Main Disc. Thread: Iron Throne Ultima

It just means that the sub isn’t just for one night stands. You can also use it to spark a long term romantic relationship


I only use this subliminal since the last 2+ month. I know an Ultima is more like a boost than a normal program but I thought that if I get the results I wanted, it is still ok to use it like that.

The power of using only one subliminal :

-Much better results , more results than the combo I was using iron throne + libertine
-Predictable effect , I know when I have to use 2x a day, when I have to use 1x or more.
-More time for the brain to process without being too much tired

The power of Iron Throne Ultima :

-Incredible attraction from women
-Very horny
-Ability to navigate through my interactions with all the women I am seeing
-Better at sex, (They scream more, easier for them to have an orgasm, they love to be a pleaser in bed)
-Much more dominant
-Still looking as Handsome as with Iron throne alone
-Confidence boost
-Worst Valentine’s Day ever, I didn’t know how to manage between all the women I am seeing
-Good frame, I know what I want and I am honest “I don’t want any serious relationship, but I like your company and sexiness” relationship, but I know they love me even if it is an open relationship.
-IDGF attitude but I am very respectful with people


Thanks for posting this summary of your experiences with PSIT! How do you think Libertine might be improving your results?

Report PSITU + LBU stacked 1 after another.

i had a date with a girl i was chatting:
i was far more flirty, negging her non stop(as in being playful) and teasing her.

she had bambi eyes and was laughing from the stupidest things i say.

i suggested going to my car, she accepted and it got heated up…
she refused going to my place but next time i see her Diamond ultima is in play!

overall felt like she looked for my approval, i felt more natural less needy and less approval seeking.

i felt very strong inner power and i was leading the whole thing, she followed along.

my eye contact was solid and combacks were sharp and acute, could be better if i used BLU for more verbal acumen.

overall PSITU + Love bomb ultima = it will kill :wink:


Did you add the aura of Libertine V1 or V2 to PSITU? Or is the distinction meaningless in this context?

I asked because I’ve been running PSITU once a day for the past few days, to see how it affects relations with the wife.

Instead, it’s manifested “attention” from someone I NEVER talk to. Old family friend. As in she’s been suddenly PMing me asking all sorts of life questions, how many kids do I have now, and other stuff.

With the amount of questions, it made me suspect that PSITU hast he Aura of Libertine V2, but that’s why I wanted to ask.

I told the person I’m not able to have kids anymore (got snipped a few years back) and she suddenly stopped talking to me again lol.

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I actually can’t remember, lol. v1, I think.

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Interesting that you’d tell someone this. Personally I would keep such info under wraps and reserved for those who really need to know.

She has 4 kids. I have 2 and don’t need/want any more. I told her that strategically as it seems she may be addicted to having kids, based on what I gleaned.


She wants you to knock her up but you can’t. The little devil on my left shoulder says you missed a golden opportunity there. :grin:

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Believe me, I didn’t miss anything. I think subs are indeed working because once I realized how much she kept talking about how many kids she has, I got the idea right then and there to disqualify myself.


Having said all THAT, I just finished a loop of PSITU and running LDU now to see how differently that hits me. Ever the experimenter!


Interestingly enough I have PSITU in my arsenal but have never run it. Something tells me I should wait for DR to do more work before I do so.


I may have been the something that told you :grin:

Personally I’ve postponed the sexual subliminals for about 2 months, maybe more. I’ve focused primarily on DR. I figure after 90 days of intense focus on DR st4, the other subliminals should work better.


How’s it to run PSITU directly without any prior listening to PSITQ?

And, if we use any Ultima as a major will it behave the same as Q or any different?
Effectiveness more or less or same?

I bought the PSITU and not the Q so can i work out with just Ultima version?

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Ideally you need the foundation of the Q prior but you can run it as major title but say 3 loops max a day maybe


This is a good comparison between the scope of effects of q vs ultima

These results are from only using the ultima so looks like it can work


Lol,thought major title is basically 3 loops and up for an ultima.booster is 1-2 loops?


I am curious…If I run an Ultima title as a major title…what else I could get from it beside the state shifting.?

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  • longer-term effects (i.e., trait changes)
  • wider scope of impact (i.e., affects many more parts of your personality/identity/self
  • heavier processing load
  • more reconciliation

psitu v2 report