hey Matt
did you end up giving Mogul ZP to your boss?
have you tested this product yourself?
please share your experience with Mogul ZP
hey Matt
did you end up giving Mogul ZP to your boss?
have you tested this product yourself?
please share your experience with Mogul ZP
what have been your results with this product after now 4+ months?
are you still using Mogul ZP?
have you made significant improvements to your financial situation using this product?
please let us know.
hey Sid
what have been your financial results with this product after now 4+ months?
how long did you use Mogul ZP?
are you still using it now?
have you significantly improved your financial situation using this product?
please share your experience.
I think @rqx is right. This is becoming spam lol. I’m starting to want to flag these. Message them individually, check out their journals, and figure out why you’re not getting results instead of whether or not other people are. This works for people that work it.
hey lorenzo
how long did you end up using Mogul ZP?
are you still using it today?
it’s now been around 4 months since you made this post, have you significantly improved your financial situation using Mogul ZP?
please share your results with this product.
I run this just to taste the waters of the new product . But Mogul version 3 years ago made the transformation for me and I wrote the review on the Mogul sales page .
My focus this year is different but I use rich and Mogul just to keep myself on the track . Since zp came out I played around 19 loops between (Mogul, Rich, ascended Mogul )
because of corona time since 2020 to 2021 the *aging account increased but I decreased it from 9 months to less than 4 month.
This is one example that I wrote in rich zp but happened with different customers . In these times
i do not understand what you mean here.
what exactly are you hoping to get from using these 2 products?
what exactly do you want?
what is your goal?
have you seen any financial results from these 19 loops?
has your financial situation improved significantly in any way from these 19 loops?
im not sure what you are saying here.
can you please clarify?
so as a result from Rich ZP someone who owed you money decided to pay you 90% of the amount he owed you?
is that what you are saying?
Due to corona crisis to increase selling we decided to make customers pay in installment this made our outstanding account (the money we should receive from our customers ) is increased in duration and most of customers have some problems in paying their invoices due time . Because of corona situation so that’s what is decreased from 9 months to less than 3 (it’s like we take our money back from the market into our business)
Yes we collected our money back and kept the customers they continued to deal with us
So this is improvement , still being in business
I focus more on using alchemist and paragon and titles related to spirituality and healing
Hmm it’s been a long while.
I ran Mogul ZP / Chosen ZP and RICH ZP for approx a month.
Then swapped out Mogul ZP for Dragon Reborn ZP + RICH ZP for roughly 2 months.
Then in March I was primarily on Emperor ZP + RICH ZP
April I tried out Emperor HOM + RICH ZP for about 2 weeks but nowadays I’m just running RICH ZP only.
Since Dec, I:
If the cards are played right, this could be my first million dollar year. Crazy hours tho, I pretty much don’t have a personal life anymore LOL. Thanks Aussie clients.
I credit RICH ZP for much of this as I’ve always ran Emperor in the past, Mogul is good too, but RICH has been the constant. But keep in mind, last year I ran Dragon Reborn all the way through as well as Ecstasy of Gold which definitely clears out a lot of BS.
what did all this amount to in terms of actual PROFITS?
how much has your profit increased as a result of using Mogul ZP and/or Rich ZP?
im assuming thats $35,000 profit?
so you made $35,000 profit in March 2022 and are growing at such a rate that you project you will finish 2022 with at least 1 million dollars profit?
am i understanding you correctly?
if yes, what where you on track to do in 2022 BEFORE starting Mogul ZP and/or Rich ZP?
Dang. Impressive stuff! I know ur in the same biz/niche as me. You’re sure making me glad rich is in my custom!
How much do you credit the foundational work of eog/dr to your results? Do you think without eog as the foundation, it wouldve been a longer time to process mogul and rich?
Good profits. 40%-60% is normal.
The optimism about a million dollar revenue year is from 1) more nationwide/statewide clients who can buy thousands of leads a week and 2) revshares (gotta front the adspend though).
Already had 10k months pre RICH, the thing is this IMHO, don’t look at it so strictly, like “before RICH he was a bum, after RICH he’s buying Rolls Royces” lol
The difference for myself is, I’m not “searching” for a business model, I’m not working on my first sale, I’m not starting from 0 testimonials or 0 relationships.
IMO I would recommend already having an orange to squeeze; so it’s just a matter of getting more juice out of the resources you have – and for those who are more woo-woo; you want to give the Law of Attraction more ‘material’ to work with, instead of ‘lottery tickets’
In fact I could’ve missed the business partner opportunity just by saying no. Sometimes when you’re not where you want to be – say yes to everything, just so you can get into some new rooms and shake up your routine.
Hey Billions. Yup. RICH is a lot of fun, i was running RICH with EOG for a long time, but I don’t think I really had financial hangups before then — I already went through all the Cardone, Robbins, Kevin Trudeau, Sam Ovens, Eben Pagan, etc financial mindset trainings lol. So it wasn’t like I was afraid to have more than 1 credit card or felt ‘undeserving’ of money
so to summarize your results based on the info you provided.
before Rich ZP you had some months at $4000-$6000 profit.
Last month you made somewhere between $14 000 and $21 000 profits
and you are optimistic you can make $400 000 - $600 000 profits in 2022
am i understanding your results correctly when it comes to actual profits?
I’ve made more than 4-6k net pre-RICH, it just changes based on expenses. Potential for scale is way higher for pay per lead. The major issue is creatives.
Do you have an online biz of your own?
Only crickets chirping!
I’m tempted to touch
I shared this result with a friend and she’s eager to join the sub community and purchase mogul lol
Lmao, I thought I was the only one. Sometimes when I need to walk and talk to myself, I’ll put in my Bluetooth ear buds to make it seem like I’m talking to someone.