Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

I mentioned the other day about Genesis having a Bukowski vibe to it. Someone mentioned a Hank Moody Sub in a post a few days ago. Moody was based off a character in a couple of Bukowski’s books


So you are saying you do not need another healing unless you are going to do another healing :slight_smile:

I think he’s saying that Healing to make a better you-of-tomorrow is great; but at the same time, make sure you’re also being honest with the you-of-today.

Don’t use Healing as a way of running away from yourself; use it as a way to better connect with yourself.


This :point_up_2:

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As someone who’s run DR twice, for almost one year, I disagree with that utterly.
I listened to DR and I would just go about my day and at the end it dramatically changed me, with no action taken towards any goal related to the healing. Perhaps, if I had done so it would have helped me clear out more stuff but I got to a point where just running subs focused on unlocking my genius is enough to get a bit of indirect healing that is just enough to flourish. Genesis is amplifying this effect really nicely. :heart:


I just wanted to share how grateful I feel to be here in this community where genuine helpful advice and feedback is given. I’ve become more active and engaged here in the community since my first listen of this title. It feels more like home.

Today is my 2nd listening day of this title.

Feeling the warmth moving through my body again.
Feeling like everything really is going to be alright.
I don’t have to hide myself from the world to heal all my crap from the past almost 36 years of my life. I’ve done more than enough healing. Why go searching for more crap. Oh right, to delay, avoid or detour from the desired path. Procrastination station!

I can instead decide what I want and who I want to be in this world and go get it done, one step at a time. Taking action, living from my end of my wishes fulfilled.

Naturally when you come from your end of knowing what you truly want, things will come up from your past to process and release with ease rather than force and tension. It’s like pulling the weeds from your garden and pruning the new crops too. Providing them with the right nourishment of sunlight, good soil, and water.

Why keep digging and searching for things to fix when you can build and create something new to maintain and expand on? Prune and pluck as you move along the path, but don’t get stuck there.

Embrace the trusting in the process of unfoldment.

This sub feels like a great tour guide on my journey of a lifetime.

I was playing the keyboard much differently yesterday. Expressing my inner most feelings. I shared a little piece of it with @Palpatine :heart:

I am speaking more confidently with my loved ones.

I didn’t have a single argument with my 13 year old yesterday!

I truly feel the support and encouragement here to go after the big crazy goals I tossed aside before.

I find myself crafting up new ideas for how to become financially free from multiple sources of income.

I dreamed of old structures collapsing that aren’t working for me anymore. Quite powerful.

My boyfriend on his own accord went and searched the whole store picking 2 subs to listen to. We are connecting much deeper and more intimately. It feels really good.



@SaintSovereign @Fire

Is Genesis designed to act as a booster for other subs? I am just wondering because i feel like it is starting to boost my customs a bit.


probably due to this.


@SaintSovereign and @Fire

Please see above for important question.


I had this thought yesterday that I can tap into any of the previous subs I have used on command.

For example, I had something going on with my ear yesterday, and I thought since I listened to Paragon for so long I can just tap into the Paragon Energy and bam!

I pictured it, like each subliminal is in its own compartment in my mind, easily, and readily accessible when needed. :woman_shrugging:

I could be way off here, but I believe in the law of assumption and I’m going to continue giving life to this belief!

Long-term (lifetime) benefits of any, and all subliminal usage from this space. Ftw!


@SaintSovereign How would this go with EoG4 in a 2 core custom. I have ran EoG4 for quite some time now. Is this a recipe for disaster or a solid plan?

It could be tough. EoG stage 4 + Genesis is essentially four cores. I’d just run it on the side.


More than DD and RM?

This song best expresses what I feel from this sub.

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I am currently running an experiment with a great friend of mine. He is currently in the process of launching a massive ecom brand and I have mentioned subliminals to him before but he’s NEVER tried them. Always thought they were woo-woo.

Well I gave my friend Genesis and he’s been running it solo, following one day on, one day off cycle, didn’t let him read the sales page or anything, and he’s already reporting back to me he’s feeling more self aware and at peace with who he is.

Basically throws out the window any placebo claims or confirmation bias because he is experiencing what the subliminal claims to do without actually knowing what it does. Insane.

Great work as always!


It just stacks well with EVERYTHING, hence why it has that effect. The original design idea was a “smooth ride” toward finding yourself.


Gen-Spartan/los is a more balanced stack and the calmess is unreal, surpassing even king Khan.

DD-RM is a beautiful stack that I will run in vacations. pure life enjoyment with no other cares.


Currently stacking it with my Rich Crypto “Professionnal trader” custom.

Just got a call from my contractor, one of the other contractee had an ankle injury so I got another 1.5K contract. Haha wrote that in my personnal journal.

Really hope Genesis helps me to connect the last few dots of my forex trading journey, I’m so so close to big money!


Goddam, I’m impressed, how it it that those new titles are doing better than Khan in some ways I’m gonna cry :sob:


Imagine stacking it with Khan :crazy_face:

I’m half tempted to give it a shot.

I’ve been switching between Chosen/Khan and Lbfh/Khan for a whole now, this might just be a happy medium.

What do you guys :thinking:?