Main Disc. Thread - Heartsong

I wonder if i was that guy :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Not only did I hit the like button for your post, but I’ve bookmarked it for future inspirational readings. Thank you very much for this inspirational post!
You said that your were holding back. I wish you wouldn’t hold back. Please hit us with the whole kitten kaboodle. I think we can handle the shock. LOL


Can we?

I’m sure that post is already making some members change their stacks.


@NinjaGazin :+1:t2:


I noticed that too. Women in situations where I wouldn’t expect them. Like at a gas station or in a tabacco shop where before I always met the same service people. Suddenly there were women who seemed to be super into me.


Nice results man, I know you are just sharing your experience, but Heartsong is kind of diluted in the stack there. I mean a lot of what you said there could be the other subs in the stack. For this Heartsong thread, it seems a bit unfocused, as I can see Love Bomb effects written all over that post and I tested that solo myself, so heck knows what part of that is also Sage.

So, people thinking his results = Heartsong, is kind of misleading.

Sorry if this came across as an ass hole, it is not my intention, this is just what came up when I read your post and it made me think it can be easily misleading, I know some people will know this, but I think it is worth highlighting even more, especially so for newbies.



This line from the sales page made me curious though:
“Heartsong will help you find, meet and attract an individual”

Does it mean that HS is not only for manifestation but also for something else that provides an active attraction? Like some aura or maybe some active seduction?

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For sure I agree with you its nearly impossible to isolate heartsong from the rest of my stack.,…

But it IS in my stack andI play heartsong more often then love bomb. In fact, I have played wanted/heartsong even more then sage…so I felt compelled to offer this perspective because heartsong is the sub I have listened to more then any other besides wanted.


I’m running an HS custom and i also have Sage in my stack. I would say it’s definitely a mix of his stack.

What a stack, though! All very much complementary.


I’ve been running one loop of Heartsong on an almost weekly basis. Every time I run the program, within 24 to 36 hours there is a really unusual synchronicity where I see this one guy who I used to like. The synchronicities happened often with that same guy when I used to run Heartsong regularly over the summer. I really don’t know why this keeps happening with this same person. Hopefully it won’t always remain a mystery and I will understand why “him” one day. There are other guys I like better and I’m tempted to run the program again to see if it affects them, but my stack is full right now. I might run this program regularly again soon just to see what happens.


heartsong is effiective for start loving? if one girl lovess me and me to also then heartsong connect easily?


Oh yes bro. If there is mutual love between you two, heartsong will work very well.

Except if you are not good for each other (am guessing this point though because HS does deal with healing aspects of relationships).


thank you.

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I haven’t played heartsong since the ZP launch and an interesting situation manifested. I thought I was good with the girl I manifested until a couple of days ago where she gave me the ultimatum of being a thing, at the same time another girl matched me to talk to me and we recently started. Now I’m kinda of the middle between either getting serious with this one or letting her go and seeing where it goes with the new one.

My issue or concern with the current girl is I’m not even sure how we would work, there is distance, our jobs and other factors that I suppose you could say take the plunge and trust the universe but I’m the type of person that needs a plan. I honestly have never been in love as far as I remember I look at it more as they have most the values I’m looking for and we would probably be good together. I’d appreciate any advice with any of the members with more experience than me on what to do, I’ll also add I haven’t been in a relationship in long time like 3+ years.


I don’t agree with letting her rush you, but I can also understand that she doesn’t want to waste her time and invest her emotions into someone who might now want a commitment. I wouldn’t rush into anything, but give yourself a few days to know where you really stand with this girl and then be honest with her.

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Would it be wrong of me to tell her to take like 2 months off each other and then if we are still into each other we would move forward?

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That’s a really good idea. If you still want her two months from now, there might be something there. If she says no, then there’s your answer and you move on in good terms.


Update: we are talking a break like I suggested, I suppose if it’s meant to be it will. Still feel like crap though but I’ll get over it. thank you for the help @lrw.


Good on you for making a tough decision and following through. Cheers, bro!


I don’t know if you have room for it but HOM could really help you here by letting you know who’s really the best choice. Though Chosen seems to have that covered as well. I think I read from others that HOM does have that transcendental connection which would make your best choice see you as their best choice also. But again Chosen might have that covered also in a slightly different way.

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Would Emperor in place of Stark be counterproductive to the overall outcome of empire-co-building?

EDIT: I missed the line above with the “Insert your favorite alpha or empire-building sub here”