Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

I relate to a lot of your struggles. I think genesis would be really good for you. A big helping of new positive experiences would help compliment all the work you’ve put in internally with healing.


I think I wrote this before but I’ll write it again: excessively focusing on healing is a form of delaying taking action aka procrastination. There will always be something to heal. You don’t have enough time left in your life to play that hide and seek game with yourself. Just set a goal, heal the things that are in the way of that goal and keep moving. Anything else is fear-based.


That hurt a little


Could not have said it better myself.


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Sometimes we need a good kick in the butt to get going.

Different is better than better.

Wake up each day and explore different & new experiences. Get weird, get silly and enjoy the sweetness of life.

You only get one shot in this meat suit. Make it rock!

As my late friend Ryan said before he was tragically killed: “Make today count. You only have today once.”

He was an example of someone who truly embodied that & lived life on the wild side. Making every moment an adventure.

While you are busy doing the things you love & enjoy, the healing naturally happens. 🫶🏼


I know. But I’m on the same boat. Just like anyone who is over 40 years old. We are basically wrapping up and a few years away from concluding our run on this planet. Now is not the time to be healing all and everything. Just heal and release what is stopping you from taking action and go achieve your goals. You don’t want to get to a point of your life where you’ve healed a lot of things but now you’re out time to put all that healing to good use. The clock is ticking my friend. For all of us.



Guys, all of that is simply put on the Genesis sales page:

Genesis ZP contains very light healing and preparatory scripting, aimed not at directly healing your issues but at simply dissolving them enough so that through your action you can overcome them (or, you may choose to advance to a full-fledged healing subliminal later on).

That approach is the very next step after getting through thorough healing (like on DR, Regeneration etc.) if one truly needs it. A lot of healing is being done naturally by getting out your comfort zone and getting exposed to positive experiences and getting stronger through overcoming adversities.


The clock is definitely ticking. But I think it’s equally important to know what you want to do with that time. Otherwise you also use up time chasing ideas that don’t fulfill you in the long run.

Which DOES seem to be a goal of Genesis. So all these posts are pretty meta right now


You sound like my Wife. She says “meat suit” as well


I was just thinking how Genesis and Spartan Apex would go great together. Super focused and disciplined to do whatever the fuck makes you happy

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Thank for your considered response. Very informative and helpful. I’m deciding between running Genesis solo or running it with Ascension. I attached two quotes below where you gave your opinion on both options.

If you look at my objectives list, which option do you think is better?

You don’t need to be super focused and disciplined to do what makes you happy unless it is something where happiness comes only after a lot of suck. Like often with sports.

For seizing the day, it is enough to be open to joy.

I hope this does not come over the wrong way, but my impression from the outside is that you somehow think you are too broken to deserve success and therefore have to find absolution for your sins in healing or other modalities, such as punishing yourself with hard work for…happiness.

And it is an issue people here in their twenties seem to have too. People don’t like themselves and think of healing as a way to replace themself with another, more deserving person. But this view really is the problem.

Accept yourself and others with flaws and everything, and life will go a lot better. And if there are things were you did really bad stuff in the past, self-reflection is not going to improve that. Doing good in the world will.


I remember @Joa23 reporting being able to give her… what, 30 orgasms per session or something?


You are not your story so stop attaching yourself to it

You play a video game

Character loses, character wins

Do we say character is broken and needs healing? No.

We gotta move forward with the quest and storyline dammit


Those comments about not needing to heal yourself got me questioning if I need another cycle of Khan stage 1. Already did 2 cycles although in 3 title stack. I am not sure if this is enough.

That has to be a world record…

That’s amazing. Just when I was complaining about feeling purposeless.


The actual number was a bit higher :rofl::rofl:, those were the times in which I was trying to prove my value as a man with sexual prowess. It was very useful, powerful and fun tbh.

Then I learnt for us is way more important to have quality intimacy, not about the number, but about deep connection and deeply knowing, reading each other’s energies, feelings, bodies and to fulfill our deepest desires.

To go back to Genesis, Im already feeling the intimacy and connection growing stronger, Im yet to report how this enhances our sexual life… Im collecting data for the moment.


I really didn’t say that you don’t need to heal yourself. We all do. What I’m talking about is hiding procrastination behind healing. Some people run healing sub after healing sub then complain that their lives aren’t changing. Of course if you only do healing but you don’t take any meaningful action towards a goal, you won’t get any results. Additionally action is what shows you whether you got enough healing or not. Or even if you got the right type of healing. I’m not saying that 2 cycles of Khan is enough or not. Only you can say that. I did six cycles of EOG1 before I felt changed enough to take action. :joy:
At some point you need to grab your sword and jump into the battle of life instead of hiding behind healing subs. If you get your ass whooped in the battle, at least you’ll know what you’re missing. Add that specific thing to your armor and go back to battle. The battle is just as transformative as the healing. Don’t be one of those who stay on the sidelines of life complaining about how their life is not changing. Go play, learn and grow.
The magic is in the action taking. Not in running healing subs one after the other non stop.


Yes… I keep having these “Relax… Its gonna happen and its gonna be good” moments, that prevents me from going into worry mode and instead just flow.