Main Disc. Thread - Paragon ZP

Fire D to the rescue as always😁


Wait, so if I understand correctly, You did 4 loops of 15min ZP Paragon? I’ve seen on the sales page they also did experiments with 4-6 loops.

Is this how paragon works? right now I only listen to it for 5 min


Yes, with Paragon I also tested several loops as stated in the pro tips. So far it worked extremely well for me.


Aaah thats great to hear!
So you do 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening? And you still use 1 restday in between the listening days or just going back to back?

Many thanks!


Yes i did 4 loops that day and next day the pain was 90% gone and movement was also possible again with almost no restrictions. I didnt used paragon the next day because the whole pain and restriction was fully gone over the day.
I will use paragon like a pill in acute situations like back pain or headaches or infections and will experiment with the loops and times. I think it is very different from person to person how paragon is used.


4 loops, in one day? :flushed:


4 loops? This is insane, someone call the police :slight_smile:


The MIB! :slightly_smiling_face:


@FireDragon welcome, you have arrived on planet earth from multiverse 374958

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@FireDragon I wonder if a person can have much recon on Paragon the objectives can naturally be executed without the involvement of many external parameters?

What’s your impression been?

Unfortunately I don’t really understand the question.

Okay, I think he ment to say something like “What if you run Paragon so much and get good recon from it that you don’t need to use any other health tool to fix the problem?”

Btw the biggest Recon most people get on Paragon is that they want to go to sleep. What actually is very good recon to have because in sleep stage you restore the most. I’ll try the 3-4 loops a day because I’ve been sleeping very bad since I started my ZP Journey

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No I meant that Paragon can probably easily execute because most of it’s instructions are to the body, which can directly start acting on those instructions.

Instead of having to build a business and having to overcome the mental blockages YOU have against them.

The body, can do it’s function it has not limitations but those you impose on it, within the bounds of it’s intelligence and mechanism of course.

Is that clear?

To give an example with Sex & Seduction those instructions cannot manifest unless you have another person to interact with, right?

Your body is yours, at your disposal, and it will always be able to execute those instructions because it’s yours and theirs no involvement of someone else’s will or being.

Similarly with wealth goals and the entity you have to build.


You have to lower your listening minutes. I can say with oura ring monitoring the longer the time, the worse the sleep.

Thanks for the explanation. Yes, I was also very tired in the evening, but that was intentional.

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Yes, tiredness but not horrible reconciliation because of having to reconcile the instructions with another being, or within your own external life in regards to wealth and finances.

So I think with Paragon you can easily do more as it is unlikely to cause some horrible reconciliation unless you have a disease, or some other mental ailment which may cause a fear or whatever.

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Now i understand. Yes my impression was that it took some time to unblock my vertebrae but that there was no recon. As is said before the only thing is that i was more tired this evening but is this real recon? Its what @Solomon said: What actually is very good recon to have because in sleep stage you restore the most.
Its healthy to have a good sleep quality.

Got to put a small review here about Paragon ZP.

Ever since I was 16 I have had quite severe pollen allergy towards grass. In a bad year I’m completely blind for a month or so during the summer and it is itching everywhere. My nose and eyes used to be so sore after a while that I had to carry lotion with me everywhere.

This year I played one single loop of Paragon ZP just before the season started and put the intention on removing this allergy. Just now when the season is coming to an end, I have only had minor itching and irritation in my eyes in the morning at times.

It was a regular grass pollen season here this year so usually I would have been greatly affected by it. This year I have been sitting almost everyday sunbathing on a big grass field without any problem.

I would say that is quite a good result from one loop of this subliminal :slightly_smiling_face:


No its not good its sensational. :slightly_smiling_face:


I wonder if CWON could help with these kind of allergies too?