Main Disc. Thread - Paragon ZP

Should also work if CWON brings you closer to nature and signals your body that it’s something good. Then your immune system could not react so negatively to the pollen. Good question. Someone should try that before using paragon.


can Paragon help with eyesight?

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I should also add… at the beginning of the month, I really messed up my lower back at work and it was painful to get out of a bed or chair. I ran paragon immediately and have kept it in my stack. The pain disappeared after a few days. I almost forgot that Paragon could have done much of the work because I have a strong internal belief that my back always fixes itself. But this time was very bad and I was considering going to a chiropractor… No need now :slight_smile:


Please don’t do four loops of a Zero Point title in a single day.


This sleepiness comes from “detoxification” of the body . So depending on your age , health issues ,other factors you will experience this sleepiness 2 loops are enough to kick-start the healing process . Even now with only one loop of paragon and I go to sleep early and sleep a lot through the day .

Again this is not because of paragon it’s about the state of the body .


No problem, Me and @FireDragon got the impression that it would be okay because of the pro-tip on the sales page.

I never do more then 1 loop a day with any other program tho

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Even on 5min I sleep poorly, trying out 3 now but that will be my last resort.

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Yes, that’s what I thought too with the pro-tips.
Now i think that the same recommendations apply to Paragon as to all other ZP subs. Then 2 loops would have to be the maximum per day.


How was your sleep and did you tried full 15min?

Apart from Paragon ZP which other sub helps with physical healing…

Based on the categories and description Spartan and Ageis. But to them healing is more incidental than the main focus.

Thanks will have a look at Spartan…


Well I slept much better to be honest, I did 3min Paragon in the morning and 5min around 12 a clock? ZP Still gives me loads of energy, even Paragon. The thing is, I smoked some weed last night and that helped also with sleeping deeper and better. I don’t do that often only when I feel really stressed in my body and mind.

Today I did a very heavy workout and feel tired. Hopefully tonight I’ll have a wonderful night aswell!
Maybe a good idea to make a custom with deep sleep or something.

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Good to hear you slept better. Maybe you can increase the time and try 7 minutes. Interesting that paragon energizes you, should actually make you tired. :slightly_smiling_face:
Hope you find your way to a restful sleep soon.

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I’ve got amazing results with just 3-5 min so far. Will look for my sweet spot for sure and maybe move up to 7 some day! But first back to sleeping without waking up 7-8 times :joy:

Thanks you :wink:

I’m like highly sensitive to stuff. Especially since all my spiritual practices it just became more and more. So these subs are coming in heavy, but they work very fast. Well you can’t get the good without the bad haha


I will report any interesting results from Paragon.

Can Paragon help with sleep/ Increase deep sleep?

3-5 minutes is the sweet spot for me too. Once I hit 7-8, I start getting a bit recon-y. Once you’re up to 7-8, if you start feeling a bit stressed or antsy, that’s usually the hint that it’s a bit too much input.


For all subs or just Paragon you use 3 - 5 minutes?


For all subs I’m using 3-5 minuts. For Paragon I’m trying to do a bit more.