Good profits. 40%-60% is normal.
The optimism about a million dollar revenue year is from 1) more nationwide/statewide clients who can buy thousands of leads a week and 2) revshares (gotta front the adspend though).
Already had 10k months pre RICH, the thing is this IMHO, don’t look at it so strictly, like “before RICH he was a bum, after RICH he’s buying Rolls Royces” lol
The difference for myself is, I’m not “searching” for a business model, I’m not working on my first sale, I’m not starting from 0 testimonials or 0 relationships.
IMO I would recommend already having an orange to squeeze; so it’s just a matter of getting more juice out of the resources you have – and for those who are more woo-woo; you want to give the Law of Attraction more ‘material’ to work with, instead of ‘lottery tickets’
In fact I could’ve missed the business partner opportunity just by saying no. Sometimes when you’re not where you want to be – say yes to everything, just so you can get into some new rooms and shake up your routine.
Hey Billions. Yup. RICH is a lot of fun, i was running RICH with EOG for a long time, but I don’t think I really had financial hangups before then — I already went through all the Cardone, Robbins, Kevin Trudeau, Sam Ovens, Eben Pagan, etc financial mindset trainings lol. So it wasn’t like I was afraid to have more than 1 credit card or felt ‘undeserving’ of money