Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP

Honestly, there’s no way of telling if you’d miss anything, hence why I go with a minimum of 3 minutes. But… give it a try. There is something to listening for one minute, and I regularly do my Mind’s Eye reups at 1 minute.


Is there a difference between Libertine and Sphera Magnetica?

Is that how Libertine manifested for you or was it more from other subs you played alongside it?

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Interesting, thank you @unusualfellow — I love the eye aspect of it.

Should combine well alongside Seducer Gaze with Entranced.

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Yes. I wish I had it in my current customs upon reading.
I wonder what the two auras together would produce: dense & wide.

I do have a PS / SMX Qv1 custom with Sphaera Magnetica.
I didn’t include Seducer Gaze with it as I didn’t know about the eyes.

Can you describe your experience with Sphaera Magnetica?

I struggled with this custom at the time being a hard gainer and twenty modules :frowning:

I am actually revisiting my T2 V1 remake I made of this custom now at 20min with ZP. It doesn’t have Sphaera Magnetica.

How is this Custom on Zero Point, are you having the results you desire?

It’s a Qv1 T2 custom. I do think that playing it less, at 20min, with ZP is bringing out some of the flavor of it. I don’t have any concrete examples yet other than feeling.

Why not rebuild it in ZP?

I already have two ZPT2 customs I’m running with it :laughing:

There’s some overlap.

Qv1 is from when the dinosaurs still roamed this earth my kind friend

I know but it’s not regular Qv1.
It’s in T2 format and it has a few cool complementary modules to my other customs. I figure it also may not be as taxing… Otherwise, I wouldn’t use it.

I am curious how people get along with Sphaera Magnetica as the ZP of this and libertine it doesn;t seem to work for me. When i say it doesn’t work i either get very harsh recon. Or i mean the zp version of libertine is not as effect as they ultima version.

I actually removed Sphaera Magnetica in my custom and replaced it with aura of craving which i know works well for me.


What’s making you believe it is not working?

Someone else noticed this?

I thought the Auras dont give recon since they are just a temporary ’ oomph" .

A little bit lol :sweat_smile:

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We’ve been very very very good boys.

Can we pleaaaaaaaaaaase have these products now?

Pretty please?

All the bad boys have left town.

Can we please have some cookies before more bad kids come and push us around more?

I promise we won’t tell them you gave us any!