Main Disc. Thread -- Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods (Q Module available!)

I can’t give an exact comment, but you should be good using it.

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I worked out for the first time yesterday on Emperor Black. This is the first time I’ve been at the gym since dropping my fitness custom and I basically echo exactly what @Invictus and @lovage described.

The gym session is very intense. The mindset during lifts is different. There’s a drive to push on AMRAP sets that I’ve never experienced before.

This is very important for me, as someone who has never been able to get results from Spartan before. Not getting results on Spartan with multiple variations has been probably the most frustrating time I’ve had with SC, as I know how well it works for others. But for me, Spartan just doesn’t click at all.

What I always thought Spartan could do for me, is what Emperor Black was able to deliver for once. Exhibit number 121948 on why Emperor Black is a fucking revelation.


The benefits are numerous and all-encompassing, so ideally this feels like a sub I could run forever.

With that said, there is something dark about this sub that I haven’t quite been able to pinpoint yet. I have this gut feeling that the recommendation to only run this for 1-2 months, is something that I have to adhere to.

This dark side of Ragnarok makes me wonder what lurks in the shadows, waiting to reveal itself. Is it an old friend’s embrace, or an ambitious rival’s opportunity? Only time will tell.


All that’s left is for @Fire to add in some monstrous bulk physique scripting :rofl:

I’d stop making customs at that point :eyes:


We both know that will never be true :joy:


I echo these results from Emperor Black. I hit another person best on my bent over rows this morning.

Three weeks ago I was gassed at 15 reps eeking out an extra 1-2 partials and today I did 27 with 1 partial.


Yeah that’s very similar to my experience as well. I went from deadlifting 4 reps before my grip failed, to deadlifting 12 reps of the same weight before my grip was about to fail.


After stopping EB I feel something missing. A certain power within myself that EB was helping to grow. Will come back to that one.


The bizzare thing is when I think of EB for me it conjures up images of the hindu goddess Kali. She was said to be one of the most ruthless yet the most compassionate out of all the gods in the hindu religion.



Ruthless and compassionate are great combo.

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Ruthless towards the enemies and compassionate towards the family and friends. That’s the primal law.

Any other insights on EB:ToG, guys?

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Update: I’ve removed Emperor Black from my stack. Maybe listening to it in the midsts of a bit of an emotional crisis, and then stacking it alongside Dragon Reborn, was a bit much.

The “who you are” scripting from EB and DR combined HIT WITH FULL FORCE.

I believe most of my procrastination on EB was from a driving, unescapable feeling that I wasn’t living in a way true to myself or what I wanted. I was pretending to be someone else, and, through procrastination, subconsciously escaping that.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had my life DRAMATICALLY shift. EB + DR have had a “The Forge” module like effect, providing some insane challenges - or maybe the timing is coincidental, I don’t know.

But safe to say, after a bit of bloom after EB:ToG, I’m more productive than I’ve ever been, and more importantly, productive on the right things, ruthlessly obsessed with living my mission, not just making money.


Inspiring brother

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Anyone experiencing testosterone increase on this sub?
My body is more hairy, my Adam’s apple has grown.
When I walk I am much more agile and light.
It’s just amazing
The anxiety is also nonexistent if there is no reconciliation.

@SaintSovereign certain users including myself reported quitting cigarettes and weed during Khan ST1 run or generally Khan. How do you evaluate EB:TOG regarding this matter?


Emperor Black isn’t a monk mode sub, at all.

Emperor Black is a “why the fuck can’t you do monk mode without me” sub.


That’s going to be edited at some point by a mod.

However. What’s your reasoning?


I am way more bold at the core. So many people are trying to caution me and advise me. I know it comes from a place of love, but sometimes it is best to just DO, GO and not think.

Enemies revealed.
Obstacles revealed.
All the cards of enemies shown.

A clear pathway around obstacles.

I am on 2nd day of washout from Emperor Black. Planning, organization and order were big. There is a big emphasis on responsibility with power for me. The manifestations were uncanny and downright crazy. I don’t know what will manifest, but I’ll be ready for anything.


Haha @RVconsultant I am making the work easier here

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Yes, actually you are.

I think you’ve come a long ways, especially given the conditions you are in. Please keep up the good progress.


Are you using EB solo?

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