. Most people are getting in their own way when it comes to achieving their goals and reaching their potential. And even though they logically understand what to do, they still often can’t.

When you can get to know a person you can guide them past their own obstacles towards a place where they are better versions of themselves. But because this requires that you don’t trigger their built-in resistance you have to do it without them realizing it (sounds a lot like subliminals, doesn’t it?). This is manipulation to create positive change in people’s lives.

It can also be used to de-escalate a situation or emotional outburst.

PCC’s strength lies in giving you the ability to know when you’re being manipulated. In my experience this is a subconscious process which evaluates if the manipulation helps you or not and prevents it from taking place if it does not. Don’t be surprised if certain commercials and ads using NLP elicit a feeling of disgust in you without any discernible reason.


A fun exercise to do is to tell the truth and nothing but the truth for a whole month. Your brain will tap into every resource it has to prevent you from revealing too much. You’ll become a master at telling half truths, phrasing them in such a way that people draw exactly the conclusion you want them to while believing you told them that. Topic changing also becomes second nature.

I wonder what human society would be like if it was impossible for a human being to lie, even the little white lies.

You’ll also become much better at saying “no”. Sometimes the best truth is telling a person honestly that you don’t want to answer their question.

EDIT: Another bonus of this is you learn to give better answers. Sometimes you have to pause before replying, so you can actually consider how to best address something without your radical honesty causing conflict. This is a very useful life-skill to learn and can improve relationships.


Quite effective probably. PCC can help you influence and persuade others while developing your charisma. It can improve your social and negotiation skills while strengthening your ability to thwart objections.


What do you guyz think about a pcc and WANTED stack?


Sounds pretty cool!!