Main Disc. Thread - Khan Black: The Crucible (Custom Core Now Available!)

To new beginnings!


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@AnswerGroup @Forum_Ambassadors When it says Overcome All Sexual Limitations, what exactly does that mean? Is a limitation not wanting to do something sexual that your partner wants you to do? Or is a limitation something like premature ejaculation or impotence. Or is it both, hence why you say All Limitations?

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What’s PMO?


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Had an Aura picture taken and it was a completely reddish rose with white tones and purple. Implicating a strong sensual, sexual air that surrounds me.

I hope to gain a lot of sexual purity and to catalyze this energy for something other than raw sexuality, as it is such an inexhaustible source that can be transformed, transmuted, and redirected for any purpose as anything is fundamentally energy of different forms and colors.

I’d love to stick with St 2 but I notice I can use more purification as there is still a lot of compulsive desire when I do not actively transmute this energy, it can get a lot, and desire increases, and with that all the impurities that are still in me begin to get in charge.

But when I transmute this, that desire diminishes and turns into something else, drive, motivation, happiness, clarity, it depends on where I direct it.


Hi, posting results from running KB.

Before running KB:

  • I’ve had cold arms from young and was very sensitive to wind, to the point I wear a jacket in broad daylight, in a tropical country.
  • In 2022 I developed a discomfort in my stomach area (solar plexus chakra?). It felt simultaneously like a jam, itch and drain at once? Medical checkups didn’t notice anything. I couldn’t breathe into my abdomen, digestion was harder. It’d be particular uncomfortable if I PMOed, or even just from waking up in the morning.
  • During the above condition I became very sensitive to what my culture calls ‘cooling foods’, if I drank tea or coconut water I’d get chills the entire day.

Starting KB1:

  • My arms stopped feeling cold, they felt neutral.
  • The discomfort lessened. I stopped experiencing it when I woke up. Able to breathe deeper again.

Current state (KB4):

  • Arms are frequently warm now, often down to the fingers. This week I could nap without a shirt on. During a dinner I ended up sitting in direct line of a fan in a short-sleeved shirt, and it felt as if I had ‘sleeves’ of warm air covering my forearms and the wind was hitting those ‘sleeves’ instead of my skin.
  • The stomach area doesn’t feel jammed anymore.
  • I can drink tea again!
  • Recovery from PMO is faster.
  • A lot more produce
  • Wet dream at the end of December
  • Since starting KB4: penis head feels ‘closed’ when not erect? Not blocked, but like, as if that part was automatically 'kegel’ling?

Note: Years ago I learned abdominal breathing from my university’s Chinese martial arts club, after graduating I inconsistently practiced that and some energy visualisations, may have helped.


Do you mean to say that you went through Khan Black 1-4 and still masturbate to porn?

Been laying low from the forum lately but I wanted to give a small update on this. So I finally started KB2 since starting KB since release and I gotta say I’m glad I ran ST1 for as long as I did. Keep in mind I did do a cycle of KB2 in the past but wasn’t ready. Anyways

  • Energetically wise I feel almost sage like. I feel the energy coursing through me much more smoothly and feel much more balanced overall.

  • Like other users have reported I don’t sleep as much and I don’t need as much sleep. Last cycle I did of ST2 months ago it felt out of control, now it’s pretty chill. It is like an ebb and flow so I either have more energy or less energy but that will level out in time.

  • Libido is way up but desire is also down. Which makes it easier to transmute said energy. ST1 mainly it was both libido and desire were down most of the time.

  • Cognition has improved.

  • Emotional intelligence is improving as well.

  • Desire for romance is down but a lot has been happening in my personal life anyways. Basically I turn 30 tomorrow and I want my first year in my 30’s really just rebuilding my life tbh. So far it’s been going pretty good!


I turned 30 this past November :smiley: may your day tomorrow be a great one.


What did you get out of St 1 if you are willing to share and how long did you run it for exactly?

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Thank you!

A lot of deep healing and change. I basically ran it from June till March with a total of about 6-8 weeks off from it from either stepping away from Khan Black or trying to move forward from ST1. So about 6 to 6.5 months. Keep in mind that I was addicted to Porn since teenage years so I knew it was for the best to stay on it for a good while. From what I can remember from the top of my head:

  • Basically had a few major breakthroughs.

  • My desire for sex was basically artificial, as in porn really fucked up my expectations for women and sex. This has been greatly healed. Now my expectations are a lot more natural.

  • I would use PMO as a major coping mechanism whenever I was stressed or really anxious. I always kinda knew this but catching myself in the moment with it has really opened my eyes to it. Being aware of it is helping manage my triggers with it.

  • Not as needy for sex or romance from women. Like I don’t either of those on a pedestal.

  • Have clearer goals and more energy to go after them.

  • I have matured tremendously since starting Khan Black ST1

  • Thinking a lot clearer since sex isn’t always on my mind anymore.

  • More concerned with adding value and quality to my self and life so I can attract women of equal quality and value. Not worried about quantity anymore.

  • My attraction towards women are a lot healthier now. I used to base it a lot more on looks but now it’s more geared towards overall vibe and personality.

  • More comfortable in my own skin.

  • I don’t know how to really word this but I feel like I have been unlocking a part of myself that was supposed to awaken while going through puberty but didn’t since having such a jacked up sexual energetic system. This has led to serious introspection and change internally as a whole.

So far ST2 seems to be taking these lessons and turning it to action and a step further.

Edit: I also want to state that for about 2-3 cycles (can’t remember how many) I did stack ST1 of both KB and OG Khan. However I don’t recommend that unless you know you need to a hard breakdown to transform. I knew I did and went with it. Did it suck? Fuck yes. Am I much better person for that combo? Absolutely.


How exactly did it suck for you?

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Thanks for answering him in such an in-depth way. Reading your unfolding account helped me to realize a lot of the progress that I have also had in using Khan Black :slight_smile:

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Long story short…that combo basically ripped me apart and showed me just how pitiful of a man I was, and threw it in my face. That combo didn’t breakdown my old foundation it basically deleted it lol. That much revelation of one’s self that quickly can be very debilitating and also liberating at the same time. Tbh once it hit, it lead to me breaking down in tears for the first time in years.

It wasnt fun, but when you realize all of that and understand that most if not all of it was caused by my own decisions and habits that had or made during my life. I could no longer deceive nor run from myself and my own bullshit. That right there is honestly till this day the best combo I have ever ran, even though it scares the shit out of me haha. That was just the first cycle.

The other cycle or two that I ran months later were a lot easier, I still had some pain along the way but it was much easier to deal with and no where near the magnitude of the first cycle. At that point I just felt the combo kinda cleaning up other aspects of my inner self that needed to go.


No problem, and im happy I was able to help!

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Yes, I still do.

Can somebody offer tips on what i could stack this with to heal sexual traum, being able to fully step into my sexualit and healing my perception of women… A stack focused only on this, I dont care about being good at sex or being better with women.

@HumanBean , @Uber_Elysium amazing stuff guys. Thank you for sharing so much and in the detail that you did. :fist:t5: I started the cycle using KB3 but it’s been a very very chaotic cycle this time around and I’m currently off of KB and kind of drifting. Your posts help.

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Suggested stacks that come to mind:

Khan Black ST1 and Phoenix. If you have a reasonable amount of experience with these titles, that is.

KB ST1 and Ascension. Or Genesis.

KB ST1 and Sanguine.