Main Disc. Thread - Paragon ZP

I thought it would be no but saw no harm in asking incase anyone had any other ideas lol.

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Donā€™t they understand commands in English?

They associate simple words, usually single words, to simple tasks through conditioning. This conditioning involves active physical effort from the owner.
They donā€™t understand the structure of a phrase like, letā€™s say: now my body is healing from accumulated damage.
We donā€™t even know if a chimpanzee has the ability of being self-reflective, a lot less a dog or a cat.

Anyway, were you being serious?

If your vascetomy is something that you consciously want to maintain, it shouldnā€™t heal it. However, we are instructing the subconscious mind to heal your body in its entirety. I would keep an eye on this and make sure you contact a qualified medical professional, as it may have nothing to do with the title.


Of course not lol

Does anyone think its possible that paragon can help fix a weak eyelid formed by weakened levator muscle(eyelid) since birth? Or would something else be more fitting

Support ticket.

(Very interesting questions.)

I thought Iā€™d leave this here.

I have a Paragon ZPT custom, and itā€™s been phenomenal. In less than 1 cycle Iā€™ve had the following:

  1. Almost complete reversal of my adrenal fatigue. Iā€™m now bursting with energy every single day, and I feel incredible.

  2. Roughly 80% reduction of neuropathy in my left arm, and 100% reduction of the milder neuropathy in my left leg.

  3. Maybe 50% reduction of some mild dermatitis around my eyebrows.

The only downside is some difficulty getting to sleep from all the energy, but micro-dosing melatonin helps a lot with that.


Can anyone who has run Paragon ZP for a good amount of time some of the most obvious benefits they have seen? And how taxing is it?

Iā€™m curious how the psychological and spiritual benefits of healing the physical body.

Would you mind sharing your paragon custom?

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Yesterday I suddenly had severe back pain with severe restriction of movement. I thought this would be a case for paragon. Two loops later, the pain was reduced by about 50%. There was also a feeling of lightness in the affected region. In the evening before going to sleep I heard two more loops. The night was quiet and I slept well. The pain is now 90% gone. Movement is also possible again with almost no restrictions. Itā€™s really a great result, especially since I know this type of pain. Otherwise it takes much longer. That was the first time I used paragon and Iā€™m really excited.


In this current cycle I played 6 paragon loops ti

Day1 paragon *2
Day 3 paragon *2
And so on

And I feel sleepy most of the time , like I donā€™t want to leave the bed!
Whatā€™s your advice and is this good sign .

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Try with 1 loop per listening day. It has always been enough for me.


Definitely, two loops of one title are too much.


Overload !


Ive heard this being said a few times here. So your almost better playing 2-3 subs in a stack then listening to one a shit ton of times right?

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It depends. There is a saying out there that fewer titles would be faster integrated. I have no experience with listening to only one title but I tried once to listen to only one for two loops on the same day, which was not the best decision.


Will Paragon heal any damages/slow downs to the brain and the nervous system that a high school/college life with way too much alcohol might have caused? @SaintSovereign


Will Paragon also work for organs? Like healing a leaky gut? Thanks!


Should work.