Main Disc. Thread - Dragon Reborn ZP

Since I’m in my 5 days washout after my second cycle of DR stage 2 (I’m doing 2 cycles for the first 3 stages, for the 4th I might do more) I was re-reading the objectives on the sale page.

Well, to be honest I’m not seeing much improvement in the various listed elements…

Maybe its because I’m just on stage 2, but my reactions to difficult situations for example are almost the same as before.

The biggest change I see is that the time I spend in critical thoughts about myself, inability to change my life etc … seems to be less.

If any experienced friend here have any suggestions I’m all ears

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It is exactly 8 months of back patting.

Every day

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The healing process is the most difficult to gauge and a lot of results can be seen only later. I didn’t see much improvement for many months, yet I can tell I’ve changed a lot. Especially when it comes to my identity, being true to myself, and my congruence. I was planning on running st 4 for four cycles yet on LBfH I can see that it’s that element that needs a lot of improvement now even though DR has done a good job when it comes to self-love and care. I finish my DR on the 19th of August and that will be all. I may go back to DR only if they developed yet another brilliant technology beyond ZP.

@subliminalguy would you be so kind to chime in, please? :blush:


I am 2/3 of the way through my 2nd cycle of DR1 paired with LBFH.

I am noticing a lot of energy going on in the crown chakra. Getting headaches the past couple days and don’t feel like listening today. Heavy recon. Very vivid dreams. I am able to ground myself for the most part and have decent control over my emotions but I don’t feel very comfortable with this head stuff.

I have become more defensive and argumentative the past week or so. I wake up with a million thoughts of all the things I want and need to do.

I have this thought to maybe stop listening to DR1 the remainder of this cycle but continue with LBFH.

Also debating doing ST4 after this cycle rather than 2. Or drop DR all together and focus more on subs relating to my goals. Or maybe this is a form of recon in and of itself. Hmm :thinking:

I am one who has done a lot of inner work on and off since I was 14. I am now 35.

I am returning to my school job in 3 weeks, having business goals and aspirations. I feel dread about returning to work while doing this sub.

I am a very creative intellectual and artistic woman with a lot of head activity going on.

I read this from a link someone shared on a random thread I was reading. Kundalini Psychosis: 10 Tips to Reduce Kundalini Energy Stuck in Head

Reduce fire and air elements in diet, relationships, activities

I’m surprised at how many spiritually inclined people are not aware of the elements. Elements are literally everything, and if you don’t balance them out you can go crazy.

Again, literally crazy. Anxiety and stress can keep you “up in your head”. What does that mean? It means an imbalance of the air element. You’re psychologically unbalanced, floating on air, your hair is a mess like Einstein’s.

All creative people have too much air element and are more or less unstable. It’s the typical intellectual and artist archetype. If there’s too much energy stuck in your head, you need to lower the air element in your body and mind.

This can be accomplished by doing more earth element activities. Such as slower forms of exercise, hiking, chilling out mentally instead of being online all the time etc. It also involves eating more of the heavier and moist foods (grains, dairy, meat…) which have a grounding effect. Air needs to be reduced otherwise you’ll fly into space!

You should also steer clear of aggravating fire element. Cayenne pepper and Tabasco sauce are pure fire. Air and fire are both dry and if mixed together they dry out the body and bring the energy higher.

You should also avoid people and influences that are too passionate and angry. We know what happens when strong wind is mixed with fire. Trust me, I’ve had to cut ties with some friends because my abundance or air and their abundance of fire would leave me exhausted after every encounter.


Yes as far as I’ve read thoughts about stop listening to a sub is due to recon

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I don’t recommend doing DR if you need to interact with people as your job and especially at a school. You need a lot of energy and openness and DR uses up a lot of energy and makes you rather withdrawn from social interactions. I would stick with LBfH and run one sub related to your goals and taking into account what you said I would go with Stark (paired up with LBfH). I’m going back to teaching next week and I’ll be running the aforementioned stack as well.


Our LBFH and Ascension. Can’t go wrong with that. Nothing more attractive than a guy who loves himself and is living his best life


This right here is super helpful! Thank you :pray:

I am a school wide behaviour specialist, working in multiple classrooms with multiple students (at risk youth mostly) and teachers, as well as parents.

I create proactive programming for students and classrooms. Takes a lot of mental energy.

I started listening to SC subliminals during the end of the last school year. While listening to CFW, I had thoughts of walking off the job. There were times where I was withdrawn from my students, allowing chaos to happen without even caring. That’s not normal for me within my profession. I was being too open with staff expressing my desire to become a business woman and leave my career. Not the time or place for that! This is something I’m easing my way into naturally and not so forceful.

Intuitively I feel that a break from subs is needed, to get a clearer picture and then go from there.

I love these subs and I love this community.

I feel pretty torn right now!

The idea of a long wash out feels good to me though.

Just doing DR1 2 cycles (with LBFH added) has changed me in so many ways. I’ve had major healings occur. I also give credit to the other titles I used prior to this as well. I’m forever grateful.

P.S. I am big into Neville Goddard teachings and there is a lecture called The Pearl of Great Price. With some of my recon I started to feel like I was “selling the pearl” and giving my power away with these subs. I am part of a large Neville community where people say that subliminals mean you have sold the pearl. Curious if anyone can chime in on this here!


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Screw those people. I left that stuff for now because of how judgmental they can be about anything non-Neville.

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I’m a big fan of Lester Levenson. The big thing about him was that he was going to die so he went within. He really took it all the way. He took all of his answers from within after reading all the books and trying different things.

His process was simple, I think it all started with finding out what he wanted. Happiness. So eventually he came to love but not being loved but loving. So at some point he discovered he could change all his non loving feelings into love. So that’s what he did. Eventually he just kept going and had new insights and he got to the self inquiry of who am i? So he became what they call self realized.

But there are great stories of him and one of the ones is that he would want an answer to something. So his answer would come however it came. Somebody “randomly” said something. Or the answer came on a tv program, some character said something. It didn’t make a difference where the answer came because it was all “him.”

Like the Neville people say it is all you pushed out. Lester was examining himself and wanted to know where all of his problems came from. He says it all started as a thought, even if it was years back and he’d forgotten about it. He’d trace back his problems, how did I cause this problem for myself? And turning his feelings into love and letting go of wanting to change things he cleared out the way for the answers to come to him. They did. Then he discovered for himself how to create, basically like neville did but he had no teacher and he took all his joy from within.

Yea, DR is tough. Especially being in a work environment and having a relationship also. lol I have a 2 hour a night job and that’s enough for me but it’s also very physically demanding. I start stage 4 this weekend and I am having some second thoughts like take a break. But I won’t entertain those thoughts because I only have 2 cycles to go. Then I can take a break and everything else is just going to work better.


Not SC subliminals are they respect your uniqueness and very core will, and get you on the journey of self-discovery and self-growth.

I suggest you can keep running some light and essential subs like Sanguine and Limitless Executive for your job and business plans.


Knave of Heart. :blush: I was thinking about this stack myself but I need a broader scope of results and specific ones, on top of that, so I decided to go with LBfH and Stark.

It was a great ride on DR even though it was a bit tiresome and not really exciting. I stopped heaving healing dreams utterly and I feel so comfortable in my own skin, so… monolith that it’s time to move on although running my essential healing sub - LBfH that is.


I know the Neville group of which she speaks. A lot of them get judgy about subs and hypnosis.

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Any mean that doesn’t do any harm to other people and serves you well is beyond any judgment but God’s. :blush:

Dragon Reborn is a revolutionary sub for anyone who cares about their well-being and self-growth.


Wow, that is fire. I never heard of Lester Levenson. Are there any books you could recommend?

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No, his autobiography was edited. It doesn’t talk about his process, it was changed for commercial purposes by one side who teaches the method he inspired. They split into two camps at one point and there was a court case and I don’t know those details. The other camp reissued a book called Happiness is Free. I have that one but haven’t read much of it. It does include Lester’s words and some processes from one of his students.

What I do is go on youtube and search his name and pick a video that speaks to you. I like his autobiographical tales but I don’t know the specific video titles. He’s got a few on love though and you’ll probably find some good stuff.

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Maybe you heard of Sedona method thing though… It started from that guy


I have been having crazy dreams the last couple of nights. Stranded or stuck somewhere with no obvious way home. I used to have those at least once or twice a week but now it’s been two nights in a row
Apparently it’s related to abandoned issues


Don’t feel like you’re forced to continue listening - breaks are good for you. They allow you to take a step back and look at what you’ve accomplished, as well as allow the processing of the subconscious mind to happen.

So there’s no need to be torn. Take a break if you feel like it, what you’ve accomplished will still be there, and then you can get back into it.

I personally do short breaks every now and then as guided by my inner sensations, but that is a bit more advanced.

I’m going to comment on this as I’ve seen similar opinions before - and not just in that group.

Namely the “subliminals are a shortcut!” or “subliminals are taking away your power!”.

I’ll be honest - it’s the most uneducated commentary one could make. Why?

Two parts:

  1. Because they are emotional phrases that don’t have any basis in reality. The first one is said from a place of “I want to save my ego if you’re doing better than me because now I know you use something additional” and the second one is from a place of “I’m afraid to lose the feeling that I’m in control”.

Why would you want to associate with someone who is going to hold you back from revealing your full potential? Take a second and think - they would rather you fail and be miserable than see you succeed by “cheating”. I’ve had this happen to me personally, in real life. Haven’t talked in many years.

  1. Because they do not have any actual basis to them and are pushing a worldview. The cheating one is obvious, but let’s talk about the second one - giving away your power. “Sold the pearl”. Do you know what giving away your power is? It’s following your base instincts. It’s falling into depravity and weakness. It’s doing that which you know you shouldn’t. We’ve all had this happen to us. Just remember a situation where you had to go against who you are to appease someone - that is “selling the pearl”. Subliminals (at least ours) work with who you are. They don’t push anything on you - you are in control, you decide the trajectory, you are the hero of your own story.

Consider whether someone would rather push their beliefs and worldview on you than see you succeed and happy. Again, some would rather have you fail than follow a worldview different than theirs, because it validates their choices and makes them feel good. And sadly, this is more prevalent than we think.

They hear the word “subliminals” and they think external. They think it’s similar to taking drugs (which funnily enough, some “drugs” such as ayahuasca have been used for centuries for the sake of self-exploration - not that I recommend any) and are content in sticking to their worldview for forever in something akin to dogma, reveling in their “supreme spirituality”.

What happened to the most basic spiritual principle of “as above, so below”? What happened to exploration of the self, of who they are - the true essence of spirituality? Why are so many still stuck in wishing and visualizing a car?

Ultimately, power or “the pearl” comes from a place of understanding, wisdom and open mindedness. At some point you need to take a moment and reject ALL other viewpoints, all the words of others (mine included) and think deeply - what is YOUR worldview?

Let me say that again.

What do YOU, in the absence of all other worldviews, think and believe?

What do you see?

What do you feel?

Consider that, and then once you have it go and start refining it. Now you can read all the books and talk to others, testing your worldview against the worldviews of others.

An important point here however. I say worldview on purpose. Not the opinions of armchair philosophers and self-appointed philosopher kings, not the endlessly regurgitated basic knowledge touted as the be-all-end-all, but the carefully crafted worldviews of people in pursuit of truth, power and wisdom.

However, don’t settle on your worldview now either - if you notice it’s wrong, throw it out.

You are a blacksmith of your self, of your inner world and being. Shape and mold yourself and who you are to your liking - this is in your power and this IS power.

Make yourself the blade you want to be, and if you mess up in the process throw it out and start again until you get it right. Sharpen it until you reach mastery, over and over again.

This is not an easy process.

You don’t get to sit around visualizing, feeling and imagining, then going to forums and repeating everything in a sense of poisonous, sweet satisfaction.

No, you’re digging through the mountains and mountains of your inner layers to find the truth of who you are.

It’s dirty, it’s painful, but you must always ask yourself.

Would you rather be stuck forever in the feel-good land, or do you want real, actual results, transformation and changes?

And before we start getting support tickets saying “omgs Fire is against Neville Goddard”, let me say this.

I don’t… actually care about Neville. He’s got some good basic stuff, it’s a good starting point but there is so much more beyond. My problem is with the people that take his concepts, corrupt them and then regurgitate them over and over with zero awareness of how it affects others. I personally believe he is able to charismatically convey some basic spiritual ideas - but the problem comes with people being stuck in them.

I’ve seen countless people, groups and communities take up his ideas, and then it suddenly devolves into a cycle of “feeling is the secret bro”. They get stuck for years and never dream about more.

Just take a second and think about it.

A limitless, endless universe of possibilities stands before you, free to explore and grow in. So much wonder and beauty held above us, below us, amongst us and within us. A cosmic miracle of epic proportions and you as the focus point, staring in the eyes of eternity and splendour.

And we’re stuck on “feeling is the secret bro, just feel bro”.

Take that, learn what you can from him and then work with it. Never take anything at face value, but always dig deeper and find what resonates deep within.

Use that starting point as a jump-pad into greater concepts. Read all the texts of the different religions - the Bible, the Quran, the Veda, the Dao De Jing, the Torah. Read the Kybalion, read all the other spiritual disciplines. Read the less known, find the rare.

Anyone who has read these other texts slowly and pondered over them, knows how much wisdom is hidden between the pages. I’m not a Muslim, and yet the Quran is a treasure-chest of wisdom. I’m not a Hindu, and yet there is life-changing knowledge there. The Bible and it’s many associated texts are mind-boggling. The Kybalion lays down some excellent theoretical groundwork for anyone who is into exploring the greater mysteries of life.

I’ve talked to Christian pastors who radiate a sense of holiness, goodness and purity about the deeper meanings and concepts of the Bible, about the knowledge that you cannot simply convey and understand from books. An aura so pure that the moment you look in their eyes you know, this is a good man.

I still remember a Muslim Uber driver I had when I was coming back from the airport one time. Unassuming man but filled with a grounded energy, a relentless knowing of faith and wisdom coming from the Muslim teachings. A wisdom that stemmed from his own personal experiences that you could tangibly feel. We talked for a full hour about the teachings of Quran and the prophet Muhammad.

Take what is useful, learn from it, forge your own worldview from it.

Why would you not? Why would you reject the wisdom of countless sages, of millennia, of innumerable trials of humankind, without even considering it?

Is that not the height of hubris?

Open your mind to new concepts, then close it and focus inwards to develop it in your very own way. Open it again, then close it - over time, a natural transmutation and growth occurs.

Don’t get stuck in one. If you’re a Christian, great, read the other texts and consider how it works with your faith. Temper your faith through the wisdom of others. Reading and assimilating the knowledge and wisdom of other cultures doesn’t suddenly make you non-Christian, non-Muslim or non-Hindu. It doesn’t make you un-holy.

It makes you a wise person.

We were all made to explore and grow. We hold limitless potential within our bodies, our souls and beings. Don’t limit yourself arbitrarily because of someone else.

You’re all so, so much better than that.

Finally, @7empest, don’t take this as me condemning you or chastising you in any way. I write these posts for everyone in the forum to share in the knowledge and to make others think. Think about my words, use them, but forge your own path. I’ve kept an eye on your journal and I know you already hold the wisdom to listen to your inner being so I know you’ll be good either way.

Always remember, you’re the hero of your own story.


I very much learned a lot from this post and thanks for your time.