Main Disc. Thread - Libertine ZP

I’ve had one this winter, only happened once, but basically a girl texting me out of the blue and chasing me so I come play nintendo to her place xD


Hey bro, nice hearing from you!

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Honestly, there’s no way of telling if you’d miss anything, hence why I go with a minimum of 3 minutes. But… give it a try. There is something to listening for one minute, and I regularly do my Mind’s Eye reups at 1 minute.


Is there a difference between Libertine and Sphera Magnetica?

Is that how Libertine manifested for you or was it more from other subs you played alongside it?

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Interesting, thank you @unusualfellow — I love the eye aspect of it.

Should combine well alongside Seducer Gaze with Entranced.

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Yes. I wish I had it in my current customs upon reading.
I wonder what the two auras together would produce: dense & wide.

I do have a PS / SMX Qv1 custom with Sphaera Magnetica.
I didn’t include Seducer Gaze with it as I didn’t know about the eyes.

Can you describe your experience with Sphaera Magnetica?

I struggled with this custom at the time being a hard gainer and twenty modules :frowning:

I am actually revisiting my T2 V1 remake I made of this custom now at 20min with ZP. It doesn’t have Sphaera Magnetica.

How is this Custom on Zero Point, are you having the results you desire?

It’s a Qv1 T2 custom. I do think that playing it less, at 20min, with ZP is bringing out some of the flavor of it. I don’t have any concrete examples yet other than feeling.

Why not rebuild it in ZP?

I already have two ZPT2 customs I’m running with it :laughing:

There’s some overlap.

Qv1 is from when the dinosaurs still roamed this earth my kind friend

I know but it’s not regular Qv1.
It’s in T2 format and it has a few cool complementary modules to my other customs. I figure it also may not be as taxing… Otherwise, I wouldn’t use it.

I am curious how people get along with Sphaera Magnetica as the ZP of this and libertine it doesn;t seem to work for me. When i say it doesn’t work i either get very harsh recon. Or i mean the zp version of libertine is not as effect as they ultima version.

I actually removed Sphaera Magnetica in my custom and replaced it with aura of craving which i know works well for me.


What’s making you believe it is not working?

Someone else noticed this?

I thought the Auras dont give recon since they are just a temporary ’ oomph" .