Main Disc. Thread - Libertine Ultima

Maybe the unaccounted for variable is your unconscious, just like recon with any other sub, there is a roller coaster of ups and downs before it stabilizes? I don’t know, just a guess.


I’ve been using Libertine v1 and taking some action - talking to the person I want to talk to whilst setting up a Tinder and matching some people. Nothing major in terms of getting sex or anything I’m interested in but I’ve been getting more matches and people I’m interested in too. I’ve noticed I’m getting more attention and all that kinds of stuff.

I need to go back to v2 at some point and experiment and see what the changes are in comparison to v1 as I used v2 for a little bit of time and didn’t see much but I was also lacking a lot of action - admittedly.

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I haven’t tried mine yet, but I was wondering, is this experience only for V2, or for V1 as well? and what results did you see in this first few days?

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First few days girls staring at me giggling, wanting to go on dates with me, invading my space. I suspect the unconscious mind develops a tolerance to Libertine and thereby needs to a rest period to recuperate.


In my experience it lasts 3 to 4 hours then fades.


This seems to be true with any aura based sub, including those from other producers. I suspect it’s some kind of natural biological / energetic cycle that we haven’t able to identify yet. It may be that you need to run it every other day to avoid “burning out” whatever energetic pathways Libertine uses.


Good point SaintSovereign will take on board what you have said. It would be nice to hear others feedback please be constructive no “Hey Saint your product is cr*p” this does not help SC.

Something along the lines of “Hey Saint Libertine is not working for me i have tried XYZ however it still does not work please advise”

The more constructive feedback we give SC the better their chances of making an improved version that works for everyone.

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Hmm, I wonder if libertine V3 will be upgraded with the new build @SaintSovereign mentionned in his journal :thinking:


Right on! I was planning on posting something like this at some point, but I guess you beat me to it! :+1:

Now about LU… First… I’ve noticed that with other companies’ aura products, they might work for a week or so and then nothing. Then I start to question if the results were illusions.

With LU, I still believe this is the best in aura tech I’ve seen. I have noticed what you have @TheBoxingScientist that the effects can wax and wane. I still believe there are booster, lingering, and cumulative effects. Yet I have also noticed it tends to work some times better than others.

The only thing I can think of is

and that perhaps it has something to do with chi cycles. I think it’s acupuncture that says that energy flows through different meridians more strongly depending on the time of day or night.

Resting might be a good idea. Just as there is overtraining at the gym, I wonder if auras can be overtrained too.


What build is this ?:slightly_smiling_face:

I think it has something to do with project Hero, but you should check SaintSovereign’s journal!! There are some stuff coming along :sunglasses:

And we know Fire’s been working on an eventual V3 for libertine!


Thats great news because they started something great and they must continue until the product works for all and as consistently as possible.


Yeah, well, libertine is still a pretty hard product to master in the sense that it aim to work on the exterior world. Everything needs to be in place for it to work.

I would say due to it’s nature, libertine is the less consistent subliminal product.

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Indeed young White Tiger indeed :wink:

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It would be interesting to know who on here using libertine meditates consistently, and what their results have been vs those who don’t? My thinking is that if we’re dealing with auras maybe meditation would have some effect.

It will be, but what we originally had planned for v3 wouldn’t address the issue that @TheBoxingScientist and a few others have experienced. The aura “burning out” for a few days is something else.


It’s never burned out for me I used to use it every single day and it affects most of all my demeanor coolness and body language. When those turn on I know it worked. As long as I don’t fap at the end of the day I can have the aura alive for a week.


That’s what I mean – there’s some kind of natural energy cycle that Libertine uses. Any kind of sexual activity can exhaust it and running Libertine too much seems to burn it out also. I suspect interacting with the people you’re attracted to (and thus having the aura fire) can exhaust it. At least, that’s what my early observations are indicating.


Thats interesting i had sex with 3 different women last week and this may have depleted my sexual energy. WhiteTiger did actually mention this in an earlier post. I am going to abstain from ejaculation for a week to see if it makes a difference.


Sounds like motivation for Semen retention. @SaintSovereign have you guys considered adding scripting for SR in subs like Khan?