Main Disc. Thread - Genesis ZP

Goddam, I’m impressed, how it it that those new titles are doing better than Khan in some ways I’m gonna cry :sob:


Imagine stacking it with Khan :crazy_face:

I’m half tempted to give it a shot.

I’ve been switching between Chosen/Khan and Lbfh/Khan for a whole now, this might just be a happy medium.

What do you guys :thinking:?


Yeah LBFH Khan has been part of my stack before Christmas for few months.

Genesis and Khan would probably require lots of brain fuel. I might test drive 1 loop of Khan eventually and keep it 1x a week or 1x every two weeks.

Still waiting to see the next few release this week :wink:


Have you tried micro loops yet?

I don’t know how to do custom micro loop, but I’m doing 5 min Genesis as of now. It’s only my trading custom and Khan custom that are more complicated for me.

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Funny for you Genesis manifest in Money mostly?


Because it’s my goal. My subconscious has no distraction.


I had great revelation today after sad moment. Perfect actor and musician in our country passed away relatively young 43 years old. Whole country is in mourn. It’s tragedy. He gave value to our lifes.

I realized it’s all about value. I want to contribute more to people lives. I have health/Beuaty shop so I need ways to make sure I am adding to people lives. Not just taking. Also I am musician. I need to find ways. Need to serve more.

Also recon is hitting me a bit, regarding environment and people that I encouter. 90 % people I know wanna just leach. They want milions but are unable to simply give helping hand to close ones in need. Unable to even study a bit.

I am gonna do it somehow. I am gonna find ways to live full filing life, be rich and also provide massive value to peaple. I know I will.

stay safe guys


What country are you in? Because in my country also passed away actor of 43 years old.

Right there with you.

I’ve been sad and tired today. Realizing it’s because of my bs excuses stopping me from living the kind of life where it’s super fulfilling, rich and freeing while providing massive value and impact to many peoples lives.

Sick of the same stuff. Change is imminent.

I feel coocoo :roll_eyes:


How do the excuses stop you?

Weird. I don’t have an answer. :flushed::thinking: drawing a blank.

What are the excuses most like?

Just reading lately on this thread, I can tell that this program really is opening a lot of doors and bringing in some quite amazing revelations in people :partying_face:


I don’t have the time because I have kids with different dads & going through custody for my youngest. It feels like my youngest dad wants me to fail.

I’m not fully clear on wtf I am doing because I have so many ideas in my head.

What makes me any greater than other people with similar goals?

Lack of money.

I’m not talented enough even after years of trying at the things I love.

This sort of crap loops around. I’m just coming face to face with it right this very moment.

I wanna do big impactful things but how to have it all without sacrificing anything?

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I know you better than that.



pro tips for recon:

Connect with friends who get it. @Palpatine …. What would I do without you?!?! :joy: & of course this community.

&& Get some sun & listen to music! If there’s no sun, use a happy light.

:boom: boom!

Rant over. Maybe.


Pairing this with Renaissance Man and Ultimate Artist


Manifested almost $200 worth of tips in the past 3 days alone. Genesis’ money manifestation is the truth. Mind you I now have a job where being tipped isn’t even a normal occurrence.

Also had a couple beautiful older women jokingly lock me in their house earlier stating im bring kidnapped and im theirs now lol

And last, some chick at my new job that inexplicably went cold towards me is now acting shy and submissive when im around and trying to speak to me again. I kinda blow her off and I know she’s being influenced by the Genesis aura so…eh

Genesis has also been making it possible for me to work through conditions like hunger and headaches with relative ease


I decided to run the combo.