Main Disc. Thread - Khan Black: The Crucible (Custom Core Now Available!)

Khan black st 1 + primal nights could be

Great post that I don’t want anyone to miss. @GoldenBird


I’m so excited to add the new LB to KB :tada::confetti_ball:

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Very cool this is the exact combo I was imagining for myself

Earth life is given to us so that we can be of service and contribute to the evolution of man and to work in the garden of the creator, with a combination such as this we can make it the purpose of our everyday life to be of benefit to our fellow man. By radiating love, purity, and goodness our life can be filled with power,

Our mind is our servant and can be used for the noble purpose of bringing good to ourselves and others, suggesting love, happiness, success, peace, hope and good-will to all the world. If life is not spent doing this we truly have not fulfilled the debt that we owe for the blessing that is this life. To be undaunted, true to ourselves, our work, to fulfill our duties and obligations and honour them, is to make of life a beautiful journey, a blessing to all-often a path of thorns, but with roses spread along the way.

To be that person where others think you manifest magic in the air is what this tenure on this earth is all about.

This combination is super sick :slight_smile:


@SaintSovereign That’s what I was considering… But was wondering if it can be too much/intense (right now I’m on KB1 (3rd cycle) +Sanguine)

Looks like I’ll be joining y’all on the Khan Black train. Announcement post in my journal, but my current situation has motivated me to start cultivating my sexual energy through the sub sooner. Wish me luck! I plan to run just KB ST1 solo tomorrow (full duration) and then start stacking it with other subs in a few days.


I want to shorten my listening time for certain titles in my stack to the minimum length of being exposed to the whole script for at least once.
For Khan Black Stage 4, how long would this be please?
1 minute? 90 seconds? 3 minutes? 5 minutes?

Or does it not really matter and 30 seconds are enough because I have listened to the whole title in the past and 30 seconds are enough to remind my subconsicous mind of the whole script?

Thank you.


I might be wrong but wasn’t it 3 min for the entire script, 30 seconds for micro looping?

The definition of a Microloop is any subliminal exposure that falls within the range of 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Any amount of time exceeding that is considered a full exposure.

That was the answer support gave me.


Thank you.

Okay, then I would interpretate this as “if you listen for more than 3 minutes, you will be exposed to the full script and thus it is considered a full exposure”.

I hope this interpretation is correct and would mean that regardless of which title I run, in order to be exposed to the full script once in full, I need to only run it for 3 minutes…?

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Nice to have this defined. And, it makes sense to me as in my experience, running even 7 minutes compared to 15 minutes, I didn’t see a noticeable decrease in the feeling of processing that I get after loops of some titles.

I’ve dropped down to 3 minutes a lot more recently and I can feel the difference.


3 minutes has seemed to be the sweet spot for me as well. Things seem to integrate more seamlessly, less recon and just as much results if not more then the 15 because I don’t feel so foggy.

Especially with the newer titles.


This works in one loop. Additionally I’ve been running at full length each time, though these reports at shorter lengths make me consider experimenting on duration later.

This actually made me throw in Sanguine into my stack, KB, Stark Black and Sanguine. Seems like a powerful combo!


It’s commonly believed in here, that healing titles overpower other titles in the stack.
Is KB considered a healing title as well?
Did you make the experience, that KB overpowers other subs?

Tomorrow is my last day of Stage 1. Probably the most intense healing stage, I’d guess.

So I’m wondering, if GM will be more noticeable once I reached stage 2.

KB is IMO unique. Stage 1 is a healing stage and can take a bit of power. With St. 3 and 4 it’s the opposite: In my experience KB 3 + 4 fuel other subs and help results a lot.

KB 2 is difficult to predict. Results (and recon) varied considerably.


We’ve been researching this “stage 2 recon” phenomenon and we may have some ideas for the future update to help with it.


I just completed my first cycle of KB 2 and KB 1 was rougher for me. I have DRLD, and CWON with KB 2.

Stage 2 has been rougher for me as well.

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I’m in my third khan black stage two cycle and it’s been nothing but smooth sailing for me. I ran 5 cycles of stage one.

Seriously not trying to act cool, I know my older runs with khan help and such, and I get recon on some titles.

But for me, khan black stage two is euphoric