Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

My priority right now is money :moneybag: though


You are 100% correct. This is what we were telling people when we first released it. The social scripting is “at will.” You can turn it on and off as you please.


:point_up:t4: Definitely.

I pride myself on my ability to shift from stoic to open in a blink and this title suits me in this.


This title is A-mazing. I ain’t joking.
As you Know I am on EB, RICH crypto and QL st4.
Last night was my RICH crypto and EB session.
But I skipped it since I witnessed significant amount of recon in form of headache lethargy…
Today I was feeling anger. Like why this guy does this or say this or do this to this guy. But I alwaus remembered than when you are normal you don’t attack people because of words, do you Alpha? And the answer was no.
So I chilled. Then at evening I (out of nowhere) I downloaded the new Black Panther movie and watched it.
And parts of the movie were triggering me to cry. Like the might. You know when they reach a breakthrough, like the girl getting Black Panther’s power after much trying.
The whole concept of victory, power and strength was making me cry. Now this is so fascinating that before when I was watching movies, I had these reactions to certain scens. But I was kinda holding and controlling myself not to cry.
But now, I just let the tears flow and it was not that intense, enough for tears to flow over my face.
Another thing is that after releasing those feelings, I realized that I was not so fascinated by the following scenes which would’ve induced such feelings. So a deep emotion regarding, power, glory… was released. Like the might of the movie character was not that fascinating anymore or their victory at the end. Maybe a little bit which I attribute it to remained healings.
Now I have two hypothesis:
1- If I was not on EB:TOG, even a more intense crying would not be that much integrating as this kind of mild but very integrating weep.
2- When mind is reconciling your beliefs or healing parts of your mind, it constantly looks AND manifests triggers which might not be very related to the subject of reconciliation. But can help. Maybe even related. But this is the whole idea.

@SaintSovereign I hope you find this post interesting. And I ask if you could comment on my hypothesis, especially the second one. Since I need to know that should I look for triggers or my subconsciousind will also do that.


I still have a mild anxiety when first entering a crowd.
I still feel those surges of negative emotions. But as mentioned in the description, these all are mysteries. So I can’t comment.
But recon is difficult
I even questioned wether subs work or not, today I was changing to stark and WANTED, But I catched and told myself, you have another goal which is totally unrelated to stark. AND you are in recon, that is why you think about changing stacks.
And after the movie, I amuch better.

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Having a much easier time studying since having this in my stack. Very easy time remembering things as well


@Fire does EB:TOG has the potential to make you mysterious?

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What do you even mean by mysterious?

That’s a very broad question, would you kindly specify it further?

How are you, and others, able to deduce which subliminal is doing what?

This is aside from your posts:

Aren’t the subconscious mind’s ways “past finding out”?
If you’re running a healing sub and an attraction sub, how would you possibly determine which is doing what without underestimating the power of the subs or implying you know better than your own subconscious? This deserves its own thread.
Again, nothing to do with your posts. Just a curious thought/question.

The literal meaning of “mysterious”, personality wise.
Someone who’s difficult to fathom.

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But everyone’s difficult to find out.
I just don’t see how you’d expect Fire to be able to answer such a vastly broad question.
Maybe I am just in a weird mood. Don’t mind me. I’ll be curious to hear what he says, I want to know the answer too :slight_smile:

Good point
EB makes you express your true self in way which can make you unpredictable and mysterious.
I can’t believe how welcoming peopel are.
I can’t believe how much repressed shadow got integrated.

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Thank you for clarifying, and for understanding my point.
I am glad to hear you are benefitting from EB! You are inspiring me to consider buying it too, but I am not at the advanced stage yet, I guess. I’d never ask for a refund on an SC product nevertheless though, so maybe buying it would not hurt.

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I can’t give an exact comment, but you should be good using it.

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I worked out for the first time yesterday on Emperor Black. This is the first time I’ve been at the gym since dropping my fitness custom and I basically echo exactly what @Invictus and @lovage described.

The gym session is very intense. The mindset during lifts is different. There’s a drive to push on AMRAP sets that I’ve never experienced before.

This is very important for me, as someone who has never been able to get results from Spartan before. Not getting results on Spartan with multiple variations has been probably the most frustrating time I’ve had with SC, as I know how well it works for others. But for me, Spartan just doesn’t click at all.

What I always thought Spartan could do for me, is what Emperor Black was able to deliver for once. Exhibit number 121948 on why Emperor Black is a fucking revelation.


The benefits are numerous and all-encompassing, so ideally this feels like a sub I could run forever.

With that said, there is something dark about this sub that I haven’t quite been able to pinpoint yet. I have this gut feeling that the recommendation to only run this for 1-2 months, is something that I have to adhere to.

This dark side of Ragnarok makes me wonder what lurks in the shadows, waiting to reveal itself. Is it an old friend’s embrace, or an ambitious rival’s opportunity? Only time will tell.


All that’s left is for @Fire to add in some monstrous bulk physique scripting :rofl:

I’d stop making customs at that point :eyes:


We both know that will never be true :joy:


I echo these results from Emperor Black. I hit another person best on my bent over rows this morning.

Three weeks ago I was gassed at 15 reps eeking out an extra 1-2 partials and today I did 27 with 1 partial.


Yeah that’s very similar to my experience as well. I went from deadlifting 4 reps before my grip failed, to deadlifting 12 reps of the same weight before my grip was about to fail.