Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP

Hi I bought Mindsrye for visualizations and to manifest using law of attraction will this programme help. I use zp 1x every other day is that enough exposure to make it work. How long did you use it before getting results.

Can you or can you not make up images in your head, behind closed eyes, or even project them outwards into space. A coloured apple, a cat, a face, a memory, a cat, an Ak47, etc… If not, then welcome to the club :clinking_glasses:

Good news is that MEzp is going to help tremendously. You just have to train your Mind’s Eye daily as much as possible.

Have you tried thinking with your head for the little things and then build up to bigger things? Maybe vocalize your throats while at it as an aid? Might just be a similar case to visualization, where it’s a new skill that you have to train.


When it comes to ZP products, it’s safe to assume that no other product is within the other; they’re all uniquely scripted.

Well. Mind’s Eye being an (and possibly not the only) exception. It’s in Stark ZP :slight_smile:

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Not quite true.

There are elements of Minds Eye in Stark (and some others) but it’s specifically written to enhance the results of THOSE SPECIFIC SUBS.

Whereas Minds Eye stand alone has a more general and expansive effect.

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A quote from username SaintSovereign on the subject:

I didn’t think I needed to go into the detail of it being scripted specifically for Stark but, good addition.


Still many are asking the question “Is sub X in sub Y?” so it is great to clarify!

they will need an AI livestream 24/7 that just answers the same questions. But since it’s AI it won’t matter that the same questions keep coming up time after time and the humans asking them will like that their questions are getting answered without having to in their minds waste time reading through everything.


Anyone had some recent manifestation on MINDS EYE?

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I only brought it up because people have been confused about the difference between elements of ME being in a sub vs ME stand alone.

Several people were wondering if there was any benefit to running ME separately if it’s already in it.

So, when someone says “ME is in ____”, it adds to that confusion. I just wanted to clarify.


It would help. Temporarily.

And then people would become dissatisfied and demand answers from real people/the creators :man_shrugging:t4:

I hope my last response didn’t come across sarcastically and if there was any intended at the time I posted it, it would have been directed to the people asking the questions, not you :slight_smile:

What I meant by “I didn’t think I needed to…” was that I considered adding the fact that it’s rewritten to fit the goals of the subliminal it’s within (which, is nothing new) but decided to be lazy haha.

But as @SubliminalUser mentioned, detail would have been useful there for others scrolling.


@Kaprice is correct. The “Mind’s Eye” in ZP shouldn’t even be called Mind’s Eye. We took the scripting, rewrote it to accomplish the goals of Stark. It’s not a substitute for running the standalone if you want the FULL benefits.


Edit: Sorry for the derail.

There’s some good folks on this site. Thank you to all of them.

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Who is this directed at?

Edit: Sorry man.

Must have been me because I just read it.

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Nah @James , you’re one of the good guys. So is @SaintSovereign and there are many other helpful people here, and people like me appreciate them more than words can say.

Consider thread not derailed by me anymore. People know which shoe fits them.

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I really do need Mind’s Eye now.

Sorry, I’m derailing agian, tough sh!t.

Man, @SaintSovereign honestly, your participation in this forum is literally one of the reasons I turned into a customer. Big fan bro. No sh!t.

Edit: Edited spelling in above comments.