Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

Jup. Rebirth is the shhhhhtart


I was wondering whether I should get limit destroyer ultima or rebirth ultima but it looks like y’all convinced me lol

My view of my childhood is generally negative.

Both for sure :wink:

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lol true.

I’ll start off with rebirth first and see how it goes.

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I’ve used rebrirth one time, what does the Ultima Version does when you use it for a week for example?

I used Rebirth Ultima for the first time two nights ago,
I felt much stronger, internally, increased status, sense of being able to be who I wanted to be, and a lot of energy.

The next two days have drudged up some strong insecurities and I see myself working through them rapidly. I’m also facing really deep emotions that I have been hiding from, and seeing dealing with them head on will have me take the kind of consistent action in what matters to me more strongly than ever.

I added Alchemist Stage 1 as a test last night.

This morning I felt I needed to sit down, I couldn’t go on with life. Everything felt like a waste, and that I was going nowhere. And I just sat, and didn’t move for quite some time, and then my mind went completely silent, and all the pain I’ve been feeling came up in my chest and burst and I felt an insane love and gratitude of everything in my past and my life, and a complete clarity of how it all served to bring me to this moment…I wasn’t even thinking of subs or rebirth at the time-but it really did feel like a rebirth.

Rebirth Ultima seemed to be a large part of this. Alchemist seemed to have me stay still long enough for it to happen.


read @Myster’s journal.
He seems to have used it with consistency to great effect

Also @Michel
I believe used it for massive healing to put certain things behind and pave the way for his Leo path towards stardom.


Guys, I am very close to deleting half the above posts. They do not belong in this thread. Back to Libertine now please.


Yeah! So where is it! Where is it!!! The promised surprise! :slight_smile:

Or the surprise was making fun of us… poor beggars waiting for a Libertine miracle. :stuck_out_tongue:

Libertine Ultima is about relaxing into and enjoying the deliciousness of a smooth, intense exchange of sexual energy/aura with the people and the world around you. Enhanced sensual/sexual radiation.

Grimm is talking about blocks and other factors that seem to get in the way of that relaxed ease.

It’s pretty related. But maybe it could be put in a thread called ‘Overcoming Blocks to Easy Sensuality’, or something.


Is anyone seriously that surprised that when you take a subliminal built to express an “aura of infinite lust”, and everyone’s sexual energy is unique and has its own unique blockages, that we get this proliferation of different responses and postings that seem off topic to other users reading them?

Sex is an exchange of energy, not just bodily fluids, and for those with no partner to share it with perhaps it comes out in “oversharing” or sharing these intensely personal thoughts on the forum. Creative energy always seeks expression in one form or another.

Perhaps those becoming dismayed by others’ outbursts of creative energy and sharing could take this as an opportunity for learning to demonstrate values such as tolerance, sympathy, mentoring and other positive human attributes. Posts can always be moved to other threads after the fact to streamline a thread if a discussion gets too far onto a side topic.


I would suggest running Libertine alone for a week overnight. Effects are very evident after a day or two.


I am also wondering those who have a hate or dislike for women. If this is expressed in the aura. If this is the case then Libertine would amplify this hate and it would make women stay away. Unless the woman is mentally damaged.


Depends on what exactly the aura is.

I would conclude that it is

  1. Sex drive, high energy state. Imagine the fear you feel if you walked inside of a high security prison. Feeling Aura.

  2. Libertinism, low energy state. The person doesn’t feel your energy. Sees you are uninhibited but notice your scowl, they stay away. Visual Aura.

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I think Libertine is one of those products that is a hit or miss for many people. Maybe it’s because they are not listening right or because they don’t eat healthy enough to feed the aura.

I’m one of those people where women’s reactions didn’t appear to change at all. I either got really aroused and prone to self-love if I stayed in, or very confident (maybe even overconfident) in my body language when I went out.

It could be that I simply didn’t “see” the indicators of interest in women, but I’d like to think such a thing wouldn’t escape me when I deliberately run Libertine to attract them.

Maybe that new experimental I hear so much about will be different.

I did remove the Rebirth posts. Sorry, but I did “warn” twice. Do give the Rebirth Ultima thread some loving.

EDIT: I barely noticed what Libertine was doing until I stopped running it. Then I noticed what changed back in me. Like the confident swagger.


LOL. I think y’all are over-complicating something that is in reality very simple.

And someone who hates their preferred gender shouldn’t be running a sexual subliminal anyway. If it doesn’t make sense to say out loud then imagine the mixed signals when the energy is trying to project! “I hate you and your kind! Let’s merge bodies and souls in orgiastic ecstasy!”

Maybe its worth going back to the basics of how an aura is projected. It’s through will or intention permeating a space. That’s one of the many reasons congruence and confidence is so important. You’re projecting yourself, and the sub can only help you change your state and deal with the projecting aspect of it. But it doesn’t (yet at least) make you feel something you’re not comfortable with. Thats where reconciliation will kick in.

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What the solution to that?
How can people get it to work for them?
Do they go strictly healing ?

As cliché as it sounds, Saint’s advice to me was to maintain a healthy “good energy” rich diet (less meat, more greens fruits and nuts) and enough sleep (“Sorry, honey, we can’t have sex right now because I need my beauty sleep to make you horny in the first place.”)

That should allow your aura to generate most powerfully.

As for whether that aura contains Libertine, even though I have yet to perceive aura’s myself I’ve been told they change continuously guided by your state. If you are sick somewhere (even psychologically), they get murky. If you tell a lie, they get dull. Happy, sad, angry, content, everything apparently influences it. Including what you are thinking and what you believe.

The Ultima subliminal will do its best to temporarily override your dominant state in order to have your subconscious thoughts generate the desired aura characteristics, but if you are yourself fighting it through beliefs and the likes, odds are the effects may be less prominent.

I suspect that there’s some sort of break-even point on a beliefs-about-women scale. If you get above it, Libertine can accelerate things to the point where it’s like a magic pill that confirms all the wondrous claims about Libertine and amplifies your beliefs even more. But if you are under it, the odds of it breaking through enough are slim.

I don’t know the script, I may be wrong, but I guess that’s my belief.


I think so. There’s a lot of potential things that can fall in the way of projecting that type of energy in the right way. Shame around expressing sexual energy in public created through the many deep seated issues our culture has of mixed messages around sexuality. Worthiness issues. Neediness versus the desire to give the other person (whatever gender you both are) a good experience, to share yourself in that intimate way. Personal body image issues. Default communication styles that are geared to protection rather than being honest. And so on. That’s where things like Primal Seduction or Rebirth or Regeneration would come into it.

Most of us here are hetero cis-gender men, but Libertine is unisex so I’m trying to be non specific with my pronouns. Sexual energy doesn’t concern itself with gender, its a specific type of intimacy. Our minds are what gives it direction.


To me it seems one have to heal and repair first then go onto libertibe ultima…
Once we have mental blocks its very hard to make progress with any subliminal…
Like @Elme was getting extremely good results because he had ran sexual subs before and maybe that healed and repaired him…
Just my 2cents…