Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP

I think Limitless ZP needs adjustments. After some experience with it, I’m not that impressed with it.

@SaintSovereign so like I mentioned in my journal, I stopped ME ZP (had two loops in total before stopping), and today the league season started and there were placement matches for the ranked this season.

So far I won 2 and lost 1, but even my friend commented on how different my play style is.
So either ME ZP boosted up some GMX from back when I tried it, or ME ZP’s visualization and cognitive enhancement scripting translated into my gaming skills getting boosted.


The lady and I were dominating last night in Legion TD 2 after a loop of Mind’s Eye. We’re definitely considering including it in GMX.


Do you think GMX missed some visualization maybe?
To boost its effects, I mean.

Also, just wanna know, the improvements come from being able to somehow know exactly how your strategy is gonna work out, before even really thinking about them, right?

Because my friend kept saying “bro how TF were you able to survive that?!”, because more than twice each match, I had instances where I would kill multiple people and only survive with a tiny bit of health, almost as if it was all calculated.


GMX is designed to propel you into pro gamer status. Think of it like Emperor, but for becoming a pro gamer. Because it has more scripting than just skills, there’s more things to process and deal with internally.

By adding Mind’s Eye and some other cognitive enhancing things tailored toward gaming, I’m hoping that you’ll see gameplay improvements immediately rather than in a few weeks. Helps with motivation.


Want a fun idea to try in ZP :face_with_hand_over_mouth:?

It could be a mix of mind’s eye’s visualization powers with some visual enhancement and scripting about “connecting” to the game, and the goal of this “feature” would be to make you “feel” the games while playing, sort of like VR, but instead of perceiving it with your eyes, you’d do it with your mind’s eye.

I don’t know if that even makes sense :sweat_smile:


Wow lol this makes me want to run it with Emperor and Mind’s Eye just to see what would happen.

Right now i am currently running Emperor and ME once a week because i am figuring out my goals and where i want to head in life. But i have been gaming a lot on AoE and have got significantly better the past week.


Bro imagine if that idea I put up there was achievable with this stack, you could then literally play something like God of War and unleash your inner Kratos :rofl:


Imagine playing this and GMX a few times a month and going to play a CoD or Halo tournament lol

This makes complete sense…and just reminded me about this one time (not at band camp)…

I was high as a kite and playing a fighting game with a friend and I shit you not I could feel the moves his character was going to make before he made them, and I strung combos together like I’d never done before because I could feel mine better too. It was nuts.

He got pissed and stopped playing, and I thought I was breaking through to the other side :laughing:

Would buy a sub like that in a heart beat lol


this is one of the exact reasons I just bought ME… how’s it working out for you so far?

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I have ran it twice so far i have been able to visualize easier and my gaming has gotten a bit better. I haven’t taken much action towards things lately but have noticed a push to do more.


Why not create a sub to make you an exceptional computer Programmer?
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk starting like this.


Sounds a bit like Renaissance Man

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Leonardo didn’t die rich! They will.

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Currently running this along with Sage Immortal.

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I feel like a part of Mind’s Eye should be in any sub? Considering how much it enhances all of them?

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How true is this, Mind’s eye enhancing other subs?

I mean, just read this thread :smiley:

I realized mind’s eye would amazing for productivity
You know, sth like Elon musk. First you create the picture.
No just visualizing money
I should get it I guess :worried:

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