Main Disc. Thread - Emperor: The House of Medici

Dunno. I didn’t write the script.

Just saying. ZP isn’t modular like the old tech. So if you want something from a particular sub/module, best just to run that

Just from reviewing the Objectives, there is a greater emphasis on persuasion, negotiation, and management when it comes to Medici.

I see one or two Objectives that look a little alpha-related.

- Develop a strong sense of self, improve internal confidence in your ability to succeed at everything you attempt, especially when working toward wealth generation.

There are also a number of objectives related to a positive or winner’s mindset.

But for some people when they use the term ‘Alpha’, they’re referring to something that is more narrowly masculine in nature.

I think the best thing is to just look through the list of Objectives and see if what you’re looking for is covered. After all, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.


Recon is INEVITABLE and good.
Anyways, you can cut back on loops.

I plan on running this with EOG in the future. I want a very different set of people I surround myself with. May add Inner Circle as I definitely want to attract high quality individuals


And if, for somebody else, the non-desire for romance is truly a con rather than a benefit, then this particular effect probably won’t happen for that person.

Remember: the programs offer Archetypes.

An Archetype is a primary, basic pattern. Archetypes are pure and undifferentiated. They are Universal and Ideal.

When an archetype is expressed in reality, it transforms to become Specific and Differentiated.

An example of an archetype is BIRD.

So, Eagle, Sparrow, Hummingbird, Peacock, Vulture, Crow, Owl; these are all diverse expressions of the same underlying BIRD archetype.

Every unique flavor that you find at Häagen-Dazs, Baskin Robbins, or Ben and Jerry’s, is an expression of an underlying ICE CREAM archetype.

Those diverse outcomes are all expressing the same archetype.

The archetype of a subliminal program combines with your personality and is interpreted by your mind. The result is a unique outcome that is your individual, specific “version” of the universal, underlying archetype.

So don’t expect to precisely replicate someone else’s subliminal journey. Your journey and your results will be perfect for you.

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled Medici discussion; and @Vesper, congratulations on those truly awesome and inspiring results! I’ve a feeling that there is even more greatness to come!


@RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher

Is it possible to move the last 25 posts to the HOM ZP thread?



My magic 8-ball says… Extremely unlikely.

Sorry, I doubt the forum software supports it. Best thing to do is linking here from there. Just copy/paste the URL of this thread and end it with 321 to go directly to Amor’s post.

I suppose an argument can be made to close the old threads and leave only the ZP ones open.

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Except for when people run older builds on occasion and like to report the results.


The pattern recognition, strategy, mathematical improvements, relationship building, negotiation and many other of the effect of HOM are all fantastic for the field I am.

It mentions predicting markets and growth investing. Accurately predicting stock trading and other financial deals. I’m wondering if there is anything in Medici that would directly/specifically effect success as a private equity investor, lastly predicting the success of those deals that will be up to 10+ years non-liquid?

Clear the skill set in Medici will support in capital raising for alternative private asset investment firm, but wondering about the actual investment side. It’s just a very different ‘game’ than public markets

"Of course, the Medici is most known for banking, trading and making beneficial financial deals. With Emperor: The House of Medici, you’ll gain the ability to accurate predict the results of your stock trading and other financial deals. The more you listen and the more you trade, the better you’ll get. The script aims to enhance your “trading intuition,” with your skill (and profits) growing at an exponential rate. Not only will you manifest deals and opportunities for your trading, you will be able to close these deals, owing to the Medici’s extensive diplomacy, sales and deal-making scripting.

You will find your analytical, mathematical and pattern creating abilities are becoming stronger and stronger, since one needs to have these in order to excel in trading and finance on the same level the Medici did.

The House of Medici is much more social with a powerful aspect of positive, long lasting beneficial relationships, with a strong focus on financial markets, trading and brokering business deals"


I think R.I.C.H. Crypto stacked with HOM would do it

Appreciate it @Palpatine but not sure were on the same page.

Why would RICH Crypto directly support private equity investments or the world around that?

It has scripting for pattern recognition and trend analysis. Which is useful whether public or private for getting a sense of how to maximize investments.

Also for predicting how market movements would affect what you’re managing.

That’s my thinking anyway.

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They’re just another type of Assets / Holdings. How else to build legacies.

I don’t think the script specifically mentions Alternative Investments … but I was looking into the CAIA curriculum recently.


If you’ll be on the boards of these companies, or mentoring the executive team, then EOG could also be useful – but not necessary.



Here’s one from my journal… It’s amazing how social this sub can be.

This is definitely house of medici coming in…but the social aspect of it is selective.

I was just as social and charismatic as I was on Stark on HoM.

This is something I didn’t expect but now it makes sense…

I’ve always ran HoM with Stark but never with Emperor.

HoM gives me social ability of Stark minus the flamboyant nature


@SaintSovereign, you mentioned a few nights ago that you were going to be releasing a HoM experimental. Is that still the case or has that been put on hold?

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House of Medici with True Sell — has anyone tried this before?

I pray that Spartan experimental is releaed tonight. I hope our good friend Saint can make this happen.

You’re praying for Spartan and I’m praying for HoM.

We’re both praying to a Saint.

Who knew I would have found religion on SubClub. :rofl:

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