Main Disc. Thread - Limitless Executive ZP

Oops I meant to say Limitless Executive


Hey All!! Is there any “Massive increase in creativity component” in Limitless Executive?

How does it compare to stark ?

Please enter a support ticket, mate.

Got Limitless Executive yesterday had results similar to @Vesper, this subs is all I need to get going. I am kind of a lazy guy lol but this sub I love the push, and the best part, it doesn’t feel forceful rather it comes from within.


How many minutes have you listened to it?

Limitless Executive also the best sub for me for productivity and focus. Unbelievable results.

Stacking it with Commander is literally the perfect stack for me now.

Not only does that add ROCKETFUEL to my productivity (as commander and executive both deal with productivity, decision making, executive funcitoning of the brain)

But limitless executive even is my most helpful sales subliminal, as it makes me sharp, organized, confident, authoritative, quick thinking, able to hold multiple streams of thoughts simultaneously, a better listener.

Combining that with Commander and LE + Commander has become my sales super stack.

I don’t run any other subliminals, just those two, and I feel like I’m getting EVERYTHING I WANT out of subliminals, for a quarter of the density/processing/recon.

Being cognitively enhanced helps me with

  • Socializing (seduction, by extent, if I wanted)
  • Productivity
  • Long term planning leading to good decisions for my life
  • Routines/Habits/Self Care (leads to health, wealth, self esteem)
  • Emotional healing… I no longer feel the shame and anxiety that comes from not being “smart enough” or having a bunch of undone tasks or not feeling competent. Greater results in life = greater respect = greater confidence = greater self esteem = emotional healing.

I listen to it for 3 minutes the night before I want to be productive for best results.

5 minutes on a Friday night, because I don’t have to be productive on sat/sun.

And now that I’ve been listening to it for a few months, I’m getting really good results with 30s microloops every day, the morning I want to be productive.

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Thanks for the reply. I’m combining CFW with LE and it’s one of the most powerful stack’s I have used. Indeed the emotional healing is booming and it gives a great sence of grounding. Absolutely love this combination.

I’m wondering about your every day 30 sec experiment. For me there is a big difference between listening day’s and non listening day’s. I also need a lot of rest days even when I’m using 3min every 3 days.

On my listening days, I’m the most alive/productive. It’s like the script is being activated, while on my rest days it’s working in the background. I heard you saying that the script needs to be installed before using the 30sec method.

I know you listen 3min as well. How long do you think we need to listen before we can change to 30sec every day? do you still do 3min now and then?


Have you ever combined LE with Wanted? I have the same problem with wanted. I really enjoy that sub, but it makes me lazy AF

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Nah I only use Emperor + my customs for months now. Emperor would be good if your lazy.

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I think I missed this thing but since when (and in which post) did this 30 second micro loop thing start to be introduced? What are its benefits compared to the classic 3,5,7… minutes cuts?

The post is in Saint’s journal. I forget how long ago it’s been.

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I will search for it.

Think it is not clear at the moment what a sufficient amount of time is.
I found nothing new about this question.

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3 minutes is enough for most store subs to get the full script.

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How to decide whether or not to listen to 30s loops instead of 3-15 minute loops.

According to Saint, one way to tell 30s loops are good for you… If you’ve been listening to a title for 1-2 cycles, started out by getting amazing results, and then those results have stalled, switch to 30s loops and that should reignite the results.

That might be the indicator right there…

if you’ve listened to a subliminal long enough for it to change you as a person to a small degree, at that point, you could probably listen to 30s loops.

The mechanism is that the 30s loops remind you of the full loops, so the full loops need to be integrated into your mind and able to be recalled.

Personally, I think that’s 1-2 cycles where you could start listening to 30s loops.

But at that point, you’ll be mostly maintaining the results, and less focusing on growing the results.

That’s the trade off. 30s loops bring you to the maximum of your current potential. They’re a booster. Use them for fast acting same-day results, more than anything else, and only if you’ve already gotten those results in the past with higher loops (so you know it’s integrated in your mind).

So if you’re at the point with a subliminal where you’ve gotten some results and you want to sustain those results in the short term, and slowly grow them out over a longer period of time, 30s loops might work.

30s loops would still expand your results slowly, but one thing they’re really good at is making them more natural feeling!

In terms of LE, the first thing I needed to do was listen to it long enough to have inconsistent results. Then 30s loops added consistency

Eventually it got to the point where I didn’t need to grow my consciousness anymore by maxing out the most productive day I could ever possibly have. I’ve had days on LE where I’ve grinded 12 hours without feeling tired.

But what I want is to consistently work 7-8 hours, without recon, and to have those results come every day, not just once or twice a week.

So 30s loops make a lot of sense for me because

  1. I’ve gotten results with LE

  2. My maximum potential has been expanded because of LE

  3. I’m happy to live at 80% of my maximum potential on a daily basis

  4. I’m happy to slowly grow my potential, rather than blast my ceiling for greater results/recon.


This makes much sense.

This one here is so powerful, I think most of us would rather grow slowly but stable instead of peaking insanely high and then crashing down.

That’s the part why I sometimes do so many rest days. If you hear Andrew Huberman talk about the dopamine system, it makes sense that we get so much recon with those extremely high growth periods. It’s better to have a stable base line when were growing.

I’ll do 2 cycles and then I will try this 30-sec method. Maybe something to keep in mind. Maybe do like 30 sec every day and do 1 day 3min a week with one restday after that 3 min.


That was what I thought of aswell. Probably leaning towards 2 cycle for micro loops to reach its full effects.

One cycle might do it aswell - but having 5 days to process and another cycle is probably going to deepen the script enough to let the micro loops truly unfold it’s magic.