Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

So we will be running the same stack:



Oh, of course. :rofl:

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Definitely. Sometimes it’s tough to get the order right. I admit wholeheartedly that what I estimate I can handle vs what I can actually work with don’t exactly line up. I think I’m getting better. But these subs are always highly appealing in what they represent, sometimes quite different in outcomes.

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Oh wow, this is awesome!

Question: I’m on DR stage 2 Qv2 , should i finish the 4 stages first before moving into ZP?

Or , change it to ZP and run it from stage 1 again?
Is there any ‘‘rule’’ to follow when moving into ZP with the same subliminal?

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“There’s no fate but what we make” - Kyle Reese

I’d give DR1ZP a go next. You’ll know after that what comes next


Do what you feel is best for you.

There’s no rule. You can start on ST 2 ZP if you want

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How would DR ZP and Emperor ZP mix?

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It’s not ZP but this journal may provide some insight into how Dragon Reborn and Emperor mix.

Right now, the only people who are truly qualified to answer this question are the creators of the subliminal. @SaintSovereign @Fire

For now, I’m assuming a general continuity between the Qv2 and ZP versions. I had 1 week left in my stage 2 run, so I’m switching to Stage 2 in ZP. I’ll play that for about a week, do my 5 processing days and then begin Stage 3.

But you ask a great question.

“When switching from the Qv2 to the ZP version of a multi-stage program, is it recommended to start over from Stage One or to simply pick up in ZP from where you left off in Qv2?”

That’ll probably need to go into the ZP multi-stage FAQ.

For now, do you want to submit a support ticket?


According to the owners of subclub, the goals are the same, the scripting is the only difference, just rest some days and continue with the same stage.



Another beautiful thing about running Dragon Reborn is when you begin to resolve deep issues you realize there is a fuck ton of things you thought you cared about but was just a gigantic waste of mental and emotional bandwidth


I ran through all four stages already, and become a SubliminalUser reborn. One day, I’ll dedicate 45 days to a run of DR ST4 ZP. But now is not that time.


By the time I finish my first run of Dragon Reborn Quantum Limitless ZP and hopefully EOG ZP will be out and I can run them in a stack. The next phase of my personal evolution.


Perhaps you will evolve into a superhuman.


I have one question.

My eyes caught this sentence from Dragon " This includes energetic blocks, … ".
Have anyone have experienced that after running DR for some time, you were seeing better results or manifestations from other subs after that, or faster integration?

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I will wait to see if @SaintSovereign gives us here some direction, since it’s a new thread he might come up to read, otherwise i will submit a ticket and let know here the reply.

Yes! 1000x times yes!
I’m 10 days on the second stage, and been a bumpy and brilliant journey so far, i actually read your journal about the DR and had a few of the familiars results, was really great insight to make me think bigger. (Edit: Or i mean Deeper :wink: )

Can only imagine how the DR journey will be in the ZP version

Yes, i feel like the energetic blocks are being shattered which helps immensely with manifestations, things starting to picking up way more faster now in the stage 2.


I’m unsure what to expect when I start DR, having stopped after many months doing only St1 and St2. I’ve still got Regeneration from CFW digging in me presently. so my thinking goes melancholy presently.

I do remember St1 smoothing out, following @James’s approach to staying on it until one felt ready to transition.

I also remember one good thing I experienced with my sister, a woman who I’ve not interacted much with since she still lives and wrestles daily with her childhood demons. I visited her after some months on DR, and I was plainly unreactive to her, unlike other times. I intrigued her since I wasn’t playing along with her banter and emotional jabs.

And recently Saint said that DR is very masculine. I thought of this visit with my sister when I read that. We took a walk, and I remember her speaking to me like she liked how I was relating to her as a man. She changed during that walk, and it was memorable to me. Her boyfriend at the time was extremely distant and subtly controlling, so she really took to my style of relating.

I had considered stacking Ascension with DR, but I’m not sure that’d be best. LB and Sanguine sound more beneficial.


Thanks for the confimation.

Continuing on the DR ZP path it sort of hit me this morning how wrong a lot of things feel. Yeah I know this isn’t exactly new but I shit you not when I say this feels very different.
The best analogy I can think of is someone gets amnesia some how and realizes that how the person prior was living their life was anything but productive or the way they want it to be. Sort of like waking up from a serious haze and thinking " what in the fuck am I doing with my life? ".
That exactly how it feels.


Is it the same case with DR zp ? @Malkuth and @James like Ascension is converted to Ascended. Is there something similar with DR zp. I am excited to know the new name for DR zp(if it is changed)