Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP

No no, Emperor, Minds Eye and Sage Immortal.


Sage and Emperor, Nice.

That’s like Body, Mind and Spirit. Emperor is a complete bundle of all the categories, but lacking any spiritual scripting.

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I thought it was best until Alchemist comes out. Alchemist Stage 4 for the win.


Yes - since the game is very intuitive wondering if it would help me get better.

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Not sure… this might be a task for Limitless. The script for GMX explicitly mentions video games, but theoretically, it could adapt to Go if you consciously will it.


I’m curious too. I did ask a similar question in the GMX thread. Is Civilization considered a “video game”? But if Saint succeeded at the 4X strategy game with Limitless ZP, then perhaps Limitless ZP might be more suitable for board-based strategy game.

Though I realised the answer to my second question was somewhat answered in the product description for Mind’s Eye.

Mind’s Eye also contains scripting to help you use your visualization abilities to predict the optimal outcome for any situation you experience. You will receive unending inspiration from your subconscious on how to improve upon your situation. You’ll be able to see numerous possibilities in vivid detail and determine what path you should take. This includes developing business ideas, business systems, running fight simulations, etc.


I’ve a general question on those who visualize over here.

Many people who are good at visualizing say they one should treat the Mind’s Eye like a screen in the movie theatre or television set, where they see whatever they visualize on that screen.

However, the other aspect to successful visualization is that your visual imagination must be immersive. For example, if you imagine yourself at the beach, you can see the beautiful sea, touch the warm sand with your feet, feel the warm sunshine on your body and hear the waves. That is considered an immersive experience.

Going back to the first type of scenario where you just treat your Mind’s Eye as a “movie screen”, how do end up immersed in your imagination? There are limitations to immersion if you simply see your imagination on the movie screen of your mind’s eye - it is like the other senses are not really activated since you are just an “observer”.

The second scenario where your immerse yourself fully into the imagination seems to be like more of being “in the state” rather than being the “observer”.



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Yeah we are talking now in real and on snapchat…i am taking it slow because i want her to approach me and open up more, i do not want to pursue her or chase her…


Damn… that’s great! Congratulations bro :smiley:


U are showing me my future somehow .

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Can u elaborate ur visualisation process. Or it was just simple like. U were imagining the desired situation and feeling it as much as possible.

I hope you are replying to me
I just imagined her opening up her Snapchat & opening my snap & talking to me…that’s it
now she sends me her random selfies, new clothes every decent image of her to me on snap…this I don’t imagine :slight_smile:


What are you imagining now?

I am imagining building good muscle & in my arms that beautiful girl


If I were visualizing an orange, I’d first visualize it on screen in detail - then “pull” it off screen so it becomes a 3 dimensional image. “Grab” the orange, roll it around in my hand then smell it.

I would start to peel it and “see” oils misting from the rind then bite into, it rind and all. At the same time I’d also “hear” myself biting into it and my hand kind of instinctively goes up to wipe the juice I feel rolling down my chin. I pucker a little because I just bit in seed. When spitting that seed out I also hear when it hits the bin.

For a more recent example, I’ve been looking at Youtube videos of yacht tours. the longer and more detailed the better. So far I’ve only visualized myself on the aft deck with friends in the background for sound. While I slowly build in the other senses.

Here are some tricks that work for me - maybe they might work for you too.

Keep something in motion- this helps me to stay in the moment and not lose focus or have other thoughts intrude. With the orange my hand is moving, oil is misting, juice flowing ect. On the yacht my friends are in the background moving, the ocean is moving, the breeze is blowing a bit of fabric or someone’s dress, you get the idea.

I usually start with touch or smell and slowly add in the other senses. It’s easier for me to kind of imagine those two otherwise whatever I’m visualizing doesn’t feel real yet. So start with whatever feels easier for you.

And the last bit, when visualizing things on screen, don’t forget you can walk up to it and just step inside the image. It’s kind of like some sci-fi stuff and it’s pretty cool:)


So I gave Mind’s Eye a go 2-3 times then I had what for me was a bit of an odd experience. My girlfriend has been having an a couple of challenges with getting a new side hustle going.

I was having a dream and someone shared a solution that felt solid. I suddenly started sharing it with her and ended with a question. I was so surprised she didn’t respond I turned me head and asked again, this time while fully awake.

She of course looked at me like what the hell are you even talking about, then said as much. At this point it hit me, I had gone to sleep kind of thinking about it. This is the weird part - it felt like when given a solution in my dream I some how reached in and pulled the solution out into the real world. Looking back on it - there was a definite tangible almost physical sensation.

Since then my ability to visualize has been getting richer and more involved. On the flip side sometimes I see something that sticks in my mind, which is why I don’t watch horror movies. Images would linger for days. Now unpleasant images fade or get a giant red X smacked on them and tossed to the side of my vision.

It’s kind of cool really…but a bit weird too.


It means script for not visualizing negative moments or preventing negative emotion is working :)))


Verr nice. :grinning:


Im curious of the effects Minds Eye ZP might have on dreams

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