Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP

i disagree.

nothing remains at standstill.

you either get better or worst.

if a 3min and 7 min version gives better results then 15 min then it should be released.

it is not the creators fault if people refuse to follow instructions.

if you buy a hammer and kill someone with it; should hammers no longer be sold?


I know I’m trying a bit hard right here but I just wanna know if this case of use is ok with recommandation since I have only 2 main subs and I’m only thinking about using Libertine for a momentary boost ?

@SaintSovereign What’s your thought about that ?
Sorry in advance if I’m bothering you, just wanna be sure that I’m following recommandations or trying things in some kind of frame that could help to furhter future usage of Libertine ZP

True, but we also have a responsibility to society as a whole also. Eventually we WILL release this, but we may have to do it in a way where we can prevent overexposure. The app may be a good solution for this. We can prevent people from running it multiple times a day.


I dunno, I like to do some visualisation work/meditation as I listen to my loops, 30 mins in total is quite good, I’m not sure that I’d have enough time to anchor myself with all my senses with only 6mins in total :sweat_smile:

Or maybe that part of the work will be done with the new LIFEcharger about to come out lol

Can‘t you simply change your local time on your phone and get over this measurement easily?

I really do not like this idea of forcing people into listening schedules, especially if it can be easily overcome any way. Better to make the sub safer, add scripting that helps the user to follow the guidelines for his individual stack, whatever - or even make two versions of the same title available, one for new people and the stronger one only for people who proved to follow instructions, know what they are doing and can cope with reconciliation.


I’m thinking the same as you
Just that it would give a lot of work to moderate this plus you can bypass this by just saying whatever you want for some amount of time until trust is earned…

Easily dodgable too…
It’s quite a hard task in the end no matter what method

I believe that those who don’t fear overexposure will do it anyway.
We have read people who misuse the current ZP file.
1 hour, 15 minutes, 3 minutes, people will run it multiple times if they wish.
A warning and a Disclaimer should be sufficient if the users are 18+ years.

Don’t like the idea of rationing the use of the subs.

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if the content is streamed from a central server, it could just be a matter of doing the time-based checks on the server end…like setting a 24-hour clock from when a title was last streamed/run.

My local gym’s tanning beds have a 24-hour “safety feature” like that


I second Saint’s app idea. Rather have something even stronger with rules, it does not bother me whatsoever. And it is good for those who have problems following rules myself included sometimes.


Safety over Freedom, seems like world politics are slowly swapping over to subclubs forum hahah


I am not an American, so I am not so much burdened with freedom, I do not mean that I do not like freedom, but I prefer to achieve the goal, even with restrictions. I am just a more goal oriented person.

If something goes wrong, you are interrupted, the dogs are barking, etc…you are gonna have to justify another loop of the file.
It will feel more like Workplace than a private self-improvement tool. Consciously and subconsciously.

Don’t feel enthusiastic about it.

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i think all of this is ridiculous.

it is not the creators fault to babysit people like this.

their job is to create products that give the best results in the fastest way possible.

the creators should not be wasting their valuable mental energy because people refuse to listen to instructions.

this is ridiculous.,

by this same logic then society could not function.

how many people drive drunk every weekend and kill people?

how many people stab people and commit murder with knives?

should cars and knives no longer be sold?

this line of thinking is completely insane.

If people refuse to follow instructions and harm themselves then its 100% their fault and no one else.


I never said I liked or disliked the idea…just saying it’s possible if that’s what SC wants to do. Any amount of perusing my journals will show I’m not one for “Can I run this?”

I don’t ask. I experiment. Big difference with me as compared to other certain people is I own my results, good or bad. I don’t complain about the tech.

I prefer the freedom to experiment, for sure. But I doubt even I would run multiple loops of a 5- or 7-minute powerhouse sub haha.

EDIT: I find it ironic that a lot of people here strive to be the Emperor or Khan and then are all basically “Am I ALLOWED to play this sub with this other sub?”


As much as I like to see people agreeing with me hahha… Let’s drop this discussion, this is not the dedicated thread for it.

I think we can all agree on that subclub strives for excellence, so they will only make such harsh changes if they found a sound solution.


Maybe some people ask for permission.

Other times is a question of knowing whether the respective scripts will clash or nullify the specific desired results.

I prefer freedom over safety :wink:

Putting my individual safety into risk is fine, putting other people’s safety without their consent is not.

And with that I’ll bring back the fact that I really want to try out some extreme physical shifting :joy:

Also add that except removing chosen to ass diamond in my stack, I have respected all the listening pattern since ZP’s release :raising_hand_man: Were is my “Good job” sticker?


yes but imagine the amazing things they could do if they could focus 100% on creating the best possible products instead of having to waste significant mental energy building in safety measures for people who refuse to listen to their instructions.

this is not right,

it is not the creators responsibility to accommodate people who refuse to follow instructions.

if every company had to do that then society could not function.

how many people ignore instructions for supplements, vitamins,medication,etc…

but yet no one expects drug and supplement companies to anticipate how to deal with these people who will violate the instructions…

so why does anyone expect the creators here to have to deal with this nonsense?

its completely insane.

if someone chooses to ignore instructions and gets hurt, its 100% their own fault


I would say that, as far as pills and all function, the doctor prescribes it to you.

About subliminals? Imagine someone writing a review about some crazy overexposure story? People are so scared of everything, you think they’ll want to run Subliminals after reading this? :sweat_smile:

yes 100 % , and this is an autocratic club where saint soverign will decide what is best :grin: