Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

It has something like Achilles and Victory calls.
I say this because @SaintSovereign liked one of my comments on a custom suggestion, the comment had something similar to the first sentence of the post.

It does have that

Read these.
Do you really think that strong sense of power can blossom within you without facing your issues first?

The greatest of all times are considered great not because of their skill, but because of how much they had to go through, in order to achieve such greatness.

If you wanna become the greatest version of yourself, some discomfort is necessary.


@Invictus : Thanks bro! This is useful. I might give this sub a third round instead of sticking to just two.
Emp Black puts you in front of a mirror, shows you your flaws and tells you : “This is who you are right now. What are you going to do about it?”


This leads to a new dimension of growth being opened for whatever archetype sub you’re running with it :wink:

Right now that sub is telling me : “Stop being the funny and lazy guy. It’s time you become the productive mature leader”.
Productive mature leader => HoM
EDIT : It’s almost like Emp Black is showing me what I need to become on order for the HoM script to activate to the fullest.
EDIT 2 : Emp Black is behaving like a super booster.


“An artist at a bar farted infront of me looking at my eyes without blinking”
-A movie

@Malkuth I agree with you to an extent but based of my experience with EB @bombayduck is right. Whatever EB unlocks within you, it’s not just gonna invite it to come out, it will go into the room, merge with that part of your consciousness and then take the wheel unless you have the resolve to steer it.

It will make whatever was inside more so-called edgy, primal, and flat out “darker”. The longer I used this sub the heavier that darkness got. It will amplify the darker aspects of your psyche for sure. You may start having thoughts that shock you. I see why this isn’t recommended past 2 cycles. Can take a few days of being away from it to start to rebalance yourself. Not trying to scare anyone who reads this but this product more than any other, I would tell anyone on this forum to respect and use with deep discernment.


Oh man, that will just make us want it more :sweat_smile:

It’s like these crime/police documentaries I watch where addicts will flock to the dealer who has products that have caused an overdose.

No disrespect, just a connection in my brain.


This is exactly what I’ve experienced so far on my 2nd cycle, I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one who’s been having this experience.

Yes I absolutely agree, this is not something to play around with. Be ready.


I am agreeing with @bombayduck and you as well.

Not every locked dressing room in your mind holds a smiling starlet.


Some of the locked-away parts of us are more like this:


(How do you think he will emerge when you unlock his cage door?)

And as you do the Alchemical work of embracing your personal Inner Tempest, he can become this:


A great ally and source of power, to be sure; but let’s be honest, you’ll never completely relax with this part of yourself roaming freely about. :rofl:

My statement was not about the power and the darkness of what Emperor Black unleashes. I’m merely pointing out its ultimate source.

I think that Emperor Black does not “make you darker”. I think that it allows you to connect to those darker parts of yourself that are always already there within you; locked away and held in check by the cages of social conditioning, cultural expectations of propriety, fear, and so on.

It’s still, ultimately, you (I think).


I think it can expand your comfort zone for how naturally you express your darker traits for sure. Honestly although It might not seem like it in my journal posts, I definitely have become “darker” or “edgier” compared to what I once was. Seems like a definite baseline increase.

Also, strange that you posted the comparison between those lions, thing is…whatever part of me this is, it doesn’t want to be transmuted into light. It’s fine coexisting with the light but does NOT want to BE the light. This side of me loves itself, recognizes the role it plays and is good with being what it is without the need for change.

All of this sounds a bit odd to me. I’m finding it tough to put into words. I’ve never in my life even heard of something that exists in someone’s psyche quite like this. It kinda feels similar to whatever was inside of morbius in that live action movie. It can be controlled but it’s not going to yield on its own, this “darkness” is going to go as far as you let it.


I was born in the darkness, and I will die in the darkness.

You think darkness is your ally. You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it.

The darkness holds no power over me.

I was born in the darkness and raised in the shadows.

I knew that I had to fight for everything I wanted, and that no one would give it to me.

Bane is a freaking unit!

(fun fact, before Sage and even before Ninjistic, t’was Bane that I went by inside)


It makes you more of who you really are… and who you’re really meant to be.


Brother, Emperor Black triggers something deep down in me that wants to stamp out injustice. It also tunes my superego and conscience toxically high where it hurts, but also reflects my childhood conditioning.

Very Enneagram Type 8 on this. Feeling that vile disgust and hatred of wrong was a bit too intense, but I have Khan in the stack. It’s only day one and this is V2 Khan so this may be the trailer effect, but I am super giddy and happy and high status.

It also reminded me. If this is the wrath of my subconscious, only a portion of the entire divine, imagine what divine lessons are like. Fire is power. Play accordingly with fire or we may get burned.


I see this as a matter of personal choice.

A human being is a mansion with many, many rooms.

Like most mansion dwellers, in any given season, we end up spending most of our time in just a few of those rooms.

The other rooms—visited less often–are still there. They’re still parts of us. And we should keep them clean, well-maintained, and so on. (After all, the state of any of those rooms directly impacts the fate of the whole mansion.) And we can use any room when we choose.

Yet, all of those rooms are equally part of us. (There is no room that is ‘less you’ or ‘more you’ than any of the others.)

In this mansion of your being, the choice of which rooms to inhabit the most (as with the choice of which subliminal program to run) is up to you.



EB:ToG helped me air the basement and let more light into my living room. :blush:

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It’s truly amazing to see how we’ve both echoed virtually the exact same experience in very similar ways:

I understand the points you make @Malkuth and I do feel that your theory applies to 99% of the subs we have available. But this genuinely feels different. @Davisnwc is doing better at putting it into words, this feeling is definitely not something that is “always already there within you”; it feels very separate. I’ve never watched Morbius so I don’t get the comparison, but that Venom-like infiltration of the mind is a very good comparison.

This was the best way I could describe it:

And to be quite frank, I’m starting to be tired of this guest.


Yes…yes, that’s also a good way to put it as well.

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Heard a quote this morning that I think kind of embodies some of the monk mode qualities this program embodies:

"Discipline is the ability to choose what you want to do, what matters most to you, even if your emotions are telling to do what you feel like doing. Now if you can feel like doing what you know you want to do, then you have successfully internalised the right mindsets."