Main Disc. Thread - Emperor ZP v1

My first guess is he’s just very good at beginner’s mind and following his own inner nudges rather then doing whatever everyone else says and somehow he’s found a way to be unswayed by other people’s opinions due to his ability to take a chance and see what happens while having a sense of direction for where he wishes to go.


So far, libido is back and dominance in intimacy is reminiscent of EQ. Hints of SM is coming through on my first day on it.

Can’t wait for my second loop to observe.


This is the reason why I feel I’m sometimes more social on Emperor.

I was friendlier and more gracious with Stark but with Emperor, I will say something and approach anyone because I want to.

It’s not from a place of superiority, but it’s because I’m not inferior in any way, shape, or form and I respect myself.

For the same reasons, I could also be cold and aloof if I feel like it.

Emperor to me is more control and choices of what I really want, and not what’s required of me by external sources and pressure.


that’s my first ever experience with anything from SC, you can judge for yourself :wink:

the first week on EmperorQ (I think on either the 2nd or 3rd day) was when I finished my dissertation in one go, it took less than 6 hours to write 6.5k words.


so for example: you wouldn’t respect because you’re required to, but because you want to? or else you don’t care if you disrespect them?

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Yes, because I disdain being rude. It’s usually uncalled for and it’s not my way.

That said I also won’t stand at attention if I don’t want to or I feel like I’m forced to. I don’t feel subservient to anyone nor will I want to. This is why I like Emperor, many aspects of it resonates with how I want to live my life.

The other day, the very day I ran Emperor ZP, I was at this place, and someone was noticeably rude to me; perhaps this person was having a bad day.

Admittedly, I was miffed and lost my temper a bit, and instinctually expressed my displeasure and slammed the thing that was handed to me on the table.

I left it at that and just ignored this person the whole time I was there, while engaging and even laughing along with others I found cordial and pleasant. It’s not the best example but it’s my most recent experience with this version of Emperor.


You seem like you really want to err on the side of caution yet you still have profound successes with the subliminals.

That’s probably what they’re talking about in terms of listening at higher levels or lower levels. Being a stonewaller and/or hardgainer maybe. I forget who but somebody has to listen at the lowest volume on their player so their subconscious or unconscious accepts the scripting.

That they have the sort of naturally defiant nature and so they have to be, pardon my words, but as gentle and accommodating as possible to affect change in their psyche.

I tend to be a rebel by nature and respect those who respect me and I don’t believe in anybody being “better” than anyone else. I respect that we are individuals but don’t feel like I need to get on my hands and knees for anybody and nobody should do that for me either.

Yet I’ve gotten lots of problems for naturally having that sort of I’m minding my own business and doing my own thing and so you have your freedom, but have found that people don’t like to take that freedom, they’d rather fit in and I’ve struggled with that too. I don’t want to rock the boat yet at the same time I know I have to live my life not what somebody else thinks is best for me or everyone else.

So I’m still looking forward to Emperor zp. I never wanted to try it because of what everyone else said about it instead of taking a chance on myself. I think that’s the beauty of the expansion and progression of SC.

Now with ZP you can take a title and correct me if I’m wrong, it’s going to bring you closer to your true desires and your unique expression moving through you and even if a title isn’t absolutely perfect you’ll know that but it will still sort of mold to you rather than you to it. So that’s why I like the progression and think that’s the way of the world at this point. Rather than molding us to it, it’s becoming more awake to this concept of being co-creators of reality.


Considering the fact that there is still a lot that I don’t share (Thank WANTED for that :sweat_smile:), it’s understandable why you might think that way, but trust me when I say this, even though I might be cautious at first, after a certain period of time passes, I end up putting myself on the edge of cliff, why? Because I’m confident that I won’t fall no matter what :wink:

That is true, and sometimes it will straight up make you realize that your desire doesn’t match the goals.
For example, Spartan ZP is a sub that people might think would fit me perfectly due to my interest in bodybuilding and powerlifting, however, as it promotes a healthy lifestyle in order to achieve its goals, that “healthy” part doesn’t “gel” with me.
What I mean is, it doesn’t fit with my obnoxiously flexible dieting methods (I had a burger for breakfast today), and I realized that after a couple loops of it, and while it may have been able to “come to peace” with me, it still made me feel like I had to change my way of dieting to a certain extent.
I didn’t like that and stopped it right away.


Being able to control that “anger”, and instead having fun, is a superpower in itself.
Many people would have lost it if they were in your place, in fact, if I was in your place, I would have dealt with it my way, which would be by indirectly making him “know his place”.
I guess I got that attitude through WZP’s cockiness, mixed with my superiority complex, which often comes out in ways that ends up hitting people’s biggest insecurities.

But still, what you did, was a lot more powerful than what I would have done, simply because of the fact that self control isn’t as easy as putting someone in their place with a few words.

Note: I don’t mean it in a bullying way, I mean it more in a “don’t mess with what you can’t handle” type of a way.


I posted a more in-depth review of how Emperor ZP effected my interview, by fully explaining what happened, as well as comparing it to the interview I did on Chosen.


OK, if you choose to post your experiences after only a few days what will you be able to report.

You had a headache, you had a dream, you felt tired etc etc.

All of which may or may not be attributed to the sub.

Want you won’t be able to report is detailed results and how they have affected your life and what this means to you.

Clearly, after only a few days usage, reports are of limited use to either the person running the sub or other users.

Apart from, of course, if you are the creator of the sub and are looking for concrete signs that the sub is working or not and what exactly it is doing.

But thats not you, is it.


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Is it later yet? :disappointed:


It was a simple yes/no question, no subtext attached. No need to read more into it.

I gave you the correct answer and also included my reasoning.

Just because you may not want to dive deeper into the why’s and wherefores doesn’t mean that others can’t gain from doing so.

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ok, thanks for taking the time to answer.

Were you alive during the british rule of india ? did you witness the atrocious committed by the empire ?. My grandfather shared stories with me of what happened during that period. You were not even born so please stop trying to second guess what you think is correct.

So what makes you think i have a chip on the shoulder towards the british ?. You are obviously remarkable Mr. Remarkable.


Well, I can tell by the direction this thread is going that emperor ZP is definitely taking hold of its listeners


///eats popcorn from now on and watches


asks @lovage for some popcorn
