Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

That’s how I read it also.

The idea occurred to me also of running any new titles I use alongside dragon reborn for that clearing effect. But with the new swapping titles guidelines to follow, things got a bit complicated for my planning and so I’m having to rethink things.

Like I’d want to continue Stage 4 for who knows how long but just at some point start another multi-stager and who knows, if it’s sustainable just run the next multi-stager alongside DR stage 4 until I get to stage 4 of that next multi-stager.

But what may end up occurring for me is to just run DR st 4 for like 6 months and finish it up by stacking it with another stage 1 for a couple of cycles before finally feeling like I’m complete with DR at least for the time being.

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I know it’s a stand alone program but it does sort of defeat the purpose of Dragon Reborn in a way if it wasn’t meant to clear the path for other programs to be run more beneficially and be more impactful. Right at the beginning of the updated objectives the transformative power of Dragon Reborn is mentioned

It’s probably worth mentioning how weird it feels at times being someone quite literally determined to play the long game with resolving my own issues/subscriptions , insecurities, fears , and trauma while if feels like the world is gradually losing its collective minds

What I mean by " long game " is that I have accepted that this process isn’t and will never be immediate. I feel a weird responsibility to become a better person no matter what to the extent that I feel that I am continually becoming a different person and not in a bad way. If that makes sense?

I could get more philosophical. Maybe later



Any advice on how to accept that you have changed so much that who you thought you were or even who you thought you wanted to be isn’t an option anymore?


Check out the lyrics for the Green Day song titled “She” from their Dookie album. Especially the chorus. Great questions to keep in mind


Just let it go and focus on some things that really matter to you like your family, friends, business, hobbies, and projects.


I find that humor helps us to accept whatever reality we are in. Acceptance of previous reality and acceptance of the changed one. It takes our focus away from worrying about things and makes us move with the flow. It’s fun too of course.



If it’s there, I’m overlooking it.

Please share.

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The final stage, the stage that unifies the previous three stages, unlocking the full power of Dragon Reborn.

Utilizing the Dragon Reborn, your subconscious mind will automatically use all the methods possible for you to keep growing and to get you closer and closer to the person you desire to be.

On all stages of Dragon Reborn, you will notice your behaviour changing into a more congruent, confident with yourself state. You will become more and more liberated to truly be yourself, and this will naturally have an increasingly charismatic effect. Do not be alarmed if you start attracting people and opportunities to yourself – while not as effective in this such as wealth, status and romance titles, it will happen due to the rebirth into a more natural, powerful state… and when you do run these other titles in the future, you will see them work in beautiful tandem with the new, thunderous self you have become.


Seems you’re probably referring to this:

It’s an awesome point, yes. And it’s definitely related. But it’s not exactly what I was talking about.



This is a row of garages. Let’s say there are 50 of those.

These are the garages of your Mind. haha.

Now, inside each one of those garages, there is a different amazing kick-ass machine and set of tools and resources that can accomplish something miraculous.

Door 12 is the Commander garage, behind that door there is this cutting edge helicopter that zooms out and finds the perfect perspective and position above any situation. There are speakers, radios, and other devices that enable perfect communication to lead people who are working on the ground.


Door 14 is the Emperor garage, behind that door is a mecha-armor exoskeleton that enhances your strength, vision, hearing, and your capacity to independently complete any task you wish.


And on and on. There’s the Quantum Limitless garage, the Alchemist Garage, the Rebirth garage; they’re all there.

And, for many of us, the doors are locked.

When you buy a subliminal, you are given a key to the corresponding garage.

When you play the subliminal, you ‘unlock’ the related “garage-door” in your mind and begin to gain access to the capacity that is in that part of your mind.

At the same time, some of these amazing machines have not been used very much. It takes time to get them online. At first, they may need a bunch of maintenance, tuning-up, and even upgrades.

("it’s going to be awesome, but, uuhhhh…it needs a few repairs.")

But as you keep playing the subliminal (and applying and refining it in Action), the resources in that part of your mind become more and more effective, until they are functioning at the highest possible levels, and it’s a beautiful thing.

So what I’m suggesting are two things:

  1. When you play Dragon Reborn alone, it performs general check-ups, tune-ups, refinement, healing, and development of your overall mind. Think of nano-bots and Roombas and diagnostics programs and so on. All working to process trauma, identify capabilities, and cultivate healthy, strong functioning.

but I’m proposing an additional possibility.

  1. When you play Dragon Reborn with another subliminal program; those DR “nano-bots” go specifically into the garage for that program. If it’s Commander for example, they go into that Commander helicopter and begin diagnosing, tuning up, lubricating, upgrading, and so on. They do with that specific machine and with the resources related to it.

So I’m suggesting that playing Dragon Reborn simultaneously with another subliminal program could possibly channel Dragon Reborn’s healing and evolution capacity to the specific mental resources associated with that other program.

That’s why at first you may not feel or notice anything from that other program. Because no matter how expertly your car is being tuned-up, you don’t really get to test the performance until you start driving it.

But if you know that the world’s best mechanic is willing to optimize your vehicle for free and the only condition is that you need to drive the car a bit less over the next month? Well, to me that month is not only worth it; beyond that, it is a time that I will deeply value and appreciate.

(Yes. In a sci-fi mood today, apparently.)


5 characters.


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These healing subs are anti-virus for the mind. The difference is in the scope of their scanning capabilities and what they do when they find bad code.

DR finds bad code and just downright erases it.

The other programs might try to repurpose out or something. Dunno. Too tired to extrapolate the analogy any further than that tonight.


and it also upgrades the existing software. Bringing out functionality we never even knew was there.


DR purifies your Alchemical vessel (body and mind) with Fire and Blood so that the further transmutation can be way smoother. It also helps you handle your old “entity” disintegration (AKA recon) way better every time you’re going through transmutation, actually, the said disintegration is much less intense. It’s the very first step to facilitating the whole alchemical process.


@Malkuth Have you watched The Expanse or read the books?
For some reason lately any time I think of Sci Fi I automatically think of Philip K Dick

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How does Dragon Reborn compare to Total Breakdown?
Before Dragon Reborn was a thing I purchased Khan strictly for the purpose of running Total Breakdown.

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@Sub.Zero I often see Dragon Reborn as a vessel for us to get out of our own way. Eliminate self sabotage at our core


This would be a good question for @Lion as he is running both.

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Dragon Reborn is all comprehensive and you could get major recon in the 2nd and even the 3rd stages of DR more than DR ST1. Maybe it was because I had run Khan (and its ST1) previously.

If you want absolute breakdown and change, run the full DR. Else run Khan ST1 to breakdown obstacles that stand in the way of Khan objectives.

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I don’t know if I am right, but I think you are too focused on healing, I guess I time to move on.