Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP

This question fascinates me because since starting to run ZP I did find this manifestation phenomenon where the distance from point A to point B seems to be 0.

To be less hyperbolic about it. I’d think, ‘It would be a good idea to try to do X’ or ‘Maybe I’ll start to work on manifesting Y’, and then before I’ve done anything at all, X is already happening or Y is significantly closer.

It’s not across the board, and there are many, many areas in which I’m probably going to have to work hard to bring about changes. But it definitely happened quite a number of times. The fast. Working out at the gym. And a number of other occasions.

Anyway, ZP + Mind’s Eye seems like a match made in heaven.


Was speed reading in the script or is this and unexpected result.




Thank you.

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I also had sth like this on emperor ZP

so if Mind’s Eye can help end subvocalization for reading, that could potentially be huge if it transfers over to someone who is having unwanted thoughts more specifically words that come up and say non helpful things. Sort of a mental tic when I feel anxious.

I’ve had a problem where I always felt like if I could master stopping subvocalization for speed reading then it could definitely help me with one of my holdback patterns.

Say turning off that judgemental voice and instead unleashing your mind for positive, creative surprises.

also need a recommendation. What is the single best title for replacing negative self talk with positive self talk?


the way I see it, there are types of negative self talk.
like what’s the context of the negative self talks you have?

if it’s about how you look, then WANTED.
if it’s about intelligence, then Limitless could help.

basically, the way i see it, the script can help with the confidence and clearing out negative self talk when the subject of the self talk is specific, however, sanguine ZP would probably the best “one for all” solution.

I guess for me it’s social. Self image in terms of fear of being rejected so anxiety is something I’ve dealt with as long as I can remember associated with people.

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so your negative self talk is mainly about looks and social abilities?

romantically or just in a social context?

No I’m good looking. It’s a safety thing. Like I don’t feel safe with people and also fear of being rejected, fear of conflict, 1 on 1 I’ve always been great. I can be too aware of everything around me and get overwhelmed. So focus is something I need and feeling safe is the main issues and having positive self talk instead of the self sabatoge type mental tics.


I think either GLM or Emperor ZP could help you, along with Sanguine.

Because to me, it seems like you need a dose of that badass “no one can fuck with me” type of confidence, I guess Primal ZP (when it’s out) can also be of great help to you.


i can really relate to this man.

you are not alone.

i think its a symptom of social anxiety.

from what i have seen other people recommend here it seems true social and daredevil are best for social anxiety.

again, i have no personal recommendations to give you unfortunately, just what i have seen recommended here for social anxiety.


Will Mind Eye help me visualize my goal like

  • Clear Skin
  • Having Money
  • Achieving My Carrer Goal
  • Muscular Body

I can easily visualize imagine all this…heck sometimes I just daydream all this instead of any action

will mind eye help me visualize correctly not day dreaming & manifest things I desire Want to achieve in life?



I just saw this on the original minds eye thread.

how in the world have i never researched this product until now?

does all this quoted stuff still apply to the ZP version or its been changed significantly?


The ZP version has even more of all this scripting, actually. We took the original script and essentially injected it with steroids.


Damn. I wish I could be running this right now!

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Explains part of why my perspective continues to change and expand


i just saw this great question in the original Mind Eye thread.

can any long time users of this product share their experience on if negative thoughts/imagery ever turned out to be a problem?

also, if Saint can please share his thoughts on the ZP version when it comes to this aspect.


Here are some answers from the original thread:

yes i have seen those answers.

but that was nearly 2 years ago when the product had just come out.

there should be a lot more data now on that aspect and also what bout the new ZP version.