Main Disc. Thread - Index Gate: Ultimate Programmer X

good go for CSS and JavaScript now. And keep building projects, small or big doesn’t matter.


To all my fellow coders, it’s that time:

Day 1-3 already up


IG has been manifesting some interesting links for me. The most recent which I felt like sharing is this talk:

I’m only part way in and already I can tell this is a pretty special talk :wink:


What type of coding or programming do you do?

Infinite chars


This is the GD truth.

I have a tech background so I’m not a beginner. But I have a tech background, with a ~four year gap on my resume, and was still majorly stuck and getting hella rejected before I ran this.

I could write about it all day but here is the CliffsNotes version:

I bought Index Gate with Emperor when they got updated. I ran both of them together from 11/19 to 11/29. I stopped running them because of the recon from Emperor and other things.

  • I ran this sub and I got exactly my ideal job, zero exaggeration. I’ll spell it out below.
  • I ran this sub and shortly after found an unknown (to non-Japanese people) site that literally flooded my inbox with opportunities and direct contact from good companies and recruiters.
  • I ran this sub and when I was talking to one of my friends, who had zero idea I was job hunting, and who I had no intention of talking about job hunting with, he randomly asked me about my work plans for 2024 and introduced me to a recruiter that he had personally used to get his consulting gig when he heard I was committed to changing my situation.

This sub taught me what having “pathways to manifestation” really looks like, and how quickly shit can change when you are acting congruently on a focused goal and running the right subliminal to back it up. I went from having no hope and being ghosted to turning down and (embarrassingly) ghosting a few myself because I had such a clear vision for what I wanted and the sense that I would get it if I turned them down, showing the universe my will. Sounds dramatic but it’s no exaggeration. It was weird as fuck how it all happened.

Around the end of October 2023, I applied to a senior level position of a job at a company I got rejected from last year. I had some confidence from Ascension in me, but I also had genuine confidence because of how it all played out previously.

Last year's rejection

I gave up on hearing back from them after about two weeks of radio silence. :laughing:

Around this time NSE started, and I bought Index Gate with Emperor when they got updated. I ran both of them together from 11/19 to 11/29. I stopped running them because of the recon from Emperor.

Four days later, 11/23, I got this!

I assured her that the situation was much different than before, prepared hard as hell for the interviews, attacked all my weak points that I remembered from the previous interview and I got rejected again.

But the way the company communicated the interview process to me and the contents of the interview were quite different, so instead of giving my usual “professional” thanks-for-your-time email, I sent a “professional” what-the-fuck-was-that-about email clearly voicing my displeasure…

…and they actually responded quickly, apologized, and pushed me through to the manager level. I talked to him and he apologized again, said they really liked me and basically gave me an unofficial offer.

It’s taken so much time, and there are other parts of this situation that I want to share but are unrelated to Index Gate, so I’m going to stop now and finish with this email I got today:

Job is locked in and I’ll start next month.

It took a while from when I posted it, but I got exactly what I wanted. To the letter.

Async, can work any hours of the day from anywhere in the world. Performance-based – I do good work and they leave me alone otherwise. Based in Japan so I can maintain a proper Asian home base while now being able to explore the region on my own timing, and build a lifestyle based on my own needs – GOODBYE WINTER!!! Great perks, bonus system, and stipends for learning, including Japanese lessons. Tripled my current income and I’m definitely not stopping there.

April 2023 Journal Post:

I selfishly wanted to share my good news after a hell of a year on these subliminals and the many ups and downs I experienced. But I also get huge motivation from seeing and hearing about other people’s results on this forum. So I genuinely hope this can serve as inspiration for anyone considering Index Gate.

Changed my damn life. :sob:


@SaintSpring @James Y’all both deleted your posts. Something for me? :eyes:

I am really happy for you! I was in Japan in 1997 in an NTT training. An amazing country!
I wish you fullfil all your dreams!

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You think Emperor helped you manifesting or Index Gate?

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Done. Actually you’ve inspired me beyond Index Gate. :slight_smile:


I just asked Fire and SaintSovereign to look at your post. then I realized there were too many Saints per square meter, so I deleted my post :grin:

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It’s time to change my name to SaintViktor :joy:

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That’s a good question. For the sudden wealth of opportunities, reversal of fortune, and the timing of the email that came through, it’s nothing but Index Gate. 100%, no questions asked. I had been focusing exclusively on tech jobs, and looking for a very specific type of tech job at that, so everything was already primed.

I will probably write about it briefly in the Emperor thread, but Emperor “manifested challenges” (I know they don’t like us saying that) and sent me a very loud and clear message on what to focus on and what not to focus on in the moment. Unfortunately, it was too powerful for me and I ended up stopping.

But running both certainly made it very clear how to proceed and ultimately that intuition was spot on in terms of the result I wanted. So yeah they both helped in their own way, even with such a short number of loops.

One of the many things I love about this NSE tech is that it’s pretty obvious what’s coming from where – especially if you introspect and pay attention to your thoughts.


I would have loved to experience 80s or 90s Japan. I bet you had a blast in your free time. Thanks :pray:t5:

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Great stuff.


I was always positive when running indexgate alongside stark. Everytime i got a role i got feedback like “you are so positive we want you”

I am dropping Indexgate for Stark Black now.


Why not run both?

My goals have changed i already been offered a well paid role with one of the biggest banks in the world.

I.want to focus more on my love life hence me creating a PS custom and stay fit and healthy hence Spartan Apex.


While running Stark?

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yes normal stark with Indexgate

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