Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP

We’ve put in scripting to prevent negative thoughts and imagery. This is one of these reasons I’m personally testing it. Wanted to see if that scripting works. So far, so good. I had a rough childhood and a lot of those memories used to haunt me. Today, I noticed that I didn’t focus on them at all.


Same here


I’ve never had consideration for Mind’s eye I thought it was to help meditation or something.

But it seems like minds eye help for the day to day thought you focus on. Rather than focusing on being tired, you focus on what you can do today?

So basically it helps the focus of your mind right?


I love you.


So I ran a loop of Me ZP last night, and earlier at the gym I noticed that I could see a reflection of my ideal body in the mirror (somewhat).

Like I was doing some overhead presses, and I was doing it while standing in front of a mirror as usual to make sure my form is good, and during some the reps I did (specifically at the main lifting parts of the reps), it felt as if my vision just glitched and I could see my exact goal physique right there, but then my vision would go back to normal.

It was very interesting to say the least, but it was also funny cause I kept daydreaming about how I looked between each set :rofl: cause damn I looked hot and big :heart_eyes:


So… We should run it with with WANTED to prevent/mitigate hairloss? What kind of steroids anyway?


In the midst of practicing by making random and deliberate images (like teleporting with my mind) there were memories rising up, some unpleasant and others were negatives conflicting with my attempts to visualize; but they quickly lost ground and were ineffective. Also, a positive light was cast in retaliation soon after. Might this be an indirect healing to the subliminal injection? A clearance of the impurities within the pipline. As if the mind fights back to prevent the change, the uprooting of some beliefs? Might be overthinking it :smiley:

Also, its easier to visualize positive scenarios and archetypes, and anything in general, no matter how minuscule it seems


I never had any negative imagery while running ME.

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Since there is already an intelligence enahncing component in Emperor ZP, I may stack Emperor ZP with Mind’s Eye ZP.

This is precisely the reason I wasn’t running it yet, but seeing you guys took care of that is fantastic.

Can’t wait for it now, damn!

As far as I know, Saint very clearly said that isn’t the case any longer, right?


I’ve been using the Silva Method on and off for a few years. When I ordered Mind’s Eye it really was so helpful with that because there are specific visionings involved in the practice and it is predicated on visualization in general. I am very excited for it to be in the Zero Point format. Excellent news :slight_smile:


Well surely there is an intelligence improving component in Emperor ZP of sorts.

maybe. But he’s clearly said several times now that ZP titles don’t include the cross-title stuff like on Q. Just looking to stem misinformation is all.

Ok, edited my post to be clear.

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Wasn’t intending to seem dickish on that. I swear. The Emperor wouldn’t lie to you :slight_smile:

The ZP titles still meet their objectives from the original descriptions is my understanding. Just new and improved due to the nature of ZP and how they’re are scripted and put together.

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Might ME ZP be key to a higher flow factor and rate of results? This is something I really wonder about and makes me wish I could run it as part of stack 1.

@King any thoughts? Been a while since we discussed manifestation.


Really loving that fail safe-switch function to negative visualization, heck, even thought patterns.

I’m also beginning to see improvements on the auditory side, where songs are played clearly than before, with vocals and instruments. Whatever song I want, its played, like a music player in my head.


If had this for quite some time. But MEZP seems to have skyrocketed it!

Just today I was in the dollar store listening to Star Wars music.

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You mean your own theme song doesn’t play automatically with every breath, heartbeat and step you take? What kind of atrocity is this? Off with their head! Pfft, the Emperor has to spark up his own energy to play the music. Modernity, huh?
