Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

Just 7 mins, been doing that for months now and it’s doin me a lot of good


Bro, it’s okay to let go of the religious overzealousness. You don’t know anything about @Malkuth, you even know if he is a Muslim or not. You don’t know his reasons for using Bismillah! You just jumped to conclusions. You tried to flag his post and it was yours that got hidden instead. Funny how that works, uh?
Relax and just enjoy the conversation, no one is out here to offend you. :joy:


lol well… he said Akhi! lol :smiley: I’m just jumping in here for no reason lol, tho I would like to know the pov of practicing muslims here if there are any and their thoughts and understanding on using Subliminals?

I am def not trying to divert the conversation of this forum tho. :smiley:

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Best to make a separate thread in the Emperors Lounge


Yes please, this isn’t a thread for religion.


yup Understood.

to stay on topic… When I joined subclub I started with AM and Emp, tho my current order history will show the level of recon LOL I’ve been on and off these 2 and finally after few washouts, I’ve started again and only focusing on AM and Limitless Executive, is it better if I start with just 3 to 5 min for each and slowly work my way up to 15 min? or what would you guys suggest…

I thought I had enough understanding of what a recon is and thought I’d be able to handle it, seems I was very wrong hence the 3 to 5 min start. one thing I’ll add I made it a habit of listening to Paragon anytime I feel in pain or so… I wonder if that is the case then my washouts are invalid…

in conclusion do you guys suggest 3 to 5 min of AM and LE… Sighs for a noob like me?

ZP is still new enough the only good advice is to try a week each of the different lengths.

3, 5 and 7 seem like good testing points. Also, 5 mins of one sub might work great where 7 of another sub is ideal. Just gotta see what’s best for you.


I had just read something a few min ago about this 3 5 7 rule, I couldn’t recall on the 7 :frowning: thank you, I will try that. life is a bit of a mess right now and I’m just frustrated and keep failing to recon. I…

It intrigues me that these time lengths people settled on for listening are prime numbers.

But it could be that’s just a natural consequence of do many primes being that close together before you reach 10

It is being used for a beginning.

But I think you make a good point, @Alphamale.

I will be sensitive in my public use of sacred symbols, and when appropriate I will be satisfied to hold my prayers in my own heart.


This is a derailing of the topic so if you wish to reply do it on my journal.

Now back to Emperor talk.

There was no need to translate Ch’ien into another language. Taoist Magicians are whole-heartedly welcome on SC.


I’m on a similar path, and even though my final expression of it will be “G4, K4, RM ± CZ, SG”
my starting stack is “EZ + RM” … which is clearly me “investing in my North Node.”



Do you know what it means

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Again, start a new thread. I’ll start flagging after this :wink:

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answered in my own journal.


And qian is both the Dragon and the Emperor.

A very auspicious way to begin this next phase.

Thank you, bro.


I’ll focus on this Naissance first before I come back for the Renaissance. :wink:

I hope I can be ready for working with Emperor next month.


The text in Chinese translates into “Are you all talking about me?”



I need help.
I can’t find the Emperor ZP thread :thinking:


Wait! Are you posting in the Emperor ZP thread to say that you can’t find the Emperor ZP thread? :open_mouth:


he was going to say guys went away from
the main topic of the topic :slight_smile:


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