Main Disc. Thread - Heartsong

I feel like heartsong is playing games with me now, I went from a girl who is way into me to a girl who takes time to open up :joy:, could be a self-esteem issue but only way to figure out is forward.


I have found similar experiences. it might be a healing thing but i’m not sure

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I wouldn’t stress about it, if heartsong brought her, it can manifest other ones.


Yes I had these manifestations from Heartsong as well. Women who seemed perfect but were overwhelmed. If they are twin flames they can wait. I let them go to see if they come back.

Plus there are plenty of perfect partners out there in my opinion and more will come.


I have a query for a long time.
Does heartsong help you heal? Because my friend loves a girl for a long time but now he is broken because of no response from her side. I mean he is in love with her for time being. I wish no one experience this in the future. Should I recommend heartsong because if it heals him it’s enough. I want him to get hope


I believe Heartsong has a lot of healing in it for this.


It would be nice to see HS ZP for testing soon…



Reckon I’d swap out Wanted for that on my next cycle for this.


Yea. I want to start it on stack 2 but it’s not there yet :frowning:

Does heartsong help heal and/or leave toxic relationships?

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I broke up with my ex after using it. We weren’t necessarily toxic but it wasn’t the best being in a relationship ship so I’d say yes.


@Brandon commented on this and so, for the first time in it feels like forever, I saw the Heartsong thread pop up on my feed (well, there was recent activity) and my heart skipped 'cuz I almost thought that they had dropped HS ZP with no notice, just to throw a little more dirt in my stack’s eye :joy::joy:

Ascension ZP already rocked my roadmap intentions for a moment hahahaha. Imma legit stay off the forum except to journal if I even glimpse THAT thread.

Ascension ZP, Sage Immortal ZP and Heartsong ZP.

Mm mm mmmmmm.

A sage can dream, after all. If money wasn’t a reality, this would be a very neat stack for me.


Imagine how powerfull this sub will be with the new manifestation tech… everywhere youll go youll just be surrounded by the exact type of girl youre into, both single and into you. Now combine this with PS and libertine, and youre gonna have such a damn powerfull combo.


Hopefully this is upgraded soon, looking to add this into a new rotation.


I want this one for my next stack.

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This thread is the appropriate spot for this, I guess. Based on my experience with both heartsong and with soul connection.


I’ve noticed that in the past few days I’ve been seeing a lot of redheaded girls. I used to be very much into redhead/auburn colored hair on women and this sudden effect reminded me of that.


You did not revert back to Heartsong, because you are running Khan/Wanted/PS right? So Heatsong was not necessary?

You mean what you talked about somewhere about visualization?

I’m not understanding what your asking. Heartsong was not necessary for what?

To respond to the second part of your post; yes that’s exactly what I was talking about and I’m grateful for you bumping that old post and reminding me. I spent a lot of time in my imagination immersing myself in the experience of being the perfect version of me which reflected the subs goals. The more I did that the more I was naturally being that version of myself in ‘real’ life and it was EFFORTLESS change.

It’s a part of my daily routine for all my subs (and life success in general) now.



I meant, since the post above you moved to Primal or Khan, so I was wondering if for your goals Primal/Khan/Wanted were better than Heartsong?