Main Disc. Thread - Mind's Eye ZP

I am imagining building good muscle & in my arms that beautiful girl


If I were visualizing an orange, I’d first visualize it on screen in detail - then “pull” it off screen so it becomes a 3 dimensional image. “Grab” the orange, roll it around in my hand then smell it.

I would start to peel it and “see” oils misting from the rind then bite into, it rind and all. At the same time I’d also “hear” myself biting into it and my hand kind of instinctively goes up to wipe the juice I feel rolling down my chin. I pucker a little because I just bit in seed. When spitting that seed out I also hear when it hits the bin.

For a more recent example, I’ve been looking at Youtube videos of yacht tours. the longer and more detailed the better. So far I’ve only visualized myself on the aft deck with friends in the background for sound. While I slowly build in the other senses.

Here are some tricks that work for me - maybe they might work for you too.

Keep something in motion- this helps me to stay in the moment and not lose focus or have other thoughts intrude. With the orange my hand is moving, oil is misting, juice flowing ect. On the yacht my friends are in the background moving, the ocean is moving, the breeze is blowing a bit of fabric or someone’s dress, you get the idea.

I usually start with touch or smell and slowly add in the other senses. It’s easier for me to kind of imagine those two otherwise whatever I’m visualizing doesn’t feel real yet. So start with whatever feels easier for you.

And the last bit, when visualizing things on screen, don’t forget you can walk up to it and just step inside the image. It’s kind of like some sci-fi stuff and it’s pretty cool:)


So I gave Mind’s Eye a go 2-3 times then I had what for me was a bit of an odd experience. My girlfriend has been having an a couple of challenges with getting a new side hustle going.

I was having a dream and someone shared a solution that felt solid. I suddenly started sharing it with her and ended with a question. I was so surprised she didn’t respond I turned me head and asked again, this time while fully awake.

She of course looked at me like what the hell are you even talking about, then said as much. At this point it hit me, I had gone to sleep kind of thinking about it. This is the weird part - it felt like when given a solution in my dream I some how reached in and pulled the solution out into the real world. Looking back on it - there was a definite tangible almost physical sensation.

Since then my ability to visualize has been getting richer and more involved. On the flip side sometimes I see something that sticks in my mind, which is why I don’t watch horror movies. Images would linger for days. Now unpleasant images fade or get a giant red X smacked on them and tossed to the side of my vision.

It’s kind of cool really…but a bit weird too.


It means script for not visualizing negative moments or preventing negative emotion is working :)))


Verr nice. :grinning:


Im curious of the effects Minds Eye ZP might have on dreams

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Getting more vivid and lucid dreams than usual. It’s getting confusing sometimes where I have to ask if it was a dream or real


Now I have to try it out!! My dreams are already very vivid, but the posiblity of having Lucid Dreams and have better memory of what I dream is very interesting.
Do you notice an improvement in how you remember your dreams?

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Yes, dream recall has been improved no doubt. Just today I asked my girl “did I tell you about Bob Sagett or was it in a dream” because it felt unbelievably real, sound, vision and all. After she told me no, that it was a dream; I remembered that yeah it was a dream because I then immediately zapped into a new one. Been like this for days now. Dreams ZP’s going to be fantastic.

Also, anything could trigger a dream in waking life. An example was a painting my girl drew and I zoned out for a second remembering a dream that was inspired by it




I tried this the other day, and two days after the loop I had a dream in which I was dreaming, and upon realization I became lucid… in my dream-dream. I decided to try to meditate in my dream whilst dreaming, and it was weird as :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:.

7/5 would meta-lucid dream again.


I couldn’t like this more thatn once and I have to just say: A W E S O M E ! !


U just talk and I wanna buy it :tired_face:

I don’t know if this is the work of Mind’s Eye, but I’ve been working on entering chakra 5, the Heart Chakra again, opening the wisdom eye for the past two days and now Love Bomb is getting released. Might be Sage’s work as well. I’m a Happy camper either way


A new result that I wish to share. Lately, and it just hit me that this is the work of ME, I have been been getting food craving where I can feel the taste of on my buds and the picture in my head. Rarely ever happened before :smiley:

So far improvements on the visual, aural and gustation fronts.


My partner read 85 pages of “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz in 40 minutes, after running one loop of Mind’s Eye. He said that there are a lot of numbers but he was able to understand and retain the information.


Have you tried the Mind’s Eye: Enhance Your Visualization and Manifestation Abilities Subliminal yet I have difficulty visualising and wondered if this programme is good.

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I am currently using it. This program is just more than visualisation. When u will buy u will get to see two different versions of Mind’s eye. Download the zp version of it(latest technology+ better).

My experience: Ok I did a loop of minds eye zp few days ago and after an hour , I tried visualizing my desire(only one) and I felt I could engage my emotions into the scene. After that next morning when I tried to visualise ,I felt a increase in my visual powers and surprisingly I could input more feelings into the visualisation . I could feel the visualisation very real for a couple of seconds. Then I let go the visualisation. U wouldn’t believe I was in a similar kind of situation I manifested for and somethings were just unexplainable .
But since I have other subs in my stacks. Minds eye is not my priority now(it’s in my stack but I play its once in 3 days) but others may give a deeper insight on it
I hope it’s helps


Thank you very much I want to use the programme to manifest using law of attraction.


I’ve listened to QV2 of Minds Eye for 2 months of the old listening schedule and I had seen some improvement in my aphantasia. Since that time listening I’ve had shadows and partial visualizations with occasional brighter/more solid imagery in my minds eye. I was already really impressed with that!

But zp came out and all my Q tracks hit the dustbin.

Last week though I was curious how the ZP version of Minds Eye felt and listened to a few loops of this (not on any listening schedule now, had been on a washout for 5 days though) and I’m blown away by one result in particular.

I’ve started to visualize during sex, specifically visualization of what I am doing, wanting to do and my partners part in that. When I establish these visuals in my mind I find a massive improvement in my ability to execute and my partners ability to follow my lead leading to significantly more enjoyable sex for both of us. This improvement in sexual performance is on top of, and, above and beyond the benefits from Diamond ZP.

E: I have a number of loops of Sex Mastery ultima and 1 loop of the zp version in the past 2 months as well. I can tell those effects are still present, but really “bloomed” with the addition of Minds Eye.